In the matter of cultivating truth, Lin's father and mother have always adhered to the principle of being unwilling to join.

Hearing his parents' words, although he felt some regret, Lin Feng nodded. He knew that he had no right to decide his parents' life.

"Woof!" With a loud cry, a rhubarb dog carrying Mengmeng rushed directly towards Lin Feng. Behind him, Xiao Hei flew slowly and rushed to Lin Feng.

"Rhubarb!" Lin Feng laughed and hugged rhubarb directly. Mengmeng and Xiaohei surrounded Lin Feng.

"Good guy, you are so strong. Now those disciples of the corpse Yin sect have no way to take you!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, rhubarb proudly shouted a few times, surrounded Lin Feng and rubbed Lin Feng's hand intimately. Lin Feng was in a good mood.

"Now the disciples of the corpse Yin sect are getting weaker and weaker. Although our strength is not particularly strong, we can sling them." Lin Anqi pursed her mouth and said with a smile, "the disciples sent by the corpse Yin sect over the years are becoming stronger and stronger. From the period of transforming God to the period of fitting, but under the array of mother Minjing, even in the period of Mahayana, we are not afraid!"

"Yes!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

The earth can recover the lost land and establish survival bases one by one, which is undoubtedly a kind of liberation for mankind. Under such circumstances, more and more people can participate in the cultivation of truth. Lin Feng clearly feels that there are more and more practitioners on the earth now.

"After that, the earth can rely on its own strength to protect it." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"It's still due to your resources. If it wasn't for the resources you brought, you wouldn't be able to do this." Xu Minjing breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "now the earth's spiritual stone reserves are still sufficient. We have sufficient resources in terms of array arrangement and cultivation. We have established cultivation colleges in various bases to gather practitioners, uniformly allocate resources and cultivate excellent disciples for our reserve forces!"

Hearing Xu Minjing's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"Don't worry about resources. When the channels between the two continents are completely opened, we will only get more and more resources. At that time, we can also start to transform some parts of the earth and let more resources flow on the earth."

"Lin Feng!" Zhang Zhen fell in front of Lin Feng, smiled and said, "you're still the boss. I can't feel your cultivation as soon as I come back!"

"You are also good. Your accomplishments are so high!" Lin Feng smiled, looked up and down at Zhang Zhen, smiled and said, "how's it going, isn't it good?"

"It's really cool. There's a big difference between Xiuzhen with resources and Xiuzhen without resources. Yuan Lin's guy has made greater progress. I can't bear to look straight at him!" Zhang Zhen shook his head, smiled and said.

"Come on, let's go first!" Lin Feng waved his hand. Zhang Zhen directly hugged Lin Feng's shoulder and said, "I said big brother..."

"Go, go, go, I don't do base, you stay away from me!" Lin Feng waved his hand, looked disgusted and said.

"Don't introduce it. You say that such a good time is suitable for us to make a foundation together." Zhang Zhen raised his head, stared and said, "we are good brothers who grow up in a pair of pants. Don't everyone know about you and me?"

Zhang Zhen waved his hand and said.

"Who grew up with you? Sister Qingqing and I grew up with the same pair of pants. Go away!" Lin Feng's face is disgusted. This boy is becoming more and more immoral!

"A guy who values sex over friends!" Zhang Zhen muttered.

"This guy, who also values sex over friends, is simply a troublemaker!" The girls whispered and chuckled.

"I said sister-in-law, don't say that about me. Lin Feng and I were invincible all over the campus!"

"Uncle Zhang Zhen, I'll be interested in Uncle Zhang Zhen's fart. Otherwise, Uncle Zhang Zhen, you can give us a specific second to go back to the original scene!" Lin changed his eyes, pulled Zhang Zhen and said with a smile.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go

Zhang Zhen shook his head and looked complacent.

"Uncle Zhang Zhen, be honest. In fact, we all heard from Min Jing's mother about your business. You don't want to change a version to publicize it in three or five years." Lin Sifeng said with a smile.

"What do you know? The years of cultivation are long. It's fun not to find something to add some fun to your life. It's like those old shareholders practicing all day. Is it interesting?" Zhang Zhen shook his head and said.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed, and so did Zhang Zhen.

"If only Yang Yang were there, the child didn't know where to go."

Lin's mother suddenly sighed. When she heard Lin Xiangyang's name, everyone was silent,

Speaking of it, Lin Xiangyang has left the earth for several years.

But these years, we have no news of Lin Xiangyang.

"Mom, don't worry. Xiangyang is fine. You have to trust your grandson. This guy is a master who can toss around. Where will there be anything!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin's mother nodded and said, "I know, but for such a family reunion, if Yangyang is also there, all of our family are together, I can feel at ease."

"Mom, Xiangyang will come back. Just wait at ease." Luo Qingqing held Lin's mother and said softly.

Although he is anxious and worried, he has received Lin Xiangyang's safety information over the years, which gives Luo Qingqing's new GM more or less comfort. As long as Xiangyang is safe and safe, as a mother, no matter where he is, he is blessed.

"Yes, mom, don't worry. The boy has such a high IQ and special constitution. I guess he's the only one who bullies people. Where else dares to bully the little ancestor!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Yes!" Lin's mother broke her tears into laughter and nodded her head, which made her mood better.

"Yangyang is my child's sensitivity to science and technology. Where is this boy's IQ? Ordinary people don't dare to offend that boy, so let's not worry about Yangyang's safety. On the contrary, it's better for this boy to suffer some losses."

Lin Feng paused for a moment and said softly, "the future Earth is not destined to be just a planet that only leaves the earth. He will also have other space to link with the earth. Yang Yang learns to grow up now and won't make mistakes in the future."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded, but their eyebrows were more or less worried.

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