As he said, Lin Feng took several women directly to the depths of the mountains and forests.

Several people are not too scattered. When attacked, a person next to him can always get to this person's place as soon as possible.

Xiao nishang, whose accomplishments are relatively low, is in the middle of Bai Shuangshuang and Zixia. Lin Feng and Qin Yanran have the highest accomplishments, one on the far left and the other on the far right. Qianqian is interspersed between Bai Shuangshuang and Zixia.

"Don't worry, although there are many enemies, we are not vegetarian."

Seeing Lin Feng's nervous appearance, Li Yutong said with a smile, "it's just a few enemies. We can solve it."

Hearing Li Yutong's words, the other women also nodded and said, "yes, Lin Feng, don't worry. If it's bad, everyone is very close. If we are attacked, we can avoid a disaster with our magic weapon. There's no problem at all."


Lin Feng nodded. He was very clear about the combat effectiveness of several women. Everyone was not a soft persimmon, but Lin Feng was still worried when facing Xiao nishang. After all, Xiao nishang was pregnant now.

"I'm by your side." Xiao nishang said softly with a gentle smile at the corners of her mouth, "moreover, we are so strong, our children must be stronger than us, so don't worry."

"I know, then you should be good." Lin Feng nodded and looked ahead. The killing intention in his eyes gradually began to highlight.

The purple emperor is a trouble and must be dealt with.

A group of people drilled in a straight line towards the depths of the mountain forest. The disciples of the purple gate hid in the dark and didn't dare to breathe a little. However, in the hidden area deep in the hinterland, a group of disciples of the purple gate were enjoying the delicious food of monsters.

"What a big heart!" Hearing the news that Qianlong brought back, Lin Feng was surprised. After determining the point he needed to search, he radiated around with this point as the center.

Although these guys hide deeply, Lin Feng is basically sure that their hiding place should go out with this center as the axis.

"Master, the purple emperor is very deep. You'd better let the thick earth guy check it. I'm not good at shuttling through the loess." Qianlong's voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind and said.

"OK." Lin Feng nodded and frowned slightly. There was a little more solemnity in his eyes.

"I'll go!" Qingling took the initiative to run out, looked at Lin Feng and said, "it's barely waking up now. It's not suitable."

"Well, it's hard." Lin Feng nodded. Thick soil is not suitable to appear at this time. It's better to have a good recuperation. As for Qingling, Lin Feng summoned Qingling without hesitation.

After eating the spirit of space, although the change of Qingling is small, Lin Feng can still feel that Qingling's perception of space is deeper and deeper. Originally, it is the attribute of soil. Coupled with his perception of space, the current cleaning up is absolutely invincible in terms of concealment.

With Qingling's past, Lin Feng was naturally relieved.

Suddenly, there were spiritual power fluctuations around. Lin Feng's mind penetrated the past. It was Xiao nishang who found the disciple of Zimen.

This girl is really a crazy girl. When fighting, she should be more enthusiastic than others.

Lin Feng also raised his spirits. Since there were purple gate disciples at this time, it means that they have begun to enter the range of purple gate disciples.

Outside is the array package, but inside is Qin Yanran. Lin Feng knows that he still needs to deal with it by himself.

A group of people stood together and accelerated.

With the deepening, more and more Zimen appeared in the vision of Lin Feng. These Zimen disciples wrapped around and gave Lin Feng a lot of trouble to deal with, but obviously Lin Feng was not a simple person. When dealing with these Zimen disciples, he did not hesitate and was not soft at all.

"They are all crazy!" Some disciples of the purple gate were scared of being killed by Lin Feng and his party. They kept retreating and commented.

"Let's go together. Basically, the disciples of the purple gate have gone in one direction. I think that direction is their hinterland. I have informed the Baiyu gate disciples who came from the space that they have begun to encircle this side."

Li Yutong's gentle voice came from the walkie talkie. Several women quickly returned to Lin Feng, holding weapons one by one, with a calm face.

These disciples of Zimen are not high in cultivation. They are very easy to deal with. They can't spend too much time at all.

"Shall we go straight there now?" At Lin Feng's side, Li Yutong asked softly.

"What are you going to do? Continue to kill these disciples until the purple emperor comes out." Lin Feng smiled, looked ahead and said.

Obviously, these disciples of the purple gate have certainly not hurt the foundation of the purple gate, so the purple emperor doesn't pay attention at all. Lin Feng doesn't believe that the purple emperor can always pay no attention to things here!

As long as it hurts the root of the purple gate, Lin Feng believes that even if the purple emperor is seriously injured, he will definitely run out.

"The purple emperor is really not distressed at all. These are several elders of the purple gate!" Qian Qian shook his head and said that if he replaced the snake people, even a disciple of the snake people, Qian Qian knew he would be reluctant to give up.

"These old guys have lived long enough. Life is nothing to them at all. It's no wonder they can make such a." Lin Feng shook his head and said softly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several women nodded and killed the purple gate disciples who had no time to retreat with Lin Feng.

With the deepening, there are more and more purple gate disciples, and it is more and more convenient to deal with them. Lin Feng's action is very fast. Those purple gate disciples haven't reacted yet, and Lin Feng's attack has been greeted on them.

"At this speed, the disciples of the purple gate will survive less and less." Along the way, more and more disciples of Zimen were killed and their accomplishments were higher and higher. However, the women basically had their accomplishments during the period of robbery and Mahayana. When facing these disciples, they didn't need to spend too much time at all.

"Lin Feng, the purple emperor hasn't come out yet!" Xiao nishang stood beside Lin Feng and said with some displeasure.

"This old guy is really strong, but I calculate that it should be almost the same." Lin Feng looked at the front, smiled and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's spirit was raised and rushed directly to the purple gate disciples in front.

Although several women are women, they are not soft at all when killing. They have experienced so many things, and their innocence has been defeated by reality at the beginning. In particular, these disciples of the purple gate have begun to occupy the yanxuan continent and the territory of the Baiyu gate since. This is something too old to break ground on his head!

"Well, well, boy, you have seed!"

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