"Still so careful!" A charming voice sounded.

"Pour snow?" Lin Feng's whole body was on alert immediately. How could this woman appear here?

"Hee hee, you still remember me. It seems that you are also good. You can enter the fairyland and help me distract those fairies from the friendship from a place." Shi Ningxue said to Lin Feng with a bit of fatigue in her voice.

"What's the price?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows“ As you know, I am very honest. If there is no one, I don't want to do such a thankless thing! " Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile.

"Lin Feng!" Shi Ningxue's voice took a bit of Zhao Ji. Obviously, the woman was very worried now.

This woman, what trouble has she caused? She doesn't even dare to come out?

Lin Feng looked around. Several immortal armies were searching. The divine power was constantly sprinting around, sweeping all the surrounding areas, and continuing.

"Help me once!" Shi Ningxue's voice was helpless and said, "I'll thank you next time I meet!"

"Thank you. Just owe me a favor!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "remember, you owe me a favor. No matter when I go to get it, you must help me unconditionally!"

Hearing Lin Feng's Hu ah, Shi Ningxue was silent for a while. After a long time, she gritted her teeth and said, "don't worry, since I promised you, I will do it!"

"Well, that's the attitude you should have when asking for help. Don't worry, these fairy soldiers will leave soon. You're ready to leave at ease! Let's talk about the past again when we have time! "

Lin Feng's eyes locked on the teahouse not far away. Beside the curtain, a beautiful woman was standing there, but the woman's clothes and curtains were the same color. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't see anyone there at all.

This woman is really smart!

Lin Feng nodded to Shi Ningxue.

Shi Ningxue was stunned. Lin Feng's sudden eyes made her uncomfortable for a moment. Instead, she disappeared in the window. Lin Feng looked at the fairy army.

"Oh, East, that woman has gone East!" Lin Feng suddenly shouted. Those fairy soldiers seemed to feel something. They all went to the East.

The fairy army left soon. Shi Ningxue stood at the door of the teahouse, took a deep look at Lin Feng and disappeared at the corner.

"Brother Lin, you see, this is a reward from the fairy army for a woman, because the woman broke into the fairy world secretly." Xiaobai stood in front of the reward list and said loudly.

The lower boundary is broken?

Lin Feng's mind moved and looked over there. He only saw Shi Ningxue's head hanging there, but the painter's level was too poor. The difference between Shi Ningxue and himself was too far.

I've been looking for it for more than ten years and haven't found it yet. It's related to the portrait.

"100000 top-grade Fairy Spirit stones! I wish I could find that woman. In this way, I don't need to worry about my cultivation in the next few years. " Xiaobai looked at the reward notice above and said with a sigh on his face.

"What is 100000 top-grade Lingshi? Helping this aunt leave is really making money." Lin Feng smiled and said, "this woman is smart. The most important thing is the fairy stone!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and said faintly.

"Eh? Brother Lin, do you know this guy? " Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng with surprise in her eyes and asked.

"I don't know, but you think, this woman can be in the hands of the fairy army for more than ten years without being captured, which shows that this man has some skills, and this woman's skills don't come for no reason. If this woman doesn't have any financial resources around her, how can she compete with the fairy army?"

Lin Feng said with a smile as he walked, "money can make ghosts grind. This woman has persisted for more than ten years. The fairy stone on her body is not enough. How to solve these guys?"

"But she's just a climber!"

"Those who soar also have the ability to make money!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "and from the portrait, the woman's age is not big!"

"Yes!" Xiaobai's face suddenly realized, nodded and said, "brother Lin is right!"

Lin Feng looked up again at Shi Ningxue's head.

Shi Ningxue once learned makeup with Yan ran for a period of time. She has a lot of cosmetics on earth. This woman wants to change her makeup. That part-time job is a matter of minutes. These guys find Shi Ningxue through such a avatar

Lin Feng sneered and shook his head.

Shi Ningxue, a woman, can't just come out for no reason and let these guys find themselves. She must be making some calculations again! I just don't know what the abacus this woman is playing!

Lin Feng made a guess. He really couldn't figure out what Shi Ningxue wanted. Unless the woman's purpose was very simple, it was to attract the attention of all forces!

In that case

This woman has a big appetite.

Lin Feng shook his head, quickly followed Xiaobai and restrained his look so that Xiaobai wouldn't see anything inappropriate.

The two wandered around qingmaozhou. The city was very big, but there were not many places to see. They bought some small things casually and accompanied Xiaobai to buy some medicinal herbs. The two returned to Danpu.

"Brother Lin, shall we go back tomorrow morning? I have almost collected herbs. When I get back to school, I can refine pills. Brother Lin, have you prepared herbs? The special move of going to Castle Peak academy this time is to prepare a herb by yourself! "

Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"Almost. I just need to choose some simple herbs!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

The main purpose of his going out now is to find the herbs he doesn't have. As for the herbs he already has, Lin Feng is not interested at all.

After absorbing those forces, chaotic seeds can not only plant herbs, but also grow much faster than those outside. When he has nothing to do, Lin Feng leaves all his herbs in chaotic seeds, with an interval of about one meter, but with the passage of time, Small herbs grow everywhere.

As long as there is enough time, Lin Feng knows that sooner or later he can create a medicine garden to collect spiritual herbs in the world!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's spirit was also raised and said: "however, after going to the following cities, we can still go out to find herbs. After all, herbs are needed for alchemy in the future."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai nodded with the same feeling.

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