Lin Feng feels very comfortable at the moment. His aura washes Lin Feng's body and flesh. His body is being baptized by some materials brought back from the starry sky by Lin Feng's divine knowledge. Leaving aside the impurities in his body, his body becomes crystal clear.

At this time, there was a click and his little action for the cultivation that had not been moving for a long time.

The fifth floor in the middle of Mahayana

The sixth floor in the middle of Mahayana

Late Mahayana

The seventh floor in the late Mahayana

The confinement of a certain part of the body was lost in an instant, and Lin Feng was still absorbing the strength around him.

Xiaobai opens his eyes and feels that his body is very light. When he stands up, his bones make a crackling sound, and Xiaobai's face is overjoyed.

Break through yourself!

I broke through the fifth floor in the middle of Mahayana!

Your accomplishments have improved again!

Xiaobai carefully checks his body, and the light in his eyes is brighter and brighter.

How can I break through suddenly?

Suddenly, Xiaobai asked himself this. His cultivation is clear to himself. At this time, he must not have reached the level of promotion, and he has promoted one level at a time!

Xiaobai's mind has walked around the body. The liquid medicine originally deposited in the body has been cleaned up. Xiaobai breathes a sigh and spits out the turbid gas. The black smell makes Xiaobai uncomfortable.

Is it brother Lin's bowl of meat just now?

Xiaobai suddenly thought that the bowl Lin Feng invited him to eat was soft. The monster meat was really delicious, so he didn't control himself for a moment and couldn't help eating more. Did brother Lin's monster meat help him break through?

Xiaobai shook his head and felt that his knowledge of the sea had also improved.

"I used to take so many pills and deposit a lot of liquid medicine in my body. Did these liquid medicine help me break through? However, those are already unable to absorb. " Xiaobai bowed his head and thought for a while. Finally, he only thought of Lin Feng.

Brother Lin, who is it?

Xiaobai's eyes were full of doubts. He raised his head and only saw that Lingli in the sky was constantly moving towards that side. Lingli wrapped Lin Feng like a silkworm chrysalis, which wrapped Lin Feng tightly.

Brother Lin is also breaking through?

Did he borrow the light of brother Lin's breakthrough?

Xiaobai looked around, closed all the doors, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng in the sky with a look of horror.

He can feel that brother Lin's cultivation has not broken through the immortal period!

Before reaching the immortal stage, there was such a big breakthrough. Brother Lin must not be an ordinary person!

No, brother Lin is not human at all!

Xiaobai's soul power carefully wrapped the whole yard in it for fear that something would disturb Lin Feng.

The state of the cultivator is very strange. Maybe a slight disturbance will have a bad impact on Lin Feng. Therefore, no one can disturb Lin Feng at this time!

Let Lin Feng absorb power so quietly!

This time has been going on.

Lin Feng stood quietly in the sky. Perhaps his longing for the fairyland finally reached his expectations, or his sigh for the beauty of the fairyland. Lin Feng let go of all my body and mind, and wantonly absorbed the aura around him for his own use.

The aura wrapped around Lin Feng more and more quickly. In the yard, the whole yard was filled with aura, and the aura in the surrounding area was thin.

It was getting brighter and dimmed again.

Lin Feng stood in the sky like that without any reaction.

Xiaobai conscientiously guarded below and looked up at Lin Feng. From the first serious guard to the incredible behind, Xiaobai has been completely numb now.

Where is promotion? This is clearly a change of state!

Brother Lin is really an alchemist?

Xiaobai can't help but doubt Lin Feng's identity.

He always felt that brother Lin was more like a pure cultivator!

"Brother Lin, it's really great!" Xiaobai couldn't help smashing the corner of her mouth.

Suddenly, the aura in the sky stopped for a moment, and Xiaobai sighed with relief. Brother Lin finally finished.

At this moment, a slight click came from around.

Space power?

Xiaobai raised his head and saw Lin Feng in the sky. His face immediately changed. He shook his head and stared round his eyes. No, it's not space power, it's beyond space power!

Brother Lin realized the law?

Feeling this, Xiaobai's eyes stared more and more mellow!

Even in the immortal period, you may not be able to understand the laws of heaven and earth. Many strong people who entered the immortal period in the early stage are constantly understanding the laws of heaven and earth, but Lin Feng, just for a moment, realized the laws of heaven and earth?

Xiaobai's watery heart still caused waves. For a long time, he just smashed the corner of his mouth and still guarded Lin Feng who was breaking through.

For a long time, Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes and spit out a mouthful of turbid gas.

The whole body was filled with strength. This feeling made Lin Feng feel very comfortable. He had not been promoted so freely for a long time.

Lin Feng's body fell on the ground. The array in the yard gradually faded and hid in the dark. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaobai smiled at Lin Feng foolishly:

"Congratulations, brother Lin!"

"Congratulations, too. It's the middle of the divine period." Lin Feng smiled, patted Xiaobai on the shoulder and said, "crossing four realms at one time is also a great thing in Mahayana!"

Lin Feng said sincerely.

Lin Feng himself is also in the Mahayana period. Naturally, he knows how difficult it is to cross every realm in the Mahayana period. This is also the lower boundary, but the strong who have reached the Mahayana period have basically become the reason for the old man.

"Hey, hey, brother Torin's blessing!" Xiaobai scratched the back of his head and said with some embarrassment.

"How many days?" Lin Feng smiled and asked.

"It's been five days, brother Lin's breakthrough. It has lasted for five days. The transmission array will not be opened until tomorrow. " Xiaobai said softly.

"OK, now that we're all here, let's go outside. Qingmaozhou looks good!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"OK, I'll lead the way. Brother Lin, follow me!" Xiaobai's eyes immediately invited both of them, made a gesture of invitation, and walked in front with a smile.

Lin Feng followed Xiaobai, felt Xiaobai's state, and felt happy. After all, he had made a breakthrough at the beginning, which is also a very celebratory thing for Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly felt that the surrounding environment began to change.

What is this?

Lin Feng stood still and looked aside.

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