After harvesting a circle of monsters, Lin Feng sent them directly from the main city to another galaxy.

"Master, this galaxy is a little strange." As soon as he entered the galaxy, Lin Feng released Qianlong. Qianlong's body shook and said to Lin Feng.

"Really?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes, "what's the matter here?"

"Master, I feel that the galaxy is full of demon animals. It seems that we have entered a demon star." Chihiro paused and said.

The so-called demon stars are some planets floating among auxiliary stars. These planets are occupied by monsters, but they are the favorite pastries of some big families in the fairy world.

A demon star means that monsters are constantly generated above. Killing these monsters can not only occupy the whole galaxy, but also obtain a lot of materials.

These materials are completely exclusive and do not need to be responsible for anything.

"It seems that we have fallen into the nest of a Fairy Spirit stone!" Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. Hehe smiled and said.

"Master, haven't you felt it?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong complained and said, "the smell of these monsters is somewhat abnormal!"

"I said you guy, I certainly can't feel it, because I'm not like that now!" Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes and said, "I'm human. How can I feel the different breath of the demon world?"

Lin Feng said, suddenly shut his mouth and stood there, frowning.

Different, totally different!

Lin Feng also felt the difference of breath!

What the hell is going on?

Lin Feng frowned.

"Master, let's..." Qianlong had to speak. Lin Feng made a quiet move. Qianlong walked slowly in front with Lin Feng.

The whole week was covered with such a smell, and a faint fishy smell lingered around it.

It's definitely fishy!

When the corpse Yin sect invaded the earth, Lin Feng smelled this smell. Is it difficult? Does the corpse Yin sect still appear in the fairy world? Lin Feng's mind can't turn around, but on second thought, since the corpse Yin sect exists, it is also very possible that the corpse Yin sect has flying disciples.

"It may be that cults like the corpse Yin sect or the corpse Yin sect occupy the planet. Let's pay attention." Lin Feng's voice was very thin and said.

"Master, what about our deterrence? Will we appear on this planet?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong hesitated and asked, "this week is so strange that no one else has appeared!"

"It should be you!" Lin Feng looked back at Qianlong, sighed and said, "maybe it's because you're by my side that you pierced the space channel, so you know we've been sent to this ghost place!"

Qianlong is silent and knows that Lin Feng is joking, but Qianlong knows that the only thing they can u do at this time is to be careful!

"NIMA, we're in a hole!" Standing on a small hill, Lin Feng hid his body. Looking at the scene below, he snorted coldly and said, "this damn mercury main city!"

Lin Feng's eyes looked at the front. Under the hill in front, there were countless stacked corpses. These corpses were stacked together. In the past, countless white bones could be seen below. Countless strange looking goblins were dormant in these rotten corpses.

This is the strange smell that Lin Feng smelled earlier.

The smell was not sent by others, but by these monsters.

This is not a death star, but they were calculated by others and entered other people's arrays.

That fucking bastard is calculating himself?

Feeling the following situation, Lin Feng's eyebrows narrowed, his mind turned around in his mind, and an array in his memory appeared in Lin Feng's heart.

"Master, what shall we do now?" Seeing Lin Feng's serious face, Qianlong asked carefully, "otherwise, we'll kill these monsters directly?"

"These are monsters transformed by the array. It's useless to kill them. Someone should use the array to surround the surrounding area and kill these practitioners. Let's not worry first." Lin Feng waved his hand and walked slowly on the mountain.

Lin Feng's speed is not fast, but with the change of Lin Feng's pace, the surrounding scenery has also changed.

Qianlong followed Lin Feng step by step and followed Lin Feng closely for fear of losing him. Now he is Lin Feng's weapon spirit. If Lin Feng has a long and short life, he can't live from here!

Thinking of this, Qianlong became more and more serious.

"Master!" Suddenly, Qianlong shouted, and Lin Feng stopped.

"I feel that the space in front is very weak. Let's rush over?"

"Silly you, there is the center of the array. Maybe an old monster beyond the immortal level is waiting for us there. Do you think we can go there?" Lin Feng turned his eyes and said, "don't think too much. Follow me. When I call you, you'll take me straight out. Remember to be invisible."

"Yes, master!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong immediately nodded and surrounded Lin Feng. He explored around with Lin Feng. Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped and took out many top-grade fairy stones. These fairy stones were densely arranged around by Lin Feng, and then moved forward.

Lin Feng's speed was very fast. At the next moment, he shouted, "run!"

Qianlong instantly covered Lin Feng's cage and rushed directly into the sky. Qianlong shuttle was invisible and rushed out of the array. The whole fat boy was in the sky.

Outside is the blue sea and blue sky, especially beautiful.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, where are you going now?" Out of the array, Qianlong breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"What's the hurry? Since we're all here, we're naturally going to have a good exchange of feelings with the host. Let's go like this. Aren't we a little unorthodox?" Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng looked at the sweeper below and said with a smile.

"Besides, just now we rushed out and I used nearly a hundred top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. Does Lin Feng seem to be the kind of person who returns Fairy Spirit stones to others after being wronged?"

Lin Feng locked a point while talking. Qianlong carried Lin Feng and stood there silently without talking. As long as the master was happy, besides, xianlingshi is a good thing. They consume so much every day. Of course, the more the master has, the better it is.

"Go over there!" Lin Feng pointed to a direction and said.

Qianlong nodded and directly rushed over there with her. Xianlingshi, I'm Qianlong coming!

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