The party woke up in the mountain. Mr. Qiu took the lead in waking up, looked at the villagers lying on the ground and touched the back of his head.

He felt that he had a dream. In the dream, he went to a strange place. There, he saw a lot of beautiful women. These beautiful women were fat and thin. They were beautiful one by one. Even Miss Qin, known as Tianjiao, was not far away.

How do so many beautiful women come together?

Mr. Qiu touched his head and looked puzzled.

At this time, the villagers got up in twos and threes. Look at me, I look at you, one by one.

"Why are we here?"

"Where is this?"

"Mr. Qiu, why are you here?"

These people are spinning in place. You look at me and I look at you with a confused face.

"How do I know!" Mr. Qiu turned his eyes, and then he paused there. The corners of his mouth were slightly open and silent for a while. Mr. Qiu took out a storage bag from his arms. In the storage bag, there were several spiritual herbs he had always needed, which were well preserved.

Mr. Qiu glanced at the villagers, and all the villagers stood there with a blank face.

Isn't it a dream?

Mr. Qiu was startled by his idea, but these villagers are really here.

Did you enter the legendary Taixu realm?

Mr. Qiu comforted himself so much, waved to the villagers and said, "let's go back."

"Good!" After hearing Mr. Qiu's voice, the villagers who were still fierce nodded one after another. As Mr. Qiu walked towards the front, Mr. Qiu turned back and saw a group of guys honestly following behind him, nodding with satisfaction.

"Mr. Qiu, why did we enter the mountain?" A villager came to Mr. Qiu and asked, "what are you doing in the mountain for no reason?"

"Look around. Don't you see that those monsters have moved to the center? Now you can just check the place where the original monster was. Maybe we can find a lot of good things in the monster cave! "

Mr. Qiu said faintly. He looked up at the sky and breathed a sigh of relief. This sky is going to change!

Thinking of this, Mr. Qiu's body couldn't help shaking. Shaking for a moment, an unprecedented joy hit his current mood. 100000 mountains have been silent for many years!

"Mr. Qiu, why are all the monsters in the mountain gone!" A villager asked stupidly.

"If you shouldn't ask, don't ask. Let's go!" Mr. Qiu looked back at the deep mountain. The mountain was quiet. Mr. Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, turned and left directly.

"This guy, sensible!" Lin Bian stood in the sky, looked at the following scene and said, "but it's too greedy!"

"The greedy snake swallows the elephant. This kind of guy should be cleaned up one day. Keep his Qingfeng view. Everything is fine. If you want to be higher and farther, it is doomed to be impossible." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin became silent.

"Well, let's come down first. Now there are so many sects, let's choose one to stay!" Xiao nishang said with a smile, "how hard it will be these days!"

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng frowned. Naturally, he didn't want his woman to go out again in the wind and rain.

"In fact, after our transformation, it has been very perfect. Just feel at ease here. I can go to the outside world." Lin Feng looked down at many women and said softly.

"I'll stay." Chen Luping said with a gentle smile, "Dasheng village needs someone to take care of, and mom and dad also need someone to take care of."

"I'll stay, too. I can train people to open a hero restaurant first. When you go out, please help to see the local location. Then we can easily transfer information." Chen yanru stood up and said with a smile.

Hearing Chen yanru's words, Lin Feng paused.

"I'll stay and take care of the great sage group. Since I'm going to open up wasteland in the fairy world, I'll take a pioneering attitude." With a smile, Lin Sifeng took the lead in standing up with a look of joy.

"Let's go at random. We can go to any sect we want." Li Yutong stood up with a smile and said, "Lin Feng is going to look for something. At that time, he will have to deal with all schools. At that time, it will be a surprise for him!"

Feelings, everyone has arranged.

Lin Feng stood there with a depressed face and looked at the women who were constantly whispering.

"Lin Feng, don't worry, we will all pay attention to it. Moreover, with our beauty, if we are in trouble, it must be something that the whole fairy world will pass on, so don't worry about us!"

Xiao nishang smiled and said to Lin Feng.

"That's right. How can we say that we are also the favored ones of heaven? Do we have to worry about such a small thing? So don't worry. " Luo Zijin also smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Lin Feng, we all have to work hard, otherwise, we are too far behind you, and we can't help you in the future!" Luo Qingqing also stood up and said softly, "we're just going to the sect for experience, not any other major event. You can rest assured. In addition, our cultivation has reached such a level. There are so many advanced technologies on earth. We'll be fine."

Lin Feng still hesitated.

"Dad, you can rest assured that the news on our side has been transmitted to the other side. We have had some beautiful eyes over the years. Therefore, our contact with the earth is not far away. You can rest assured to let your mothers go out. As for the beautiful women in the fairy world, you can rest assured to give it to us!"

Lin Xiangyang said with a smile, "you see, we are still single!"

"You know poverty!" Hearing Lin Xiangyang's words, Lin Feng hit Lin Xiangyang on the head with a violent chestnut. Lin Xiangyang spit out his tongue. Head, Hei hei smiled.

"The fairyland is so big. Since we are here, we naturally want to go out for a walk. Lin Feng, don't worry." Luo Zijin stood in front of Lin Feng, with soft eyebrows and eyes, and said, "we will pay attention to safety. Moreover, we have so many sisters. Once we are in danger, we will appear next to our little partners as soon as possible."

Lin Feng looked down at the women.

Everyone nodded and wanted to say something. Lin Feng didn't say anything at last. He had to let everyone chatter and decide everything.

Sitting aside and seeing this scene, Lin Feng only felt very desolate. Everyone's enthusiasm was too high. As a husband, he was speechless at all.

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