"Is that bird yours just now?" The great ape looked down at Xuanxuan and asked again.

"Yes, it's Dafei. Dafei grew up with me." Xuanxuan smiled, nodded and opened her mouth. An invisible smell lingered around Xuanxuan. Lin Feng was surprised to feel Xuanxuan's breath.

Xuanxuan can drink divine water and dead water since she was born, so there are two forces in her body, which make Xuanxuan relax her vigilance when she gets along with monsters and even fights.

Unexpectedly, the girl's ability can also be used by so many great apes who have surpassed her.

Or is it that the great ape has never drunk stagnant water before, so he has no resistance to stagnant water?

Lin Feng looked down at Xuanxuan and was a little more curious.

"Little girl, you make me feel good." The giant ape swept around Lin Feng. Lin Feng had the same smell as the little girl, but there was also a dangerous smell. The man was on guard against him.

"Thank you, great ape." Xuanxuan said with a smile, "let's go first. I'll take part in the assessment of Shangqing palace. Then I can become a disciple of Shangqing palace. I'll see you again!"

Hearing Xuanxuan's words, the giant ape relaxed, nodded and made way.

"Thank you!" Lin Feng arched his hand at the giant ape, hesitated, filled a small half bottle of dead water and said, "you are promoting. This may be useful to you!"

The great ape took Lin Feng's things. The power that the great ape couldn't help made the whole body of the great ape tremble. He shook his head, looked down at Lin Feng, looked a little complicated, and said, "boy, I have accepted your kindness. In the future, if you go to the demon world, just go to the great ape family to find me!"

Hearing the words of the great ape, Lin Feng smiled and nodded, and took Xuanxuan directly away.

"Oh, the big man is leaving here. I expect the big man to cover me in the future!" Xuanxuan spits out her tongue. Head, she says loudly.

"I was here before the promotion." The great ape said to Xuanxuan. Xuanxuan's eyes lit up immediately. Seeing Xuanxuan's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. This little girl is really

If a demon supports her, she won't toss and die!

"Come on, girl, your experience is not over yet. In this half month, you are in the deep mountains and kill 15 monsters similar to tiger spotted snake. You and Dafei can go back. I'll wait for you in Tongcheng."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuanxuan nodded with a smile and said, "I know. Don't worry. If I'm in danger, I'll crush the jade plate on me. Anyway, you give me a lot of big moving symbols. I'll be fine!"

Xuanxuan skipped away. Lin Feng stood there, shook his head, turned around, his mind moved, and his eyes looked at a place.

There is always a different smell here.

There are really good things!

Lin Feng's eyebrows were lifted and his eyes were filled with joy.

Although the surrounding environment is still the same, Lin Feng can feel that there is a different smell shuttling around. The smell is very light, but Lin Feng is not worried at all.

This monster is probably the peak of Mahayana. Lin Feng needs such a monster to exercise himself.

I haven't had a good fight in the fairy world for a long time.

Lin Feng opened his whole body and rushed directly into the monster.

Lin Feng's speed was very fast. With a loud roar, the monster woke up from his sleep and rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

This is a dark purple monster. The whole body of the monster is covered with sharp corners, and each corner is covered with all kinds of textures. The monster revolves around Lin Feng, and the corners are glittering with thunder.

Good guy, thunder beast!

Looks like I found my baby!

Seeing this guy, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately, and the corners of his mouth aroused a satisfied radian. After he came to the fairy world, he hasn't felt the thunder and lightning in the fairy world!

Thinking so, Lin Feng took the lead in touching the attack. The field of sword was launched at Lin Feng's feet and directly attacked the thunder beast.

Feeling Lin Feng's attack, a touch of humanized contempt flashed in the eyes of the thunder beast. The thunder light on the sharp corners of the whole body was constantly flashing and directly attacked Lin Feng.

Lei Guang kept spinning on Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng's body trembled. Lei Guang's last strength was thrown away by Lin Feng.

"No, this attack is not enough!" Lin Feng shook his head, looked at the thunder beast and said, "take out your ability. You'd better keep this little thunder for yourself!"

"Stupid human!" The thunder beast's voice suddenly became sharp. The whole accelerated and rushed towards Lin Feng. When Lin Feng came in front of him, the thunder beast was only covered with thorns, and the thunder light was constantly tangled together, integrating a net to wrap Lin Feng in it.


It's like a hedgehog!

Seeing the appearance of the thunder beast, Lin Feng's body kept retreating, the potential energy position opened, and the thunder beast's action paused.

"Go!" Lin Feng roared. Feng Tong's sword and Bai Yu's sword were tangled and cut directly on the back of the thunder beast.

"Bang!" The two collided and hit countless sparks. Lin Feng's body jumped and fell behind the thunder beast.

One blow failed, the thunder beast made me crazy, and the thunder light on the sharp corner became more and more fierce.

"The local monsters in the fairy world are still a little worse than those in the lower world." Lin Feng shook his head and sighed.

The monsters in the Mahayana period and those in the fairyland are obviously worse than those in the yanxuan continent. Of course, the monsters in the yanxuan continent often have to go through thunder robbery to constantly strengthen their body. In the fairyland, they don't need to go through thunder robbery until they are fully cultivated in the Mahayana period.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

"It's over!" Lin Feng's long sword trembled. The field and potential energy position of the sword directly reported to the thunder beast. The thunder beast roared. The next moment, the whole body was directly penetrated by the long sword. The whole body trembled. Trembled and fell on the ground.

Lin Feng looked down at the thunder beast and shook his head.

This guy is still too fragile.

Lin Feng cut the body of the thunder beast, sat in the valley and began to roast meat for himself slowly.

The cultivation of thunder beast is good, so there are not many other monsters around here. Lin Feng is also very safe sitting there.

His mind turned around the mountain. Soon Lin Feng locked Xuanxuan's position. After feeling that Xuanxuan was all right, Lin Feng calmly ate the barbecue.

Although he was waiting for Xuanxuan in the whole city, he was his precious daughter after all. Lin Feng naturally couldn't bear to let Xuanxuan suffer a little injustice in the past half a month, but hid himself and followed the past all the way.

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