The speed of the women was very fast. They did what they said and did. After making plans, everyone went out to look for a map, quickly determined their goals, waved with Lin Feng, and left directly with the spatial coordinates and the spatial scroll prepared by Lin Feng.

All these space scrolls are connected to Dasheng village. Because everyone is far from each other, Lin Feng is worried that everyone's space scrolls are not enough, and one person gave many copies.

The girls bid farewell one after another and left quietly. Finally, only Liu yanru and Chen Luping and the three members of Lin Sifeng's family, Lin's father and mother, were left in Dasheng village. According to their previous agreement, they began to build this Dasheng village and push the earth's civilization to the fairyland.

In the mountains and forests, Lin Feng hid in the dark. A girl holding a long sword was fighting with the monster all the time.

The cultivation of the monster was about Yuan Ying. Xuanxuan stood in front of the monster, looked up at the monster, held a long sword and directly greeted the monster.

It's getting late at night since he came out of Dasheng village. Lin Feng has been training Xuanxuan's fighting ability for half a month.

Xuanxuan chose Shangqing palace, the largest sect in chiyanxing. Chiyanxing values Taoism and there are places similar to Taoism everywhere. After fully understanding it, Lin Feng agreed to Xuanxuan's request.

The Shangqing palace is not big, but the backstage of Shangqing palace is indeed the branch of Yuanzong, which is ahead of the fairyland. Xuanxuan is very talented and has good cultivation. It is naturally easy to enter there.

With this in mind, Lin Feng agreed to Xuanxuan's request.

"Go!" Xuanxuan gave a low cry, turned her whole body and rushed towards the other side. After feeling the sudden explosion of Xuanxuan, the monster still standing roared and rushed directly towards Xuanxuan.

These monsters are still a little short!

Lin Feng sighed.

Although Xuanxuan is young, as the child of him and Xiao nishang, Xuanxuan's talent is good at an early age. In addition, Xiao nishang is the body of yin and Yang. Xuanxuan was born with Yin and Yang, which is more perfect than the talents of her brothers and sisters.

But the more perfect Xuanxuan's cultivation also broke Lin fengcao's heart.

Xuanxuan reached today's warning by relying solely on her physical strength, but in terms of cultivation, some of the cultivation methods obtained by Lin Feng are not suitable for Xuanxuan. Xuanxuan needs to find a better secret of cultivation methods.

The yuan sect is nothing more than the most chaotic sect. There are all kinds of practitioners in the sect. Therefore, if Xuanxuan can enter the yuan sect, there will be more natural opportunities.

Originally, Lin Feng's plan was to escort Xuanxuan all the way, but Xuanxuan refused.

After solving the monster, Xuanxuan breathed a sigh of relief, put away her long sword, looked back at Lin Feng and said, "Dad, how's it going?"

"Very good!" Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, touched Xuanxuan's head and said, "let's go and continue to move forward. The demons in the period of transforming God should be enough for you to practice for some time."

"Yes!" Xuanxuan smiled and nodded and continued to move forward with Lin Feng.

Father and daughter walked and stopped all the way. Most of the time, Lin Feng would choose to take Xuanxuan into nearby villages or small cities for rest. After all, they are girls. Although they need exercise, they are still not good in the mountains all year round.

After half a month, father and daughter rushed to Yunyan City, the first city with transmission array after they came out of 100000 mountains.

"Dad, shall we go to Lushui state next? I'll just go alone. You can also feel that the friars in this small place are not high and are not my opponents. Therefore, I'll go by myself." Xuanxuan smiled and said to Lin Feng, "Dad, don't you still need to find the blood of the dragon?"

"I have to wait until I send you to the place. Don't worry, you Lin Feng, I still have time“

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuanxuan spit out her tongue.

"Let's go!" Seeing Xuanxuan's restless face, Lin Feng shook his head. The girl looked very clever on the surface, but her character followed the crazy girl Xiao nishang. Wherever there was excitement, there was the shadow of the girl!

After entering Yunyan City, Lin Feng's spirit was in a trance.

The monks, big and small, walked up the street. When they saw the combination of Lin Feng and Xuanxuan, all their eyes were on them.

First of all, although Xuanxuan is not old, she has initially grown up. She is beautiful, too beautiful! Second, Lin Feng's beard was broken and he looked tired, but Xuanxuan's eyebrows were stretched and her mouth was smiling. The most important thing was that Xuanxuan held Lin Feng's arm.

This scene made the monks around stare round their eyes one by one, and looked at Lin Feng with an incredible face. This boy is really lucky. There is such a beautiful girl around him holding his hand.

This is a beautiful woman like flowers and jade!

"Dad, let's go and have a look over there!" Xuanxuan took Lin Feng's hand and walked towards the square city on one side. People came and went in the square city,. All kinds of cries constantly rushed Lin Feng's ears. The square city here was similar to those night cities on the earth. There were all kinds of things to sell.

Lin Feng went to Fangshi with Xuanxuan.

Walking along the way, Xuanxuan spent some Lingshi to buy some things. Finally, her father and daughter went to the auction house.

He auctioned some of his monster items. After accumulating a lot in the mountains these years and changing them into common currency in the fairy world, Lin Feng put most of them on Xuanxuan.

Although the spirit stone is still useful, the worst in the fairy world is already the top-grade spirit stone, otherwise it is the top-grade spirit stone. There are few top-grade spirit stones in the lower world. The top-grade spirit stones brought by Er Linfeng have been allocated to replace the top-grade spirit stones.

The currency in circulation in the fairy world is Fairy Spirit stone, which is better than the best Fairy Spirit stone. Of course, the Fairy Spirit stone is also divided into the middle and upper three classes. Lin Feng chose the top-grade Fairy Spirit stone naturally. It is only so many materials. Only 20 top-grade Fairy Spirit stones have been exchanged. One top-grade Fairy Spirit stone is better than 100 top-grade Fairy Spirit stones.

Xuanxuan changed some inferior immortal stones and middle-grade immortal stones on herself.

Seeing Xuanxuan's appearance, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

A gentleman is not guilty. If there are too many top-grade immortal stones on Xuanxuan's body, it is bound to become the focus of everyone. What Xuanxuan does is to ensure Xuanxuan's safety.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng nodded with a smile and pulled Xuanxuan out of the auction house. As soon as he went out, a young man with his servants blocked Lin Feng in front of him and surrounded Lin Feng and Xuanxuan in the middle.

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