"Master, it's not good for us. If we kill these sea animals too much, the forces on Mercury will pay attention to our dynamics. At that time, we will sell a large number of sea animals, which will be limited by those sects."

Bochton said, "there are all kinds of sects in the fairy world. Many of them are cults like the corpse Yin sect. These sects and some righteous sects confront each other. If we don't choose these, we'll choose those sects that are inhuman to mankind."

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "what you said is reasonable, but it's still early. Let's kill a wave first, and then go ashore to find a city to find out. It's also good to be like the Shiyin sect. The Shiyin sect must have a lot of treasures in the warehouse!"

Lin Feng nodded, saying that it was very just and awe inspiring, but the corners of Boqi's mouth smoked.

He knew that the master was not a good man... Wait a minute, I'd better leave it to Qianlong to do such a thing. That guy is familiar with this kind of thing. He's much better than him!

"OK, master, let's go and attack several nests of sea animals!" Along the way, Boqi had atomic bombs, missiles, hydrogen bombs and so on. It was more than enough to deal with these sea animals. One person and one shuttle were completely carpet cleaning, all the way to a nearby city.

The city is located on the sea. A powerful array is arranged outside to protect the cultivators and ordinary humans inside. Lin Feng's mind moved and the whole directly penetrated the past.

Feeling the human breath, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and stood in the small port.

The port is very small. A small fishing village lives in a safe sea area. Lin Feng can feel that there are a small number of practitioners in the fishing village. Their accomplishments are not high, but it is more than enough to protect some goblins sneaking into the safe sea area.

"After the master's cleaning, the sea area can be safe for about a hundred years." Bo Qi stealthily followed Lin Feng and whispered, "those monsters are not stupid. Generally, after feeling the massacre here, they won't appear in a short time."

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng nodded, walked slowly in the small fishing village with his back hands, and said, "it's not sure. It's just that there are fewer monsters in the sea area. There are a steady stream of monsters in those sea areas. They can't take care of themselves!"

With that, Lin Feng has entered the small fishing village.

The small fishing village had not seen a new face for a long time. Suddenly, they saw a Lin Feng. Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Feng with curiosity.

"Excuse me, aunt. How can I get to town?" Lin Feng asked with a gentle smile.

"It takes three days to drive all the way from here, but young man, you can wait. We have xingqingban tigers carrying the villagers out every morning. We can go out as long as a piece of inferior Fairy Spirit stone!"

Aunt smiled and said to Lin Feng.

"Thank you, aunt!" Lin Feng smiled, nodded, turned and walked directly in front. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, aunt frowned.

"Why is this little guy so stubborn? He said, wait. If he goes out by himself, it will take more time!" Then the aunt looked down and saw a scroll on the ground. Her body trembled. When she looked up and looked ahead, where was the shadow of the young man.

"Xiao Qing, you come out, you come out, you have hope for immortality!" The aunt took the scroll and the fat all over her body was shaking. "There is hope, there is hope..." she said, and the aunt went directly into the room.

"Master, this aunt is not enough to be a cultivator!" Seeing Lin Feng's practice, Boqi shook his head and said.

"It's a girl. The girl has a good talent. This is just a volume of starting skills in the fairy world, but it can help the little girl start to lay a foundation. At that time, she will naturally have a chance to get out of this small fishing village."

Lin Feng smiled. When he just stepped into the small fishing village, his mind turned around in the small fishing village. After feeling the cultivation of the little girl, Lin Feng's mind moved. This is a piece of jade, leaving a fairy fate. It's a beautiful thing to meet each other in the future.

Seeing Lin Feng smiling at the corners of his mouth, Boqi shut up and didn't speak again.

Lin Feng never left anything. Even if she left a fairy fate, the little girl would not know that it was the master who did it!

"Come on, birch, let's go to the nearby city first!" Lin Feng waved his hand. It seems that he and the small fishing village have a certain fate. Otherwise, he won't leave his fairy fate in the small fishing village twice.

Bo xunzuo led Lin Feng directly through many mountains and finally landed in the nearest city.

"Tianshui city." Lin Feng raised his head and took a look. Bo xunsuo directly took Lin Feng through the array at the gate of the city and entered the city.

"Tut Tut, you can cross the array unscrupulously when you are in the lower world. You can also go to the fairy world. It is worthy of being the first dragon." Standing on the ground, Lin Feng still couldn't help sighing.

"It's just a small star array. We can shuttle naturally, but when we get to the main star, it's impossible to shuttle." Poche coughed and said“ Even the original Dragon Emperor dare not say that he can pass through every array of the main star, especially those of big clans. Those arrays are really big arrays, and even those left over from ancient times. "

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "when I get the dragon blood in Qianlong dragon's tomb, let's go to the main star!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, bochton said, "haven't Qianlong told you where his dragon tomb is?"

"Yes, this old Wang bastard, as long as it involves his dragon tomb, he will hesitate. He doesn't know what the bastard cares about!" Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked depressed. As long as Qianlong was involved in Qianlong's tomb, he kept silent and didn't want to say anything.

He was anxious to get the blood of the dragon, but this guy was very stubborn.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked depressed.

Lin Feng has a headache when he wants to know the location of Qianlong tomb from Qianlong mouth. It's really a heavy task and a long way to go.

"In fact, the master is not completely helpless!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, compared with whispering, "although Qianlong guy did it very secretly, at the beginning, Lord Longjiang River Valley aviation still found some secrets."

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

And the secret of this guy Qianlong?

"Tell me!" Lin Feng's spirit immediately perked up!

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