Back in the city, Lin Feng went directly to the place where the Xianling army was located.

The so-called fairy army is actually a faction in the fairy world. The fairy army is to catch cults and other emerging.

Whether in the human world or in the fairy world, cults should always be despised. It's just that some practitioners do not hesitate to hurt other people's lives to fulfill their long cherished wishes in order to practice. Together, these guys happen to become the most hated cults.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and left a message in the Xianling army to ensure that the people of the Xianling army got the message. After that, Lin Feng returned to the inn.

"No?" Seeing Lin Feng coming back, Qingling's eyes flashed a touch of surprise and said.

"It's just a group of little disciples of the cult. I told the Xianling army the spatial coordinates. I guess it will be solved soon. By the way, let's go and have a look. I tell you, these cult disciples killed many practitioners. There must be a lot of things on them. Let's take them back and use them. It's a waste!"

Lin Feng said to Qingling with a smile.


Qingling looked at Lin Feng with a speechless face.

He knew that this boy would not be kind!

Where could this boy really let such a good opportunity out? She just thought this guy might have a wooden action. As a result, this guy really put his action in the open!

"Are you sure you even want to rob the cult?" The corners of Qingling's mouth looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Of course, it's not a cult. I'm not going to rob!" Lin Feng nodded affirmatively, "these guys are some inhuman guys, leaving them is also a disaster. If we can solve them, we can contribute our own strength to mankind."

I want to take other people's things for myself. This guy has a reason!

Qingling nodded silently and put down two puppets in the room. They were invisible and directly went out of the inn. Outside, the fairy army was looking at it, and the transmission array had been lit up.

Good guy, these fairy armies are so fast!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately and stood on the transmission array with Qingling. A burst of light sounded on the transmission array.

The disciples of the fairy army only saw a burst of light, and then the light dissipated.

"Who was there just now?" A fairy army took the lead and asked.

"I don't know. Shouldn't you have gone?"

"I don't know. I just felt dizzy, and then my eyes lit up, but I didn't go up!" The fairy army disciple shook his head and said.

"Maybe the array itself is on. Go first. The captain is still waiting for us there. Let's hurry up!" Hearing this, everyone urged. The disciple of the fairy army hesitated, didn't say anything, and directly stood on the transmission array.

This is a medium-range transmission array. Lin Feng and Qingling quickly left from the transmission array. This is outside the city.

"How bold!" Qingling stood there and whispered after feeling the smell of the cult nearby.

"This is just a small city, and the Xianling army is not involved in this place. They naturally think that this place is safe and everything is seamless." Lin Feng disdained in his words and said, "let's pay attention later. These cult guys don't look very good, but they are very stubborn in some things. Let's not leave anything in their hands!"

"I know!" Qingling nodded.

"We should also pay attention to these fairy armies. These guys obviously know that these cults here have good things on hand, so we can have a good relationship with the enemy now. Maybe they have returned good things, so we must not let them think that our stone puppets have good things secretly."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qingling burst out laughing.

This guy

"I see. Besides, we are all invisible. They can't know it's our masterpiece, so don't worry. It's urgent for you to deal with the affairs here first. Let's find out where the cult's headquarters is."

Qingling whispered to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and walked straight ahead with Qingling.

After wandering around, Lin Feng stopped near the foot of the mountain and said, "these guys are really not generally cautious, but they have been found. Come with me and let's go and have a look."

With that, Lin Feng walked directly towards the cave in front. Qingling followed Lin Feng behind. Both of them walked lightly and entered the cave.

The cave is very warm. Several people are sitting in the cave chatting with wine in hand. Opposite them, several fairy armies are investigating them!

These are the guys!

Seeing these guys, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. Lin Feng looked around. Obviously, these guys are not big characters. The real big characters are not here. Where are they?

Lin Feng's nose twitched. Although the cave was on fire, the breath could not be changed!

It should be this place!

Lin Feng is checking around. An array has attracted Lin Feng's attention. Hey, it seems that the cultivation of these cult guys is not low. You know, giving yourself pigs is better than such an array!

If you don't meet a professional array mage, this array can't be solved!

Unfortunately, this time, I met a professional array mage!

Lin Feng smiled when he saw the array. If it was someone else, he might not be able to untie the array, but for him, such a simple eye blocking array is still very easy.

"Sir, sir, we had no grievances, but I heard that you have many babies, so I'll come and have a look. Don't complain about me. I Lin Feng is still an honest man. I never do such things as killing and cultivating."

Lin Feng muttered, only heard a slight click. The whole array was destroyed at the next auricle. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, straightened up and twinkled with stars in his eyes.

Good guy, this array is really difficult to crack. No wonder these disciples of the fairy army can't find one, but it has been cracked now.

Lin Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, and a faint smile was aroused at the corners of his mouth. Before the fairy army entered, Lin Feng took the lead in walking towards it.

Lin Feng moved forward slowly. The passage was full of dark smell, damp and rotten. This smell made Lin Feng very uncomfortable.

"The guys here have gone beyond the immortal period." The green spirit suddenly opened his mouth and said, "why don't you go first?"

Qingling looked at Lin Feng and was worried in his words. After all, Lin Feng's cultivation is only so high. It would be bad if he accidentally lost his life.

"Don't worry, it's all right. Don't look at the alert here. In fact, it's just like this. It's just pretending, so don't worry too much." Lin Feng Xiaosheng said, "even if these guys of the cult become human immortals, their cultivation is far from good!"

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