Three hours later, a cry came from the hospital ward.

Xiao nishang was lying in bed with sweat all over her. Looking at the child in Lin Feng's hand, she showed a gentle smile.

"Lin Feng, give our daughter a name!"

"My parents are outside. Let my parents come!" Lin Feng said with a gentle smile.

Xiao nishang nodded. Lin Feng took the child outside and gave it to Lin's father and mother.

"Oh, my baby granddaughter!" Mother Lin held the child with a happy face.

"Dad, give the child a name!"

"How about Lin Xuanxuan? Your mother and I have been thinking about it for a long time. We think it's a nice name. Xuanxuan, Xuanxuan, my baby granddaughter! " Father Lin also gathered in front of the child, with a happy face.

Lin Feng stood on his side and looked at his parents' happy appearance, which made him happy.

In this way, time passes little by little in simple happiness.

Five years is neither long nor short. For five years, the family has been living in everything.

Lin Feng's life can be said to be very rich. More than a dozen wives sit around and enjoy the happiness of the whole people all day. Lin Feng also took advantage of these five years to make up for his previous debts to his wives.

"Uncle Lin, I just received a distress message from a strange spatial level. However, I can be sure that this is Yangyang's distress message." Zhao Dan stood in front of Lin Feng, slightly bit his lips and said to Lin Feng.

Yang Yang!

Hearing Yangyang's name, Lin Feng's body immediately stood up. In the past five years, Lin Feng's most regret is that Yangyang is not around him. Now, when he suddenly heard Yangyang's name, Lin Feng's whole spirit was raised.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Lin Feng pointed a finger and Zhao Dan appeared in the laboratory. Scientists from all over the world are analyzing this information.

"We can basically confirm that this message is a distress message. According to this code, it should be sent by Yang Yang. However, this message is too simple. We can't determine where Yang Yang is now."

Zhao Dan stood behind Lin Feng and analyzed it for Lin Feng.

"How much longer?" Lin Feng frowned, looked at the message and asked.

"This space level is very advanced, which is very consistent with what Yang said at the beginning that I have reached the fairy world. Although our current technology is very powerful, it is impossible to penetrate into that space."

Zhao Dan shook his head and said.

"Can you determine the coordinates?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Yes, the coordinates can be determined in three days." Zhao Dan nodded and said.

Lin Feng nodded, waved his hand and left directly. Qin Yanran went to Qin Yanran's room. Qin Yanran has been managing Dasheng company for years. At this time, Qin Yanran was in a meeting and was stunned to see Lin Feng suddenly appear.

"Yan Ran, let's say something first!" Lin Feng nodded to the participants and took Qin Yanran's hand out of the conference room.

Seeing the seriousness on Lin Feng's face, Qin Yan nodded. As Lin Feng walked outside, it can be seen from Lin Feng's expression that Lin Feng was worried about something at this time.

"Yan Ran, I want to enter the picture of mountains and rivers and learn some news from Wu Daozi." Lin Feng frowned and whispered.

"Shifu, the sleeping time is getting longer and longer, and the waking time is getting less and less. I don't know if I'm awake at this time." Qin Yanran hesitated, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Well, I'll go and have a look first."

"Is there something?" Seeing the anxiety in Lin Feng's eyes, Qin Yanran frowned and asked.

"It's about Yang Yang. There's news about Yang Yang." Lin Feng raised his head with a gentle smile.

Seeing Lin Feng's relaxed breath, Qin Yanran's mood also flew up and said, "it's good!"

"Well, we finally have the news of Yang Yang." Qin Yanran breathed a sigh of relief. With a gentle smile at the corners of her mouth, she raised her head. Her eyes were flowing with a bit of pleasure.

"I'll open it now. Go find the master." Qin Yanran took out the map of mountains and rivers, and was moved. Lin Feng and Qin Yanran entered the map of mountains and rivers together.

Wu Daozi was drinking tea under the eaves. When he saw two people coming in, he waved and said, "coming!"


"Mr. Wu." Lin Feng and Qin Yanran greet each other and sit opposite Wu Daozi.

"There's something for me. Your boy hasn't come to see me for a long time. He said with a smile that you're a good boy. You've run several spatial levels." Wu Daozi turned to look at Lin Feng with appreciation in his eyes and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your appreciation. I want to know something about the fairyland this time. My son seems to have entered the fairyland. Please let me know." Lin Feng sat there, looked at Wu Daozi and said seriously.

"This." Wu Daozi raised his head, sighed a little more in his eyes, and said, "I don't know whether there is a space axis point entering the fairy world at the lower level, but there is a space point entering the lower level at the upper level, but in that case, it can only reach a very high level."

Wu Daozi looked down at Lin Feng and said, "your boy has reached the prime time. Your qualification is against the sky. In addition, you have the smell of congenital treasure. It must be only a matter of time to go in. You don't have to look for this thing."

"It's for my child. He sent a distress message. I have to go." Lin Feng pursed his mouth and said.

"I'm not sure, but maybe it exists. It's just such a secret. It should exist in some special families. Go and find it."

Wu Daozi made it clear, "I also think about it. I hope I can find something helpful to you."

"Thank you, old man." Without much delay, Lin Feng and Qin Yanran drew a picture of the country.

"What now?" Qin Yan looked at Lin Feng and asked softly.

"Look for it. Since Yangyang can pass, it means that there is a channel to reach, but this channel may be unsafe." Lin Feng pursed his mouth and said softly.

"Yes." Qin Yan nodded and said, "we can ask Xiaodan about the channel through which Yangyang sent the news back. Maybe we can find Yangyang through that channel!"

"The information transmission channel is different from the channel through which people pass. Therefore, we can't find the channel through the information transmitted by Yangyang. At most, we can only determine the location of Yangyang."

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This thing is really a troublesome thing.

This boy really knows to make trouble for Lin Feng.

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