After bringing the puppets into the whole nest, Lin Feng collected most of the puppets. Of course, the puppet makers also brought them. After being moistened by divine water, the cultivation began to rise slowly, and the puppets were getting better and better.

Especially after the collision between the puppets in the cultivation world and the scientific and technological civilization, the puppets are not only very realistic, but also can walk on the street like humans after integrating the elements of science and technology.

What controls the puppet is just a small control center button.

As soon as the puppet came out, he immediately began to stand in every corner of the street and began to shout. Lin Feng continued to prepare. Half an hour later, a fat man entered the store.

"I want to see if the food here is as effective as the propaganda!" The fat man sat at the table.

"Boss, you have special dishes in your shop. Give me a plate of everything. I have money!" The fat man shouted, and his eyes paused on Qingling, and then perked up.

The smell of this woman is terrible!

"Coming!" Lin Feng said hello and waved his hand. Twelve dishes fell in front of the fat man: "this is the main dish of hero restaurant this season. There are three appetizers, five main dishes, two soups and two side dishes. Objectively, please take your time."

The fat man raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng had a smile on his face. Somehow, the fat man felt that the simple and honest guy's smile was particularly infectious. An intuition told the fat man that the barrier he had stayed for decades seemed to be broken.

"Boy, you'd better bless your hero restaurant. The food is really good, otherwise, don't blame me!" The fat man took a look at Lin Feng, picked up chopsticks and put a piece of fish in his mouth.

The meat of the monster was rough. Although it had sufficient aura, it was not like that in fact. However, the fat man took chopsticks in his hand and his eyes lit up immediately after eating the meat.

Yummy, tanima yummy!

He has never eaten such delicious food!

Thinking of this, the fat man's eyes lit up immediately. After another bite, the fat man's body trembled. He shook for a while, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with joy in his eyes.

"Sir, take your time." With a gentle smile, Lin Feng made a gesture of invitation.

"Delicious!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, the fat man gave Lin Feng a thumbs up. The next moment, the fat man began to eat up and clean all the food on the table. The fat man burped, sat there contentedly, and put a bag of fairy stones on the table.

"How much?" The fat man looked up at Qingling and asked loudly.

"Five hundred top-grade immortal spirit stones." Qingling handed the menu to the fat man and said slowly.

"You... This is robbery!" The fat man stared round. He originally thought that even if the table was delicious, it was at most a hundred top-grade spirit stones. How could it be five hundred?

Five hundred top-grade immortal spirit stones, even the fat man himself, gave him a severe pain.

"Why don't you feel your body first and then say whether our dishes are worth the price!" Lin Feng said to the fat man with a gentle smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the fat man was stunned. Instead, he looked at his body and saw that a little aura was gathering in one direction. There, a faint mist rose around the aura.

What is this?

The fat man was a little confused for a moment. The next moment, his eyes lit up immediately.

This is a promotion!

I've stayed at the top of the Mahayana. The peak has been full for decades, and I'm going to be promoted!

Think about these years, the original genius has declined overnight, and he has become a laughing stock among the population. Now, is he going to be promoted?

"This is a thousand top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. The others are last time!" The fat man put a bag on the table and disappeared in place.

Lin Feng's lucky Fairy Spirit stone, hehe smiled. The fat man's Fairy Spirit stone was really easy to earn. However, the fat man was lucky. He didn't expect to be promoted after this pot of food.

Such guests, just a few more a day!

Lin Feng played with the immortal stone in his hand and thought so.

After making the fat man's voice, Lin Feng greeted several guests in twos and threes this day. At night, there were more guests. The people and robots invited in the store were not busy at all, and the dishes began to become less and less.

"Qingling, there are only three dishes left in the end. There are no others." Lin Feng glanced at the material and said to Qingling.

"OK." Qingling nodded and announced the news. The people outside who were still waiting in line wailed.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. Come back tomorrow. Our hero restaurant is right here, waiting for everyone to come." Qingling's mouth is smiling and is very satisfied with today's business.

The last guest was sent away. The following people were clearing the table. Lin Feng and Qingling sat on the roof. Lin Feng prepared a food for Qingling and said:

"Try it. It's a famous food on earth. Buddha jumps over the wall. It's rarely eaten in ordinary places!" Lin Feng said with a smile. Thinking of the earth, Lin Feng's heart doesn't know how much he misses.

I don't know when I can go back and have a look at my hometown.

"It's delicious." Qingling smiled and nodded, with a gentle smile at the corners of her mouth. Her eyes became bright in an instant, "I've never eaten such delicious food."

"There will be more and more delicious food to eat on earth in the future." Seeing Qingling's satisfied appearance, Lin Feng said with a smile, "can you use your space?"

"Not yet. Although I have absorbed the spirit of space, my sensing ability to space is still very low. It may also be because I am in the fairy world, but it's probably all right." Qinglington said softly, "I've brought up a part of the space. In a few years, I'm sure there will be another space, the space on the yanxuan continent. In the future, I can directly merge and upgrade with this space."

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"It's a good day, Lin Feng, don't you think so?" Suddenly, Qingling turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "in fact, sometimes we live in peace. I think it's good. At least we don't need to leave any regrets in our future days."

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng was stunned and turned to look up at the sky.

Such a day, okay?

In fact, it is not enough, not only for the family, but also for the earth, as well as a stronger self, which is not good.

"This world, after all, is the world of the jungle. We can't be so satisfied with the status quo, because the stronger the future world, the farther we see!" Lin Feng said with a serious face.

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