Lin Feng has many women, but Lin Feng has only five children.

These five children have always been the treasure of everyone's hands. Whether they are their own mothers or other mothers, they all look like their own children.

"By the way, there is another good news that has not been announced to everyone!" Lin Feng suddenly took Xiao nishang and said to Lin's mother with a smile, "Mom, crazy girl is pregnant. According to the time of the earth, crazy girl has been pregnant for more than ten years."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said.

"Mom." Xiao nishang was not vague. Without hesitation, she called Lin's mother a mother, took Lin's mother's hand and put it on her stomach, saying, "feel it, there are your children in here!"

"Really!" Mother Lin's eyes lit up immediately, touched Xiao nishang's stomach and said, "well, it's nice to grow up a little!"

Grow up?

Lin Feng's mind moved, and he put his hand on Xiao nishang's stomach. As expected, he was a little bigger. Can a child who has not responded in yanxuan land develop normally on earth?

Is it the gravity of the earth?

"I just grew up a little. When I returned to the earth, my mind changed. Probably because of the coordination of yin and Yang in my body, my child also grew up." Xiao nishang whispered to Lin Feng.

"So." Lin Feng nodded. Xiao nishang's children are really related to her constitution. If the children want to grow up, the yin-yang constitution in Xiao nishang's body should be balanced. The children grow up at the balance point and absorb their mother's energy.

Instead, Lin Feng's eyebrows jumped.

Absorbed the Yin and Yang in the crazy girl's body. This child is going against the sky!

"Let's stay and wait for the child to grow up. In this way, we can have a baby as soon as possible." Lin Feng lowered his head and whispered to Xiao nishang.

"OK." Xiao nishang nodded.

When he got home, he had a good time with everyone. Lin Feng directly left Dasheng city with rhubarb and visited the liberated cities on several other continents in China.

In these liberated bases, there are Xiuzhen colleges. Ordinary people on earth have a place to live, and their faces are smiling again.

The earth is on the right track again. This time, we rely on our own strength.

Sooner or later, the earth will return to peace and tranquility. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, with a gentle smile on his mouth and a happy heart.

The surrounding breath changed with Lin Feng's mood. Lin Feng sat cross legged in mid air, and the powerful breath swept the whole earth directly.

"It's the great saint!"

"God, it's true!"

After feeling Lin Feng's breath, the people raised their heads and looked at Lin Feng in the sky, exclaiming one by one.

For this hero who turned the tide at the beginning, almost everyone is an admirer of Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng in the sky, everyone gave a surprise sigh.

"Well, our great saint is back. Those damn corpse Yin sect will never bully us again!"

"Yes, let those bastards of the corpse Yin sect go!"

Everyone shouted with complacency on their faces.

Feeling everyone's excitement, Lin Feng's mouth also aroused a gentle smile. Everything is quiet and beautiful.

Lin Feng had been entrenched in the air for three months. Three months later, Lin Feng opened his eyes and felt the steady power in his body. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

When he was in yanxuan continent, although his strength was strong, he was still somewhat vain. After returning to his hometown, Lin Feng's strength completely stabilized.

"Rhubarb, let's go and eliminate the hidden dangers. The corpse Yin sect is great. It even sent the strong ones in the Mahayana period. However, we must not leave the strong ones in the Mahayana period here."

Lin Feng stood up, perked up and said with a smile.

Rhubarb jumped out of the space. With Lin Feng, he went to the site of the once Bangzi country, where there was a powerful force that could not be matched by the practitioners of the earth.

In the next three days, the practitioners on earth felt that two powerful forces crossed there. Soon, one force was silent. Then, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect began to become silent.

"The most powerful friars on the earth have reached the robbery period. It is only a matter of time to break through the Mahayana period. The cultivation of the strong ones in the Mahayana period is not high. In the future, we really don't need to escort them."

Lin Feng killed the Mahayana period of the corpse Yin sect, felt the latent power around him, and said with a smile.

With that, Lin Feng returned to Tianmu peak directly with rhubarb.

The news about Lin Feng's return was noisy in the outside base, but with Lin Feng's return and silence, everyone's joy began to decline a little. With the passage of time, there were fewer and fewer things to pay attention to.

Lin Feng stayed in Dasheng city at ease. While instructing the children to cultivate, he enjoyed this rare quiet time with his wife.

Probably because she returned to her hometown, the children in Xiao nishang's stomach began to grow up slowly. Lin Feng's divine water pill was constantly sent to Xiao nishang's mouth, but the children in her stomach were like gluttonous food. As she grew up, she needed more and more.

"This boy really began to be a glutton in his mother's stomach!" Looking at Xiao nishang's full meal again, Lin Feng smiled and scolded.

Xiao nishang's stomach moved a few times, and the fetus in her belly expressed dissatisfaction!

"Still challenge me!" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and the child in his stomach obviously learned Xiao nishang's violent temper. If he were a daughter, he would be a trouble!

Although his accomplishments have been very high and he can feel the gender of the child, Lin Feng did not do so. The unknown surprise and joy made Lin Feng have more expectations for the child itself.

He has many children, whether male or female, he is very happy! The most important thing is that a family can be happy together.

"Lin Feng!" Alice stood at the door. "Go and have a look. Some of these young scientists and friars are good. Go and give them some advice while you have time!"

"Good!" Lin Feng stood up and walked out with Alice.

"I'll go too, I'll go too!" Xiao nishang followed Lin Feng without hesitation and took a few steps. Xiao nishang only felt that her stomach seemed to fall. Xiao nishang took Lin Feng's hand and said:

"Lin Feng, I seem to be having a baby!"

"Crazy girl, are you okay?" Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng's whole heart was raised.

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