The next morning, early, Xuanxuan took the lead in going to the assessment site.

She had already made several friends and left with a smile.

Lin Feng and Chen Luping arrived behind and stood outside to watch the excitement.

There were at least seven or eight hundred disciples who came to take part in the examination. They stood densely outside the square, leaving a part of them empty.

Xuanxuan looks very beautiful. It's also a group of girls standing together. Naturally, it's very bright there. Lin Feng and Chen Luping stand not far from Xuanxuan and look forward to Xuanxuan.

"Are you looking forward to it?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Chen Luping chuckled and said.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it. It's the first time I've personally sent my children to his path after repairing the truth. Sifeng is too mature and has prepared things since childhood. Lin Bian is very curious. I don't need others to help him or anything else at all. Angie and ling'er are also different from Xuanxuan, I grew up in this closed environment since I was a child. I saw only monsters and us, so I was very worried about him. "

Lin Feng said frankly that he looked at Xuanxuan not far away and frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, Xuanxuan is a good child, and she should always grow up. To accept this society, all we can do is bless her from a distance." Chen Luping stood there, looked at Xuanxuan in the distance and said, "it's like sending Yanran to school. I always feel disappointed, but when she came back with a good harvest, I miss such days again."

Hearing Chen Luping's comfort, Lin Feng nodded and looked at Xuanxuan, reluctant to leave.

"Xuanxuan is the girl who has been with me for the longest time. We have always lived in the mountains with her. Therefore, I feel more or less indebted to this girl."

Lin Feng bowed his head and said with disappointment in his words.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chen Luping nodded and thought she was holding Lin Feng's hand on Lin Feng's shoulder to comfort Lin Feng.

"The Shangqing palace reading examination began. This time, only ten disciples entered the Shangqing palace as usual. Let's all line up!" A middle-aged man sat in front and shouted. All the teenagers below were quiet.

"All the people stand up for me. Here is the potential stone. All the people, put their palms on the potential stone, and then increase their strength. The potential stone will judge your potential. The top ten people with potential can stay. Do you hear me?"

Hearing this, all the people were ready and stood there one by one with expectation on their faces.

There is really a feeling of college entrance examination in those years!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

"Please stand up when I report my name!" The big man stood in front and shouted. A man in white came out, stood there with a book in his hand, glanced around, and then found Lin Feng outside the crowd.

Feel the man's gaze, Lin Feng's eyes flashed an accident, this guy, good eyesight!

"Zhang Dingfeng!"


"Zhao Xue!"

A girl stepped forward. Lin Feng looked at the girl. He remembered the girl. The girl was the girl who embarrassed Xuanxuan at the beginning. The potential stone went up four spaces. The potential of the girl is still good!

No wonder you have proud capital!

"Why, have a holiday with Xuanxuan?" Seeing this scene, Chen Luping asked with a smile.

"Well, when I said hello to Xuanxuan, I didn't care about Xuanxuan. The potential is good. It should be everyone." Lin Feng nodded and said indifferently.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chen Luping burst out laughing. Obviously, Lin Feng is too protective of Xuanxuan.

Thinking of this, Chen Luping shook her head helplessly. It should be Lin Feng's favorite.

The people above are still reading their names. So far, the tallest is the girl named Zhao Xue, who climbed up five squares.

"Lin Xuanxuan!"

Suddenly, there was a cry from above. After hearing Xuanxuan's name, Lin Feng, who was mixed with the rain, immediately raised his spirit and put it all on Xuanxuan.

"Here!" Xuanxuan answered, walked forward and put her hand on the potential stone.

"I didn't miss it. It's Xuanxuan?" Liu yanru quickly came over and stood there in a hurry. "Mom and Dad were going to come, too, because it was too late, so they didn't come."

Hearing what Liu yanru said, Lin Feng nodded and looked at Xuanxuan nervously.

The light of potential stone has been rising.

Five squares

Six squares

The elder guarding the test stood up, and all the disciples around looked there.

Seven squares

Someone around took a breath.


Everyone's eyes are on Xuanxuan. You know, no one in Luzhou has reached the position of eight squares for many years. Even the genius of Shangqing palace now is only eight squares!

This girl is even close to the first genius of Shangqing palace!

There will be another genius in Shangqing palace!

The following people began to talk. Zhao Xue's eyes were on Xuanxuan. The corners of her mouth were slightly open and her eyes were full of unbelievable. How is this possible? It's absolutely impossible! This girl is obviously a local steamed stuffed bun. How can she have such great potential!

The potential stone is still shining.

Nine squares

Lin Feng heard a slight click from the potential stone.

Xuanxuan stopped and stood there, looking at the front, waiting for the result.

"Your... Name is Lin Xuanxuan?" The elder stood in front of Xuanxuan and asked softly.

"Yes, my name is Lin Xuanxuan." Xuanxuan raised her head and showed a smiling face.

"Well, well, you follow me first, ting'er, old three, you continue!" The elder sitting there waved his hand and walked directly to the front. After taking a few steps, he looked back at Xuanxuan and was relieved to see Xuanxuan following behind.

"What about us?" Seeing Xuanxuan gone, Chen Luping looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"Go home. It's estimated that Xuanxuan is a little busy. We won't disturb Xuanxuan." Lin Feng said with a smile and turned to leave directly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chen Luping was stunned. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, she shook her head. Naturally, she knew that Lin Feng's psychology must still want to say goodbye to Xuanxuan. He just didn't want to be sad when he was leaving.

Chen Luping sighed.

The little man is about to go far away.

"Lin Feng, don't worry. Go and find what you want. I'm here to guard the home for you. No matter when you come back, he's always so warm." Chen Luping bowed her head and whispered to Lin Feng.

"Thank you, Ping'er, yanru." Lin Feng took the two women's hands and looked ahead. The ripples in his eyes gradually condensed together.

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