Although the explanation of Bai Pao was absurd, it still made sense. Lin Feng sighed with relief, nodded and said:

"Hard work."

"Headmaster, you are wrong. We have made such achievements today by following you. We want to thank you for giving us a warm home and giving us more strength."

Bai Pao shook his head and said softly.

Today's white robe can be said to be convinced by Lin Feng. No matter what Lin Feng did or what happened before, the white feather gate is not the original white feather gate under Lin Feng's guidance.

All this is due to the credit of the son-in-law brought back by his daughter.

"Headmaster, don't worry. The disciples of Shiyin sect are constantly powerful. Even if they are powerful, we can deal with them."

Hearing the words of Bai Pao, Lin Feng nodded.

"That's hard for you. Next, someone over there will come and merge all the cloud buildings with some of our Dasheng group. At that time, part of the income will be directly transferred to Baiyu gate. Therefore, you can rest assured that everything will be without you."

"Thank you, headmaster!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and walked towards the array. Qin Yanran, Li Yutong and other women had already been waiting there. Seeing Lin Feng coming, the women immediately came together and said:

"Lin Feng, let's go. Everyone is waiting for us outside Tianmu peak!" Qin Yanran was in a particularly good mood. She took Lin Feng's hand and said with a smile.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded and looked over there. Zhao Dan was preparing everything. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is Yang Yang a little young to fall in love now? This Zhao Dan looks very old." Li Yutong whispered in front of Lin Feng, "don't you care about Qingqing?"

"When the child is old, it's not up to his parents. I know Yangyang's character. Besides, one day on our side and five days on the earth. We have been here for three or four years, and 20 years have passed there. Even if Yangyang has been missing for a year and a half, the child's age is far more than twelve. It's not surprising to fall in love."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Yutong nodded and looked at Zhao Dan. A gentle smile also appeared at the corners of her mouth, saying:

"I look at the girl. In fact, it's very good. The key is, you see, she and Yang Yang do the same thing. These two people must have a lot in common."

"I look good, too. Look how beautiful Dandan is." Xiao nishang also nodded and said with a smile, "it's no worse than us, especially those big eyes, blinking, it's going to melt this day."

"Just your sweet mouth!" Li Yutong made a reply.

"Hee hee, it's sweet mouth!" Xiao nishang did not hesitate to pick it up. The other women booed together with Li Yutong. The women immediately made a group.

"Master, take me with you." Ji ruoli stood in front of Lin Feng with rain, looked at Lin Feng and said pitifully.

"Yes, yes, master, take me too. You see, I've been helping you develop space these days. I'm very hard." Ouyangbai also came over, looked at Lin Feng, looked pitiful and said, "master's world, I haven't been to me yet. I think it must be a very beautiful and perfect world, right?"

"Don't make trouble. You stay first. We need people here." Lin Feng looked at the two people and said seriously, "and this time, what I have to deal with is big trouble. Moreover, it's not safe enough."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, they immediately drooped their heads.

"Don't worry. When things over there are arranged properly, the channels on both sides will be opened and the two sides can communicate with each other. You can go and see. We can also exchange combat experience and drive the corpse Yin sect out of our territory."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the eyes of the two people who were still unhappy immediately lit up.

"It's really two children!" Seeing the appearance of the two people, Li Yutong shook his head and sighed.

At this time, the whole channel suddenly made a very loud sound, and then a channel came from the array.

"Channel, open!"

A mechanical sound came from the array.

"Uncle Lin, aunts, please follow the next instructions to complete the location fixed point of this transmission. In this way, if the transmission is unsuccessful, I can also transmit you back to the location of your space at the first time."

Zhao Dan's gentle voice came over.

"OK." Lin Feng nodded and took the lead in putting his hand on it.

"Crossing No. 1, male, normal size, weight standard, meeting the space shuttle requirements, space points: 147.1, 89.2, OK."

"Me!" Lin Feng put down his hand, and Xiao nishang immediately gathered together.

"Crossing No. 2, female, pregnant, shuttle, space point: 152.3, 90.7, OK."

"Crossing No. 3..."

Several women lined up. Bai Shuangshuang and Zixia had seen this before. They were not surprised at this, but Qianqian was the first time. When he saw this, his eyes lit up immediately. With a bit of anxiety and curiosity, he was in the last mall.

"Aunt Qianqian, it's okay. Don't worry!" Zhao Dan pursed his mouth, twinkling stars in his eyes and said.

Outside the door, Lin Feng's women and children stood there, but they didn't come in. At this time, it was a critical moment. They didn't dare to disturb at all. The news about Lin Feng was only learned in these three days.

Of course, they also learned about the woman brought back by Lin Fengxin.

Although several women were still unhappy in their hearts, they thought of Lin Feng alone outside. Thanks to everyone's care these years, their original unhappiness was suppressed a little.

"That's great!" Qian Qian looked at his data and turned to Lin Feng.

"Hee hee, aunt Qianqian, there are more powerful ones. I tell you, I can know your information clearly as long as I input instructions now!" Zhao Dan said the word once, pointing a little.

"Qianqian, female, snake people, Earth Spirit body in the early stage of Mahayana."

Hearing the mechanized voice, Qianqian's eyes lit up immediately, with an incredible face.

"When we get to the earth, there are more interesting technologies. You can have a good experience at that time!" Seeing Qianqian's appearance, Lin Feng said with a gentle smile.

"I must have a good time!" Qianqian nodded, his curiosity in his eyes became more and more intense, "I thought the photos taken by Shuangshuang were false. Unexpectedly, they were true!"

"Uncle Lin, I have opened the password. If there is no accident, my uncle's love can return to the earth in half an hour."

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