The purple emperor's body slowly rose into the sky. Behind the purple emperor, there were two purple elders in the middle of Mahayana.

The three men stood there, their fierce momentum almost holding down half the sky.

Master, all masters.

Lin Feng raised his head and saw the old man and the two middle-aged men behind him. He shook his head and said, "I said you can't. how many disciples of the purple gate have you killed, and you'll come out."

"You!" The purple emperor pointed to Lin Feng and his eyes were full of anger. This boy was obviously intentional!

Lin Feng showed his white teeth and looked at the purple emperor with a smile. He looked harmless to humans and animals. If there were not blood dripping on Feng Tong's sword, no one would have linked Lin Feng with the man who had just killed him.

The purple emperor looked down at Lin Feng.

The purple emperor could see that Lin Feng was not very old. He was so young that his accomplishments were so high. There must be a lot of cards in his hand. No wonder he would make those guys have no resistance.

"Boy, you asked for it!" The purple emperor sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"When I say old man, your tone of voice is the same as those old men who filled my baby sword just now. It's smelly and hard."

Lin Feng looked at the purple emperor carefully.

The purple emperor is definitely old enough. His white hair is flying behind him, and his face is abnormally ruddy. He looks quite decent. However, the purple emperor's eyes are kind of three corners. At first, they look a bit sinister, which makes people look very uncomfortable.

This old man is not a good thing at first sight.

Lin Feng flew into the sky and put himself and the purple emperor in an equal position.

Several women followed behind Lin Feng. The momentum of several people and the momentum of the three purple emperor stood against each other, forming a confrontation.

"Qianqian and I both deal with the left Dharma protector standing on the left of the purple emperor in the middle of the robbery period." Li Yutong pointed to the left Dharma protector of the purple door and said.

"Let's deal with the one on the right!" Qin Yan nodded. The women assigned their own tasks and made way for the place. Lin Feng looked at the purple emperor.

"Why, can't you deal with me alone?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the purple emperor raised his eyebrows and said with a bit of ridicule in his eyes.

"One person is enough for you. There is no need to greet others." Lin Feng smiled and waved his hand. Feng Tong's sword reflected a flirtatious light in the sun, like a vertical and horizontal sword.

"It seems that you won't die until you reach the Yellow River. Anyway, I'll teach you today. If you're a man!" The purple emperor's face became gloomy for a moment, sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"What you said is well-organized and grounded. If I hadn't stood here, I would really believe your nonsense!" Lin Feng sneered and took the lead in attacking the purple emperor.

"Zitiandi, zitiandi, show me your skills. Let me see what you can do with your broken body!"

Lin Feng's whole body momentum changed suddenly. The field of sword spread out at his feet and greeted the purple emperor.

"If you were in the heyday of this city, where would you talk wildly here?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, the purple emperor snorted coldly with disdain on his face.

"Unfortunately, this is not your heyday." Lin Feng sighed, shook his head and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the purple emperor sneered, grabbed Lin Feng's Fengtong sword and said, "even if it's not the heyday, it's definitely more than enough to deal with you, a boy at the beginning of the Mahayana!"

"Really?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, sneered and said, "but how can I look a little wrong?"

Lin Feng's hand shook, and the whole Fengtong sword began to tremble. Shaking, flames flew from the body of the Fengtong sword. The purple black lightning was hidden in the inflammation of the earth, and burned directly towards the palm of the purple emperor.

The purple emperor was caught off guard by Lin Feng's attack. His pupils contracted in an instant. He loosened his hand. Brother Zheng retreated towards the back.

Waiting for you!

Lin Feng's mouth aroused a strange smile. The purple emperor hasn't responded yet. The potential energy position directly pressed on the purple emperor. The field of sword then expanded, and the sword Qi all over the sky greeted the purple emperor.

In the sun, the sword Qi is accompanied by a strong light. The sword Qi and the light are combined. In a short time, the purple emperor can't tell which is the sword Qi and which is the reflected light.

This boy, he did it on purpose.

The purple emperor's body kept retreating, coughed, and his eyes were a little more gloomy. With a wave of his hand, he wrapped his soul around Lin Feng.

As soon as Lin Feng dodged, Lingli Peilian passed by Lin Feng. Lin Feng stood there, looked at the purple emperor, smiled again and said, "I said you can't. this attack means is not enough to plug my teeth!"

The muscles of the purple emperor trembled.

"Go!" A Jiao shout sounded, and then an attack directly greeted the left Dharma protector. Li Yutong stood there, Qian Qian stood behind Li Yutong, attacking Bai Shuangshuang.

Bai Shuangshuang's eyes are serious. The magic weapon in his hand is constantly shining. Backed by Li Yutong and Qian Qian, Bai shuangshuangshuang doesn't worry about his safety at all.

"The little girl's baby is good. Give it to me in the future." The left Dharma protector Jie sneered, looked at the magic weapon in the three women's hands, and coveted it in his eyes.

The cultivation of these three girls is high and low, but the magic weapon in their hands is the best magic weapon.

"I found that your people are as cheap as you." Lin Feng looked back at the left Dharma protector, turned to look at the purple emperor, shook his head, tut tut sighed and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the purple emperor paused and looked down at Lin Feng. After seeing the joke in Lin Feng's eyes, the purple emperor paused. The boy looked intentional.

The purple emperor stood there with his mouth pursed and his eyes were serious.

Even if this boy has enough skills, he will be defeated by a boy at the beginning of Mahayana!

"Boy, while you still have time, sharpen your mouth. Wait, you won't have a chance." The purple emperor sneered, and his body shape began to change slowly. The Lingli training gathered in the palm of the purple emperor's hand. The Lingli training was continuously compressed and finally became a red point.

Psychic compression! The purple emperor seems to have some skills!

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