Half a month passed quickly. During this period, Lin Feng was always with Xuanxuan, but Xuanxuan didn't know Lin Feng existed..

Until Xuanxuan completes the task, Lin Feng returns to Tongcheng with Xuanxuan again. The two meet in the auction building. Lin Feng cleans up all the things Xuanxuan needs and puts them aside.

Xuanxuan was in a good mood. When she saw what Lin Feng had prepared, her eyes lit up immediately, and her whole mood flew up.

"I knew Dad knew me best. Well, he knew to prepare my favorite food for me." Xuanxuan smiled at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing Xuanxuan's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "let's go and deal with the things first. Then we'll find a place to eat and have a rest. We'll go back soon." Lin Feng said to Xuanxuan with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth. Xuanxuan smiled and nodded, followed Lin Feng and let Lin Feng arrange.

The achievements in the past half a month were remarkable. Although they were only monsters at the beginning of the Mahayana period, they took out 16 at once, which still frightened the auction. After taking a look at Xuanxuan and seeing Lin Feng, the people at the auction were relieved.

If only the little girl took out 16 heads, he would be really frightened. However, there is a strong man in the Mahayana next to him. It is not impossible for two people to work together.

"These, all sold? There are many good materials here, but they are very rare! "

"Deal with everything!" Xuanxuan nodded with a smile and said, "it's a burden to keep it anyway. You can help deal with it."

Hearing Xuanxuan's words, the staff nodded, quickly counted the things, and then calculated the money.

"There are 300 top-grade immortal spirit stones in total. Do you need to buy anything?"

"Not at the moment. If necessary, we will contact you." Xuanxuan hesitated for a moment, put away the fairy stone and turned out with Lin Feng.

"Dad, the money is a little too fast. If I go to the mountain for another month, I can get more." Xuanxuan smiled at Lin Feng and said.

"Where can you kill so many monsters in the mountain? Besides, 300 top-grade immortal spirit stones will satisfy you?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "it's so cheap now?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuanxuan spit out her tongue and said, "no, it's just the first time I got so many fairy stones by my own strength. I'm just happy!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded. They found a restaurant. Lin Feng put the food prepared in advance in front of Xuanxuan and said, "haven't eaten well in half a month, have a try!"

"Lin Feng knows me!" Xuanxuan smiled, bowed her head and ate quickly. Lin Feng's mind moved and paid attention to the surrounding developments.

The restaurants are basically young men and women, and most of them should come to the Shangqing palace for assessment.

"This assessment is said to be checked by the eldest martial brother from the outside. This time, we will pass it well!"

"I think you think too much. I'll tell you, this time, the big brother of the outer gate went to kill a tiger spotted snake in the mountain. As a result, the tiger spotted snake has been taken first. The big brother went there for nothing. Now he's depressed. It's absolutely impossible to be simple!"

"Who killed the tiger spotted snake? Didn't he deliberately harm us?" A disciple roared, and all his eyes were on the disciple. The disciple seemed to realize something wrong, coughed and sat down.

"How interesting!" Seeing so many young men and women of the same grade for the first time, Xuanxuan's spirit was also inspired. Her eyes swept around the hall and walked to a table in the corner, where several girls sat.

"Hello, my name is Lin Xuanxuan. I'm here to participate in this selection." Xuanxuan took the initiative to say hello. The girls raised their heads and looked at Xuanxuan. When they saw Xuanxuan's eyebrows, their eyes brightened. Instead, the girls in Western Zhejiang lowered their heads and ignored Xuanxuan.

"Hello, Miss Lin. my name is Zhang Shaohua. I'm from Zhangjia, Luzhou. I don't know where Miss Lin comes from?"

A young man walked up to Xuanxuan and greeted her with a smile. The young man was as gentle as jade and stood there with a modest gentleman's style.

This boy, dangerous!

Lin Feng reacted almost at the same time. Just about to go up, Xuanxuan had politely smiled and walked away.

This girl has a good eye!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dad, you go first. I'll walk around here myself." Xuanxuan sent a message to Lin Feng and said, "you are here. People are embarrassed to say hello and play with me!"

Hearing Xuanxuan's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. This girl, is this driving people out?

Lin Feng sighed, stood up and walked out.

After wandering around the city, Lin Feng went to the new hero restaurant.

Just developed in Luzhou, the location of hero restaurant is very poor. The rent required for this place is not high. It is also the only place they can afford to rent after selling for so many years.

Chen Luping was preparing in the store. She suddenly felt a hot breath behind her. Chen Luping looked back and saw Lin Feng. A smile came up at the corners of her mouth and said, "I didn't say hello when she came. It scared me!"

"Give you a surprise!" Lin Feng hugged Chen Luping and said with a smile, "Ping'er, don't you think I have?"

"Thinking!" Chen Luping chuckled, hugged Lin Feng's neck and said with a smile, "it's you. I haven't heard from you for so long. I don't know what to do. Where's Xuanxuan?"

"Make friends outside. I'm going to participate in the selection tomorrow. I know more people today." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile, "after all, they are the same group, and the grade difference is not big. It's good to know more friends."

Chen Luping smiled and nodded. She raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. Her eyes moved. She nodded to the employees working below and took Lin Feng towards the inside. When she went in, Lin Feng's hand smashed in front of Chen Luping, and her fingers moved dishonestly.

"Come on, there's someone outside!" Chen Luping only felt a breath lingering in her ears, blushed and said.

"It's all right. I'm watching. They don't see it." Lin Feng smiled, hugged Chen Luping and went directly to Chen Luping's room.

When Xuanxuan came back, it was obvious that the two people had not come out yet. Xuanxuan, who had been busy for most of the day, was in a good mood and went upstairs to find a room to sleep.

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