"When I get home, I can eat my mother's braised meat." Qin Yanran said softly, holding Lin Feng's hand with a gentle smile.

"Well," Lin Feng took Qin Yanran's hand, nodded and said, "well, we can go home soon."

"How happy, Lin Feng, thank you." With a gentle smile on her mouth, Qin Yanran took Lin Feng's hand and put it on her heart, "I thought we would never meet again. I have made plans. You appeared in front of me again and again, Lin Feng, do you know?"

With tears in her eyes, Qin Yanran looked at Lin Feng and said, "you are the most important person in life. Even if you go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, I am willing to do it for you."

"Fool, you are my woman. Everything you have is everything to me. It's my responsibility to take good care of you." Lin Feng held Qin Yanran's face and kissed it. For a long time, the two people just let go.

Qin Yanran took Lin Feng's hand and gasped slightly. After a while, she said, "Lin Feng, let's have a baby together."

"Good!" Lin Feng lowered his head, took Qin Yanran's hand and said softly.

When it comes to children, Lin Feng thinks of Xiao nishang. Xiao nishang is a special physique. Up to now, the pregnant child is still in the stomach. They can feel the existence of the child, but the child has not completely grown up.

This makes Lin Feng happy, but his heart is also full of helplessness.

He knew that Xiao nishang's children must have something to do with Xiao nishang's current constitution, but he had no way to do it.

"Let's go out first. Everyone is waiting for us outside!" Lin Feng said to Xiao nishang with a gentle smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang smiled and nodded. With Lin Feng walking outside, Xiao nishang's original bad mood was much better. The whole snuggled up to Lin Feng, and he was in a good mood.

"How's it going?" Li Yutong stood behind with several other women. When he saw Lin Feng coming, his eyes immediately lit up and asked.

"Well, it's almost the same. We just have to wait until the channel is completely widened. It'll take about three or four days." Lin Feng paused and said softly, "but it takes a long time for the earth."

"Well, the time velocity of the earth is much faster than ours, almost five times faster!" Xiao nishang nodded and said seriously.

"That's nice." Li Yutong breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes were soft everywhere. He could finally go back, which was also a very happy thing for Li Yutong.

It has been long enough to come to this world. At this time, you can finally go back, which makes Li Yutong feel particularly happy.

"In fact, I think it's fun here." Xiao nishang tooted his mouth and looked around. Obviously, the excitement of the yanxuan continent made Xiao nishang unforgettable.

Lin Feng took a look at Zixia and Li Yutong. The two women stood together and were almost engraved in the same mold. However, since they met, the two people have not spoken much within the scope Lin Feng saw.

These two people obviously have some problems.

"Let's go back and tidy up first." Qin Yanran felt Lin Feng's eyes. With a gentle villain in her mouth, she took the lead to walk outside.

"Yes, I'm going back. Go and clean up first!" Li Yutong answered with a smile and turned to leave. Lin Feng paused, took Li Yutong's hand and said:

"Sister Tongtong, Zixia, I have something to say to you."

The second daughter stood there, looking a little stiff.

The other girls took a look at the second girl and silently turned away.

Xiao nishang was curious and wanted to stay and watch. She was directly dragged away by Qin Yanran. When she left, her face was full of reluctance.

"Sister Tongtong." Seeing that Li Yutong looked like I didn't want to say, Lin Feng sighed helplessly and shouted.

"I heard that when Zile was killed by you, he said there was an ancient relic about painting Saint Wu Daozi. Did you tell Yan Ran? Yan Ran inherited the painting Saint Wu Daozi. Maybe this relic is useful to her! "

Li Yutong looked at Lin Feng with a gentle smile and said.

"Sister Tongtong, I want to talk about you and Zixia." Lin Feng paused, pursed his lips and said.

After seeing the second daughter, Lin Feng had a vague guess in his heart, but only after he really saw the two people did Lin Feng understand that his guess was true.

The as like as two peas, except for their physical and breathing, are almost identical in their appearance, whether in action or in life.

"Lin Feng, we will deal with this matter ourselves." Zixia glanced at Li Yutong, looked at Lin Feng and said, "after all, it's between us. Even if there will be any difference in the end, we will tell you our decision as soon as possible."

Zixia looked at Li Yutong, who nodded with a gentle smile and said:

"Lin Feng, don't worry. Zixia and I will give you a result."

"Are you twins?" Lin Feng frowned and asked softly.

"Reluctantly, but some of the situations between us are not very clear. However, there is an induction between us. If we are from this point of view, we are."

Li Yutong paused and said very seriously.

Hearing the second daughter's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"But we live at different levels. I am very strange to the earth, but Tong Tong is different. He is very familiar with the earth. This is a different place between us."

Hearing the second daughter's words, Lin Feng nodded. Li Yutong and Zixia took Lin Feng's hand almost at the same time and said, "Lin Feng, we will deal with it. Don't worry."

"At ordinary times, we get along like sisters, but after all, this is a very strange thing, even for ourselves. Therefore, if we want to accept it, it still takes some time. You should also give us some time to accept it."

Li Yutong attached and said what Zixia didn't say.

"OK." Lin Feng nodded and pulled the second daughter into his arms with soft eyes.

Xiao nishang stood not far away and spit out his tongue. His head and eyes kept turning.

"Come out!" Li Yutong shook his head reluctantly. No one likes to listen to the corner except Xiao nishang.

"Hey, hey, it's still sister Tongtong." Xiao nishang came out and stood in front of Li Yutong.

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