"When sealing me, Lord long Huang told me that Qianlong once had a friendly dragon. For that little dragon, the supreme dragon lived as a dragon for thousands of years and practiced with the Dragon every day."

As soon as the gate of memory was opened, Borch's mind flew up and said slowly, "speaking, this guy is also a talent, but later he was taken away by the Dragon Emperor. This guy left his little woman. In the blink of an eye, it has been so many years in the world."

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng's mind moved.

"If the dragon is still practicing, it still exists?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows with surprise in his eyes. "Where is the dragon?"

"The main star connects the demon world. It's a place called gusheshan. The aura there is not very good in the demon world and the main star. It's almost like a dragon living there." Boqi whispered, and then slowly drilled back to boxunsuo. After all, it was shaking people's past. It seemed inappropriate to stand outside.

Poche murmured in his heart.

"Tut Tut, this guy is still a young girl!" Lin Feng tut tut sighed. His eyes were rolling. He smiled and said, "I know where this guy hid the blood of the dragon!"

"Does the master know?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Boqi drilled out again.

"I didn't know before. I knew it when you told me this story." Lin Feng hehe smiled, his eyes twinkled stealthily. Qianlong looked like he was crying ghosts and gods. In fact, this guy's mouth was very solid.

To get a place from Qianlong's mouth, Lin Feng knew that he must spend a lot of time, but after listening to Boqi's story, Lin Feng basically knew it.

Qianlong naturally didn't think that the previous Dragon Emperor would tell everyone the story, so he naturally didn't think that Lin Feng would know his past embarrassment. Since he didn't know, Qianlong naturally thought his dragon tomb was the safest.

But it's a pity.

Lin Feng shook his head and felt a little sad in his heart.

This guy thought a lot, but he didn't expect the Dragon Emperor to tell Boqi the story when he sealed Boqi!

So, only Borch in the world knows this story!

Since Boqi is the only one who knows, now Lin Feng is at ease to get his own things.

"Don't tell that guy Qianlong. I'll surprise him then!" Lin Feng smiled and said.

When he heard Lin Feng's words, Boqi nodded. He didn't have much to refute his master's words, but he was also curious about where Qianlong put his things.

Look at Lin Feng, Lin Feng should be clear.

Poche went through the story again in his heart, but he still didn't think of where the specific place was.

"That... Master." Boqi looked at Lin Feng and couldn't help but say, "where does Qianlong have the blood of the dragon?"

"It exists in the body of the little Jiaolong." Lin Feng said with a smile, "even the life of the monster is limited. The little Jiaolong can't wait for Qianlong to return, but if Qianlong insists on staying, there is only one way. The dragon's blood is sealed in the Jiaolong's body. The Jiaolong can't absorb the dragon's blood. It's too overbearing, but the two can interact, Help Xiao Jiaolong go all the way. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Boqi's body trembled.

"Qianlong has too much courage!"

"Naturally, he will not have the courage, but if that blood has been treated by the Dragon Emperor, it will be OK under the authorization of the Dragon Emperor." Lin Feng looked at the sky and breathed a sigh of relief. He only felt very comfortable.

No wonder Qianlong instigated himself to look for the fragments of the Dragon tomb all the way, but he was unwilling to tell the fragments of his dragon tomb, because he didn't have a dragon tomb at all and didn't make fragments. Maybe he won't tell the secret until Lin Feng has only the last dragon blood to absorb, or Lin Feng has the ability to revive him, What he didn't expect was that the Dragon Emperor would tell Boqi the secret.

Lin Feng looked back at Boqi. Boqi was quiet. This time he did himself a big favor.

However, at the beginning, Qianlong said that the ability of each dragon shuttle is different. Lin Feng has basically understood Qianlong's ability, but Lin Feng hasn't figured out Boqi's ability. It seems necessary to ask Houtu to come out and ask him well.

Thick soil shuttle has been refitted countless times since Dao himself, but Lin Feng didn't use it much.

The first is the relationship between Qingling and Houtu. Naturally, Lin Feng hopes that Houtu can recover well. After all, it is not better than the lower boundary in the fairy world. There are many times when thick soil is needed.

Hide the thick soil as his own hidden trick, which makes Lin Feng feel a lot of peace of mind.

"Master, shall we go straight to Gushe mountain now?" When he heard Lin Feng's words, Boqi suddenly brightened up, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"No, let's find something first!" Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "there are still a lot of things to find here. Besides, we don't know what the original little dragon looks like now. Therefore, the top priority is to improve our own strength first. At least, repair the demon smelting pot first."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Boqi nodded and moved forward slowly with Lin Feng.

"Master, let Qianlong come out. Although the water power here is very sufficient, my energy is more powerful and easy to attract people's attention." Boqi suddenly opened his mouth and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded, waved his hand and directly put Boqi away.

The more in the place with rich water aura, Lin Feng knows that the greater the energy fluctuation of Boqi, and the greater the possibility of being found.

Lin Feng walked slowly with his head down. He was still thinking about what Boqi had told him before. He took advantage of the situation to study how to rush to Gushe mountain.

The fairyland is vast in territory and rich in resources. Whether it is flying or local practitioners and humans already don't know how to calculate. The existence of so many practitioners naturally has all kinds of means of survival. The whole fairyland, whether the main star or auxiliary star, has basically been marked out.

In some grocery stores, fairyland maps are sold.

It's just that maps are too expensive.

"Go to the auction house first!" Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed and went directly to the auction house. He needed to sell a lot of monster resources, and half of them could only be eaten by the auction house.

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