"Here we are!" Zhao Qingluo said softly. Lin Feng asked Qianlong shuttle to fall and stood in the valley.

"This is the valley where the monster is located. The monster has always been an ordinary King Kong ape. It has great strength, but it is very clumsy. The cultivation should be the peak of human Mahayana. The peak is big and round."

Zhao Qingluo whispered to Lin Feng.

"Good guy, let's go in and see the monster for a while!"

Lin Feng went straight inside.

"Brother Bai, let's go!" Zhao Qingluo turned to look at Xiaobai and said with a smile.

"I'll wait for you outside." Xiaobai shook his head and said with a pale face.

"It should be the territory of a fairy monster outside. You see, there are its feces in it, and there is a terrible smell on it. Are you really sure you want to wait here?"

Lin Feng pointed to the ground and said with a smile.

Xiaobai's face became more and more pale. The whole moment followed Zhao Qingluo's back. As Zhao Qingluo walked towards the inside, Lin Feng was moved, and several small touch arrays were arranged in the valley.

Zhao Qingluo was obviously familiar with this place and directly took Lin Feng and Xiaobai into the depths.

"It's the cliff in front. There are several quiet grass on it!" Zhao Qingluo turned his head, looked at Xiaobai and said, "the monster guarding herbs lives in the forest under the valley. That guy usually doesn't come out, but if anyone touches Jingcao, he will kill it directly."

Zhao Qingluo's voice is very soft.

"Good guy!" Lin Feng stood here, his eyes directly penetrated the front and saw the static grass on it. It was more than a plant. It was just a small piece. Moreover, the monster was not in Mahayana period, but in immortal period, but this guy had been dormant all the time.

"Master, the King Kong ape is hard to deal with. Let's not go!" Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng, "it doesn't pay to deal with such a big guy for a few quiet grass!"

"Well, we won't go now, but someone has already gone!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "hide first!"

"Yes..." Qianlong nodded.

"Let's have a rest first. The King Kong ape is sleeping now. If we rashly disturb this guy's sleep, this guy will certainly not let us go." Lin Feng said with a smile, "let's find a dark place to hide first and see the situation first!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Qingluo hesitated for a moment, but Xiaobai nodded fiercely and said, "yes, have a rest first!"

"All right!" Zhao Qingluo nodded.

"Over there, you see, the small hillside over there can be observed here. The most important thing is that the environment over there is very good." Lin Feng pointed to the small hill not far away. The hills are densely covered with woods. It's easy to hide there.

"Well, let's go!" Zhao Qingluo nodded and took the lead in flying over there. With a wave of his hand, he entangled it for a few days. The demon snake around the tree was directly killed by Zhao Qingluo!

"Go!" Lin Feng took Xiaobai and fell on the tree. The three people held three trunks. At the position, they could just see the situation below.

Several disciples of Castle Peak academy pass by from below.

"Elder martial sister Yun, are you sure there is Jingcao in this place?" Several men surrounded yunluoying and asked.

"Don't worry, I've been inquiring here for a long time. I can be sure that there are still grass here, and there are several plants. The great King Kong ape is a monster in the immortal period, but it has been hiding its cultivation. Therefore, you should be careful in the past!"

Yun Luoying nodded, nodded and looked ahead. Her cold face was touched a little more.

"Elder martial sister Yun, don't worry. We'll get everything down for you!" Several male disciples looked at Yun Luoying and patted her chest. She promised.

"Thank you, younger martial brother!" Yunluoying's face immediately burst into a gentle smile. The moment she bowed her head, it seemed that the whole world was quiet.

Tut Tut, great woman!

Lin Feng couldn't help sighing. This is Xiaobai's goddess. Lin Feng looked back at Xiaobai. Xiaobai sat there and looked down. There was nothing in his face.

"Elder martial sister Yun likes it." Those disciples looked at Yun Luoying and said, "but elder martial sister Yun really expected things like God. Then Zhao Qingluo will take the lead in fighting for Bai Xiangfan. The woman has a high spirit tool in her hand. Once she does, the great King Kong ape must have been injured."

"Yes, Zhao Qingluo, that woman is stupid. She only knows to follow the weak boy every day. It's a pity!"

"Hey, you don't understand. It doesn't matter whether a man is soft or not. As long as he can do anything, let's say that elder martial brother Qifan has not become a guest of honor for elder martial sister Yun?"

Several disciples went away talking and laughing. Yun Luoying always stood in the middle of these disciples and ignored the comments of several disciples. For a long time, he whispered: "as long as several younger martial brothers help the elder martial sister solve the great King Kong ape, isn't everything you want here?

Yunluoying's voice was very light. She smiled gently with her mouth closed. Her heroic face was a little more charming.

Bai blind his previous comments on this woman!

Seeing the appearance of Yun Luoying, Lin Feng shook his head and looked a little more contemptuous. At first glance, this woman opened a bitch shop in Qingshan Academy.

"Calculated by the woman yunluoying!" Zhao Qingluo gave a grunt, which was full of discontent.

"Although the accomplishments of these disciples are good, the main attack of the great King Kong ape is still on his flesh. The skin of the great King Kong ape is stronger than ordinary spirit tools, so don't worry too much."

Lin Feng waved his hand with disapproval on his face and said, "wait, the results will come out sooner or later."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Qingluo and Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng's words were simple, how could they hear the chilly breath from Lin Feng's words?

"Brother Lin, these guys are also very famous in Qingshan Academy. They are in the immortal period. Their combat effectiveness is in the top 100 of Qingshan Academy." Xiaobai whispered, "let's go back first. At that time, we'll use some pills or credits to change Jingcao in elder martial sister Yun's hand!"

"The quiet grass hasn't reached the woman yet. Don't worry. It should be available!" Lin Feng waved his hand with a bit of impatience on his face, but his eyes were in the woods over there, waiting for the final result.

"Bang!" Just when several disciples arrived at the area where Jingcao was located, there was a loud noise. Then, a powerful King Kong ape more than two feet high appeared in front of several disciples of Qingshan Academy.

"Mankind, get out of my territory before I get angry!"

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