"Lin Feng, the child in nishang's belly, what are you going to do?" Li Yutong looked up at Lin Feng, frowned and asked.

Xiao nishang's physique is different from others. Such physique is neither a good thing nor a bad thing, but people with clear eyes can see that Xiao nishang's physique has a great constraint on Xiao nishang.

The hybrid constitution of yin and yang can't be compared with others in cultivation, but it has obviously become the biggest trouble in the matter of children.

"I don't understand this matter. I'm leaving. I'll seize the time to refine some magic weapons." Then Zixia turned and left directly.

Li Yutong stood there and left the middle position to Xiao nishang.

Being told by Li Yutong, Xiao nishang held his stomach and was also worried.

"I can't help it. I can feel a new life in my stomach, but this life doesn't grow. It seems that the smell here is wrong or something."

Xiao nishang stood there with a worried face and said to Lin Feng.

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng stood there with a silent face.

Xiao nishang's system is yin-yang constitution. If you want to have children, you must balance yin-yang. No matter which of the two can't reach the balance, it's a big trouble for Xiao nishang.

The focus now is on this trouble.

Lin Feng took Xiao nishang's hand and frowned. He was helpless. Even he didn't know how to solve this matter.

Is it difficult to achieve a child with a laissez faire stomach?

Lin Feng shook his head first.

Xiao nishang has his children in his stomach. He can't tolerate his children hiding in his stomach like this.

"Lin Feng, what can you do?" Li Yutong looked at Lin Feng and asked softly, "we have tried many methods, but nishang's stomach has always been like it doesn't grow. If the child doesn't grow, even nishang is protected with aura, it's not a long-term plan."

Hearing Li Yutong's words, Lin Feng nodded. After a while, he just opened his mouth and said, "it's difficult for friars in the cultivation world here to conceive children. The higher the cultivation, the lower the probability of pregnancy. Nishang is a special situation. I think it has something to do with nishang's physique. As for the fact that the child doesn't grow up, I think, We should still have a solution. "

Lin Feng squatted and said softly.

"Let's use divine water to raise the blank fetus. After returning to the earth, we can check it with high technology. Whether the child grows or not can't be seen by the cultivation world. Can't we see it when we return to the earth? Moreover, the earth's environment is more suitable for pregnancy, so maybe after returning to the earth, the child will grow up by himself! "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang and Li Yutong chuckled.

Lin Feng held his second daughter, smiled and said, "at that time, you will give birth to one for me alone. How about it?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two women's eyes lit up immediately. Li Yutong blushed a little because of Lin Feng's ridicule. She looked coyly and said, "go aside, the earth has five children!"

"Hey, hey, I can afford it anyway. It's okay to have more!" Lin Feng took Li Yutong's hand and gently gestured with his fingertips in the palm of Li Yutong's hand.

Li Yutong looked up at Lin Feng. Seeing the cunning in Lin Feng's eyes, he turned his eyes and said, "I won't tell you."

Seeing Li Yutong's shy and timid departure, Lin Feng only felt in a good mood. He pulled Xiao nishang to keep up with Li Yutong, hugged the second daughter, but didn't go back and went up the mountain.

"Lin Feng, no, I have to take care of the children in my stomach!" Xiao nishang saw Lin Feng's appearance. Naturally, she knew what Lin Feng wanted to do and said softly.

"Yes, yes, I don't want to go with you!" Xiao nishang tooted her mouth and said unhappily.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." With that, Lin Feng took his two daughters in his arms and flew up to the clouds with a flying sword. He put them in the white clouds. Lin Feng had a bad smile on his mouth.

"By the way, what about the ruins?" Li Yutong suddenly asked.

"Don't worry, I've already asked clearly. Although the relic is good, it doesn't help Yanran, but it does help those little rabbits of Baiyu sect. I asked the white robed elder to take a team of elite disciples."

Lin Feng started up and down, looked at Li Yutong below, smiled and said, "sister Tongtong, crazy girl, we haven't been with me for many days. Now, we're not allowed to take care of anything. Stay with me. Let's have more fat boys."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two women looked at each other, hugged each other and gave Lin Feng a look of contempt.

A white cloud in the sky has been parked there, allowing the wind to pass by it. It is still indifferent, but there is a happy voice in the sky.

As time went by, the three-day party was preparing for the long trip. On the contrary, Lin Feng was completely free. In addition to the tune, opera tune and several wives, the other time was to guide the disciples' cultivation.

With the guidance of leader Lin Feng, some Baiyu sect disciples made great progress in cultivation. After the search, the whole Baiyu sect became quiet.

"Headmaster, the actions of the Shiyin sect have been less in recent years, but there are still many Shiyin sect disciples active on the road. Some accomplishments are above us, but they are basically cleaned up."

Bai Pao stood beside Lin Feng and said softly.

"I went to yanxuan land before, but there was no disciple of Shiyin sect in yanxuan land. What's the matter?" Lin Feng frowned and asked.

The corpse Yin sect was very popular in the east Yellow Kingdom, but when he was in the yanxuan continent, Lin Feng didn't deal with the disciples of the corpse Yin sect. It's hard not to hide all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect after he came to the yanxuan continent.

But in Lin Feng's view, such a thing is impossible.

How could these disciples of Shiyin sect give up the opportunity to open up their own territory!

"Probably there are few mortals over there." Bai Pao smiled bitterly and said, "these corpse Yin sects need a large number of corpses. It's difficult for practitioners to deal with them. Ordinary people basically have no strength to bind chickens. The aura on the side of yanxuan continent is much stronger than here, and there are many disciples to practice, but there are few mortals. However, the east Yellow kingdom is different."

Hearing Bai Pao's words, Lin Feng nodded with a bit of thought in his eyes.

"If the headmaster is worried that the disciples of the Shiyin sect will come to trouble, the headmaster can rest assured. The disciples of the Shiyin sect we have seen in recent years have generally low accomplishments, and our disciples of the Baiyu sect can deal with them. Therefore, don't worry, headmaster."

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