"Aunt Ping, you and Yanran go ahead." Lin Feng pulled Chen Luping to the front, with a gentle smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Thank you, Lin Feng." Chen Luping's mouth is wearing a soft smile, holding Qin Yanran's hand is still a little nervous, not for anything else, just because of the relationship between her and Lin Feng.

Although Qin Yanran already knew that there was some relationship between the two people, it was obviously impossible for Chen Luping and Qin Yanran to stand there calmly.

Chen Luping looked a little embarrassed, but Qin Yanran directly took Chen Luping's hand and stood beside Lin Feng and said, "Mom, it's okay."

Chen Luping nodded with a smile and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng gave Chen Luping a reassuring look. Chen Luping sighed and stood next to Lin Feng with some relief.

Qin Yanran will know this sooner or later.

"Mom, I thought you really didn't fix the truth. Now you're in infancy. It's really powerful!" Qin Yanran's eyes twinkled and said with a smile.

"Who said I didn't fix the truth, but at that time, there were too many things. There were so many things in recent years. Where can I make it clear in a few words?" Chen Luping said softly, holding Qin Yanran's hand tightly, "it's you. Over the years, I've been suffering alone outside. My mother has been thinking of you and wants you to come back."

"I'm sorry, mom, I've worried you for so long." Hearing Chen Luping's words, Qin Yanran's eyes turned red, took her mother's hand, thought of these years, and then felt that she was really stepping on the land of her hometown. Qin Yanran took a heavy breath.

"I've transformed the channel again. Let's go." Xu Minjing's mouth was wearing a gentle smile. With a little finger, an array appeared in front of Xu Minjing. The surrounding environment suddenly changed. However, when they flicked their fingers, they appeared inside Tianmu peak.

"Min Jing's array attainments are great!" Lin Feng gave Xu Minjing a thumbs up. Xu Minjing's array attainments, even he, had to sigh at this time. The simple environment can make his array attainments come to this point. Lin Feng can't describe Min Jing's array attainments in other words at all.

"Sister Min Jing's array attainments are recognized as the most powerful on earth. Now she has been turned into an array master by everyone!" Wang Yajun pursed his mouth, his eyes moved, and said with a smile.

"Awesome!" Lin Feng gave a thumbs up without hesitation.

"Everywhere, you bring back resources and array books. Otherwise, where can I do this? I want to thank you for giving me such an opportunity to create a different world."

Xu Minjing snuggled up to Lin Feng like a child.

Where did she ever come into contact with these things? Even if it is Xiuzhen, Xu Minjing knows that she is not the material for Xiuzhen at all. Despite the accumulation of so many resources, she has barely reached the stage of Yuanying. If such accomplishments are sent out alone, they are nothing at all.

"Don't worry, your accomplishments will be higher and higher." Lin Feng took Xu Minjing's hand and said softly, "moreover, your array attainments are so superb. No matter where it is, it's a sweet cake!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xu Minjing nodded gently, held Lin Feng's hand and said, "won't you go this time?"

"Well, we have a family reunion." Lin Feng nodded and said softly.

"Dad, mom!" Lin Sifeng, linbian, Lin Anqi and Lin Ling rushed out from the inside. The boys inherited the advantages of their mothers. They were tall and handsome one by one, and the girls were worse than their mothers.

"Sifeng, changer, Angie, linger, come to Dad." Seeing the children, Lin Feng's spirit was shocked. Over the years, he missed his wives. What he missed most was the children.

The children were still young when they left. In the blink of an eye, a group of children had spent ten or twenty years and had grown into adults.

"Dad, it's just my wife, Qi Yahan. They're all single!" Lin Bian stood beside Lin Feng with his wife with a big belly, smiled and said, "you're going to be a grandpa soon! Yahan, call dad. "

"Dad!" Qi Yahan's voice was elegant and clear, and Lin Feng's eyes were as gentle as water when he looked at Lin Bian

"OK, you boy, you have the wind of being a father." Lin Feng clapped his hand on Lin Bian's shoulder, shook his hand, put a magic weapon in his hand, handed it to Qi Yahan and said:“

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