Less than half a month later, Lin Feng and Qingling left the galaxy together. The next stop is Tianmu star, the last planet close to the main star. They pretended to be partners and went out of the galaxy. After arriving at Tianmu star, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've heard. The transmission array to the main star will not be opened until half a month later. In this half a month, we probably can't get there. Take a break on Tianmu star and open another hero restaurant?"

Qingling turned to look at Lin Feng and said.

"There's an inn there. Let's have a rest in the inn for a few days." Lin Feng shook his head and said, "go shopping by the way. This time, we have two things to enter the main star. One thing is to dare to go to gusheshan mountain. The other thing is to explore the foundation of Qingshan Academy. If Qingshan academy really has what we need, we must go there."

Lin Feng's eyes are firm. As long as it is about the fragments of the Dragon tomb, no matter what it is, he will go and wander!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qingling nodded.

"I have an impression that Qingshan college should be one of the major colleges of the main star. It is also very likely that there are fragments of dragon tombs in Qingshan college." Qingling said without salt and water. As he said, the two entered the inn.

Asked for a superior room, the two turned around at will, and soon Lin Feng went out again.

I sat in a wine shop, ordered a pot of wine and some dried fruit, and ate slowly.

"You know what? When a floating relic outside the city stopped, it is said that the relic has been open for half a month. There are many good things in the relic! "

"Yes, yes, a friend of mine passed by and got a Shenghua pill from it, so he was promoted to Fanxian!"

"Immortal, as long as we enter the immortal world, our life span can really be said to be too long for us to count. It's really good luck. Shall we go?"

A table of people are discussing.

Lin Feng's mind moved, ancient ruins?

There's something good in it?

Lin Feng is obviously very interested in this. If he can get some good things from it, it's also good!

As soon as they said it, someone approached in twos and threes. No matter who asked, these guys told them enthusiastically.

After listening for a while, Lin Feng felt something wrong.

If there are such good relics, are there more of these three people?

Lin Feng fixed his eyes on the three people and looked at the stock doll. The three people were still talking about the ruins enthusiastically. You said a word and I said a word. You were very happy. You didn't know your saliva!

something the matter!

These two guys, there's definitely a problem!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's mind settled down. If he had only suspected before, now when he heard these two guys, Lin Feng was full of absolute doubt. These two guys are deliberately leading people away from the city.

Before entering the city, Lin Feng already knew that the city is called Beicheng. It should be several cities away from Dangcheng, and there is no transmission array to arrive directly!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mind moved. When the three men left, they followed up.

The three men went out of the city directly. Lin Feng followed the three men out of the city to the north.

"These three guys are really greasy!" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He said how the three guys could say so many things so kindly. The feeling is that the three guys have a place to get the baby!

These three guys!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng flashed a light in his eyes and shook his head helplessly. Although he didn't know what the three guys were going to do, the three guys must have another purpose.

It seems that this time, we should satisfy ourselves.

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

I just don't know what surprises these three guys can bring to themselves!

Lin Feng sent a message to Qingling. He followed the three guys all the way forward and accelerated the speed.

"Boss, do you think those guys will be fooled?" The man at the back came to the front, looked at the man who was obviously the eldest brother and said.

"Wait, we'll go and check. Let's not worry. This is the task assigned to us by the Lord. We just need to complete the task. Moreover, the Lord has arranged it there. After these guys go, they will certainly go to their own team for convenience. At that time, it's time for us to make a lot of money."

The leading man looked around, coughed and said.

"Then we are all in Beicheng. Why should we set this activity in Dangcheng? It's too far away. There are so many immortal stones on us, and it's not enough!"

"After we finish the task, the guild will give us all the fairy stones we consume. The Lord is not an ordinary task. There are still fairy stones. Just wait. Also, remember, one of our partners in other galaxies has lost information. It is estimated that something has happened. You should be careful recently, Let's wait until our task is finished before we go out, okay? "

The leading man glared at the two people behind him and said, "even ordinary humans, you can't move!"

"Boss, but... But we..."

"Yes, boss, if you don't, our big ones won't move, but you should always ask your brothers to have a meal, shouldn't you? Let's move what we think can be moved, and let's stop the others. How about it? "

When they heard the warning, they were not happy at once, said pitifully.

"No, no one is allowed to go out, otherwise, I can't save you two!" The leader shook his head and said, "at this time, the more we touch, the more likely we are to be found by the fairy army. Once found, we will be miserable this time!"

"Yes, boss!" They still wanted to struggle, but after he rolled the name of Gao Xianling army, they both trembled and stopped talking.

The leader looked at the two people and suddenly stopped. Lin Feng stopped at a tree and looked down at the three people.

The leader took out a black token from his arms. The next moment, an invisible spatial coordinate was displayed. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was surprised. It was a cult!

Good guys, these guys, they sent someone to die!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng pondered and turned to walk towards the city. Although such a thing has nothing to do with himself, as a qualified cultivator, Lin Feng still doesn't want such a thing to happen.

After all, it's all human life!

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