Lin Feng made a simple distinction between the materials while walking. Some tricky and special materials except those he needed to stay, Lin Feng agreed to install them and divided them into more than a dozen.

Lin Feng went to the first auction house, sold things, and then went to the second house.

After running to more than 30 auction houses in the whole city, Lin Feng set his eyes on all kinds of small shops.

Tianshui city is very large, and it is one of the largest cities in Shuicheng. All forces of mercury gather here, and all kinds of auction houses and shops accumulate. When Lin Feng peddles materials, he is not in one, but separated from many.

If so many materials of monsters in the sea are sold at one time, Lin Feng knows that it will certainly attract attention at that time.

In such a big city, there is no guarantee that there are friars much higher than him. Lin Feng dare not take this risk.

Although he said he had a way to avoid it, now Lin Feng doesn't know whether the breath of his innate magic weapon can be blocked by the veins depicted by Wu Daozi. If he makes a rash move, it's easy to get himself into trouble!

I haven't gone out to find trouble yet, so I'd better not cause trouble for the time being!

In the past, Lin Feng spent more than ten days dealing with the things at hand. Looking at the bulging pockets, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. First, he bought a map of the fairyland,. Three days later, Lin Feng took the fairy map to the transmission array in the center of the city.

From mercury to a relatively close transmission array from the main star, there is only another city.

"Go to the main city. Go to the main city. Five top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. Pay the money and pay the card. You can go in with the card!" A young man outside was shouting. Lin Feng went to pay the money and walked directly inside.

There are obviously not many people going to the main city.

When he arrived in the main city, Lin Feng immediately began to contact the auction to sell his things as soon as he left the main city.

More forces gathered in the main city. Lin Feng's hand was bigger than that in Tianshui city.

The fairy stone kept drilling into Lin Feng's pocket. Lin Feng went all the way, and his mood became more and more relaxed. Enough, enough!

After selling most of the materials, Lin Feng did not sell the remaining materials. Although he has reserved backup copies of these materials, the closer he is to the main star, Lin Feng believes that the price of these materials must be higher.

It is never possible to compare the consumption level of small third tier cities with that of first tier cities.

"That's nice!" Lin Feng's mind passed through the dinghaishen bead. In the corner of the dinghaishen bead, a pair of fairy stones piled up there. Lin Feng counted them.

Although it is not as rich as when I was in the lower bound, there must be no problem when I arrived at gusheshan with so many immortal stones.

Thanks to birch, I've made a lot of money!

"If you knew there was no scientific and technological civilization in the fairy world, you should prepare more scientific and technological equipment. In this way, you can make more money!" Lin Feng's body trembled, and his mood was especially bright.

Before leaving, he made a big profit in the sea around Mercury's main city. Thinking so, Lin Feng turned and walked outside the main city.

"Master, you have to go!" When he heard Lin Feng's words, Boqi, who was awakened, moved and said, "otherwise, let's change our way!"

That birch is so depressed!

"This time, there is a fairy stone. When you start, using the fairy stone is certainly better than the spirit stone, isn't it?" Lin Feng said with a gentle smile, "most of the fairy stones here are top-grade. Don't worry. I know in my heart that I won't let you suffer any injustice."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Boqi nodded and said, "thank you, master."

Lin Feng gave a bag of fairy stones to Boqi.

Boqi's shuttle body trembled. Lin Feng felt that the texture around the shuttle body became more and more clear, and the ice blue light wrapped around Boxun shuttle, bringing the bright light of Taoist stars in the yanxuan continent.

Beautiful, so beautiful!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

Although there didn't seem to be much, the scene in front of Lin Feng was enough to make Lin Feng's mood fly again,

What I want is this effect!

"Master, the taste of Fairy Spirit stone is really great." Poche turned around Lin Feng and couldn't help sighing, "master, I'll take you out of the city. Let's solve everything nearby and go back directly at that time!"

Hearing Boqi's happy words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded, stood on Boxun Suo, and let Boxun Suo take himself away from the sky.

"Now, you can start!" Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and was in a very good mood.

"Master." At this time, the voice of Qianlong sounded in my mind.

"What's up?" Lin Feng stood in front of bosuo and let the wind blow his hair. He only felt relaxed and happy, especially comfortable.

"Master, there's nothing serious. I want to ask. Master, are you going to kill monsters? Are monsters... Killing too many? " Qianlong asked with some uncertainty.

"Stupid, these monsters are Fairy Spirit stones. Moreover, I have checked. The sea monsters on mercury are very comprehensive even in other places. Although this place is a little remote, we can get a lot of materials of these sea monsters to sell to the main star. The price is not low!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "we still have so many things to do. How can we dislike many fairy stones!"

"Master, let me do it too!" Qianlong smiled, "although I can't enter the water, not many people like to go to land. I can also do it!"

Lin Feng can hear the intention in Qianlong's words. Of course, Lin Feng can feel that this guy obviously wants to feel the taste of immortal stone.

"Wait, this is mercury after all. You can bear it first. When you get to the next galaxy, you will have time to come out." Lin Feng said with a smile, no longer talking to Qianlong.

"Where are you going now, master?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong asked carefully.

"Now there is no clue to find the map of dragon tombs. I'm going to take a chance on the main star. By the way, Qianlong, do you know where those dragon tombs are?" Lin Feng smiled and turned to look at Qianlong and asked.

"I don't know, master, every Dragon tomb appears randomly because of your presence, just like Boqi and Houtu. They also appear in the lower boundary because you appear in the lower boundary. If you want to find the Dragon tomb, the opportunity will come naturally as long as the time comes, so you don't have to worry, master."

Qianlong said very frankly.

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng turned his ears and eyes. There seems to be no difference between what he said and what he didn't say.

This guy is really careful for fear that he knows where his dragon tomb is.

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