"Ben is in a good mood today. I want this little girl to be my servant girl." The leading young man pointed to Xuanxuan beside Lin Feng, raised his chin, looked at Lin Feng and said, "come on, how many fairy stones are willing to sell me this little girl."

Xuanxuan is going to move forward. Lin Feng holds Xuanxuan and protects her behind her.

"Are you talking to me?" Lin Feng pointed to himself and asked.

"Yes, it's you. Otherwise, there can be someone who doesn't look at yourself. It's good to have someone talk to you!" Zhao Duan groaned and said, "this little girl, let's go with me. Don't worry. If you enter my Zhao family, you won't treat this boy badly!"

Zhao Duan's eyes turned on Xuanxuan.

Beautiful, so beautiful!

Although the little girl hasn't grown up yet, from the women she has played over the years, the little girl must be beautiful when she grows up. This is a good stove tripod!

"Cultivation is not bad, but it's not solid." Lin Feng looked down at Zhao Duan, sneered and said.

"Hum, I'm going to Shangqing palace to look for fairy fate next month. If you know the truth, get ready and give me this little girl doll quickly, otherwise..." Zhao Duan looked up and down at Lin Feng, sneered and said:

"With your ability, you think you have a chance to win the battle with me, the main beam of the Shangqing palace in the future?"

Zhao Duan's arrogant words made Lin Feng don't know how to take up this sentence for a moment. He touched his nose, bowed his head and stood there with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

This pillar of the future is really beyond his surprise.

Seeing Lin Feng's original value, Zhao Duan's face became gloomy for a moment. He stretched out his hand and was about to attack Lin Feng. Zhao Duan felt that his hand could not move at all. Feeling this, Zhao Duan's eyes immediately stared round and looked at Zhao Duan with an incredible face.

"What did you do to me!" Zhao Duan looked at Lin Feng and wanted to step back, but except for a mouth, Zhao Duan found that he couldn't move anywhere.

"Practice well. Some people are not what you can imagine." Then Lin Feng directly took Xuanxuan to the outside. When he came to Zhao Duan, Xuanxuan snorted and said:

"You know, I'm not alone today, otherwise I must greet you well!"

Xuanxuan raised her head and spread her momentum around Zhao Duan. Zhao Duan's body trembled. She trembled for a moment, aunt, it must be aunt!

What did you fantasize about just now? Still fantasizing about my aunt? Zhao Duan's body trembled and trembled. He fell and sat on the ground. He didn't dare to think again.

Lin Feng took Xuanxuan and quickly left the land of right and wrong. Two hours later, they stood in the transmission array of Lushui state.

"Lin Feng, shall we go there now?" Xuanxuan looked at Lin Feng and asked with a smile.

"Not yet. The Shangqing palace recruits disciples on the third day of each month. It's still half a month away. In this half a month, let's practice in the mountains outside. Don't go to the city first." Lin Feng said to Xuanxuan with a smile that instead of entering the city, they bought a map and headed for the nearest mountain.

Ordinary monsters in the periphery could not arouse Lin Feng and Xuanxuan's mind at all. They went all the way to look for monsters in the mountains.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's mind moved. He felt that there was a monster dormant in the valley not far away, and it was still a valuable monster.

"We have something to do. Let Dafei out and let Dafei help you. There is a big guy in the valley!" Lin Feng smiled at Xuanxuan and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuanxuan's eyes lit up immediately, waved her hand and said, "I know, Dad, just wait for me outside. Dafei and I can solve it." Then Xuanxuan jumped towards the valley.

"Slow down and pay attention to safety!" Seeing the appearance of Xuanxuan, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. His mind scanned around, moved and fell on the side of the path.

Several disciples in strange clothes are walking towards this side. These disciples are talking and laughing all the way. They look in a good mood.

"Eldest martial brother, the tiger spotted snake is in this valley. It has great accomplishments in the Mahayana period. The tiger spotted snake is covered with treasure. He still guards what we need most when we enter the fairy period. If we can kill this guy, we will be very angry!"

A man in a blue robe stood beside a man in a white robe and said with a smile.

On the man's clothes here, the words Shangqing Palace are clearly written.

These are the disciples of Shangqing palace.

It's really fate. I didn't expect to meet the disciples of Shangqing palace when I first arrived in Lushui Prefecture. However, this time, it seems that we met because of the tiger spotted snake I pointed out to Xuanxuan.

The tiger spotted snake is full of treasure, and it is also a very difficult monster. Lin Feng originally hoped that Xuanxuan could exercise her patience and persistence for a long time. Seeing these rushing disciples, Lin Feng was a little embarrassed for a while.

"Who's here? We are Shangqing palace disciples. We are here to practice. Please make way. " When the group of disciples was about to enter Lin Feng's nausea, they shouted to Lin Feng.

"Hello." Lin Feng walked to the group of Shangqing palace disciples with a smile and said, "my name is Lin Dasheng. I've just experienced it. I'm going to take part in the assessment of Shangqing palace and become an excellent disciple of Shangqing palace. Can you recommend it for me?"

Lin Feng's brazen face gathered in front of several people, especially the man in white in the middle. Obviously, the man in white has a higher status than those in blue.

The man in white was a little unhappy. He stepped back slightly, leaned back and said, "if you want to enter the Shangqing palace, you only need to go to the big square of Tongcheng on the 3rd of each month to pass the examination."

"I don't know. I thought I needed a referral." Lin Feng silently smiled and said, "but since everyone has met, let's sit here and talk. I just brought some spiritual fruits from the mountains. Is it convenient for you to tell me about Shangqing palace?"

Lin Feng smiled and took out several lingguo, just one for each, "I found it in the mountain. It tastes good. Let's try it!"

When the originally careless Shangqing palace disciples saw the lingguo in Lin Feng's hand, their eyes immediately lit up and they were ready to move one by one!


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