This is a big ape that has been covered in brown and black. It is two feet tall. Standing there, two copper bell like eyes are flashing scarlet light, the momentum of the whole body is constantly rising, and the eyes are cold.

What a big guy!

Lin Feng looked at the great King Kong ape in front of him, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"What a big guy!" Seeing this guy, Xiaobai's eyes immediately stared round. Lin Feng could feel that Xiaobai's body began to tremble unnaturally.

How scared this guy is!

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. At this time, Lin Feng felt that Xiaobai's breath began to change slowly, and a kind of breath wrapped around Xiaobai's body.

What is this?

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed.

He could feel that the breath should come from Xiaobai. The faint breath protected Xiaobai, and a faint pressure released the past towards the strong King Kong ape over there.


Lin Feng's mind turns around Xiaobai, but he doesn't go deep. He just sweeps around. Lin Feng can't find out what Xiaobai's breath is.

There seems to be a big secret about this boy!

Feeling Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes and shook his head. Although he didn't know what happened to the boy, Lin Feng could feel that Xiaobai's breath was gradually increasing and getting stronger.

"Xiaobai!" Lin Feng put his hand on Xiaobai's shoulder. Xiaobai's body trembled. There was a cold sweat on his forehead. He turned to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt that the momentum on Xiaobai disappeared.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter?" Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng's heart trembled for a moment. Looking at Xiaobai, Xiaobai stood there, grinned and showed a silly smile to Lin Feng.

That familiar smell is stronger.

"It's all right. I just called you. You've been wandering outside just now. What are you thinking?" Lin Feng waved his hand, smiled and said, "is it all right? If there's anything, just tell me."

"I'm fine!" Xiaobai shook her head.

"The battle below has begun." Zhao Qingluo said softly. Lin Feng and Xiaobai looked down.

Yun Luoying is obviously ready. These disciples have good accomplishments. They all carry spirit tools, and their speed is very fast and cruel.

"It seems that this woman's vision is good. The selected disciples are all specifically aimed at the great King Kong ape, but unfortunately, this woman still hasn't figured it out. After all, the great King Kong ape is a meat and powerful monster. Such a coping technique is certainly not good!"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"How to deal with it?" Zhao Qingluo turned to look at Lin Feng.

"The first method is to use violence to control violence, and use your powerful flesh and body strength to directly fight against the great King Kong ape. This method is suitable for monks who have practiced forging. The second method is opportunism. The weakness of the great King Kong ape is three inches from its forehead. This place is its weakest place. As long as you fight it, You can run through the whole head of the great King Kong ape and solve the great King Kong ape.

Lin Feng whispered.

Zhao Qingluo was silent. Lin Feng looked at the battle below, but his mind gradually wrote down the attack means of the great King Kong ape.

"I'm going to lose!" For a long time, Lin Feng said. Sure enough, all the disciples were thrown away by the great King Kong ape. The eyes of the large-size safety tube focused on Yun Luoying and said, "woman, you shouldn't think about my things!"

With that, the great King Kong ape attacked yunluoying.

"Hum!" Yun Luoying snorted coldly, waved her hand, and a long whip appeared in her hand. A spirit training directly flashed at the great King Kong ape, "do you think I can't solve you?"

Yunluoying's whole body radiated red light, and the burning smell immediately made the originally two valleys hot.

"Ha ha!" Energetically, the King Kong ape sneered and smashed his fist directly at Yun Luoying.

The whip was drawn on the great King Kong ape. With a shake of his hand, an attack fell directly on it. Yun Luoying's body kept retreating and looked up at the great King Kong ape.

Obviously, the attack strength of the great King Kong ape has exceeded her imagination.

This son of a bitch not only hides his accomplishments, but also his attack strength!

"Some of my younger students greeted you well before!" Yun Luoying sneered, cleverly avoided the second attack and said, "do you really think you can compete with me now?"

Yun Luoying's eyes focused on the so-called students who were dead and injured below.

They are just shameful guys. They can't even solve a great King Kong ape!

"Elder martial sister Yun, be careful. The powerful King Kong ape's attack is strange!" A wounded disciple looked up at Yun Luoying and warned loudly.

"While standing, a guy who can't even beat such a monster has no right to say anything to me!" Yun Luoying sneered and said loudly. As he spoke, he attacked the great King Kong ape directly.

Selfish woman!

Lin Feng shook his head, stood up and said, "now the play is almost finished. Let's leave some way for the great King Kong ape to live. I'll go and have a look. You wait for me." With that, Lin Feng walked directly towards yunluoying and them.

"Brother Lin!" Xiaobai reaches out his hand, but Lin Feng is gone.

"Don't worry, I'm watching. If there's anything wrong, I'll do it the first time!" Seeing the worry on Xiaobai's face, Zhao Qingluo whispered.

Xiaobai nodded without saying anything.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly launched an attack on the great King Kong ape.

"Classmate Yun, let me help you!"

Lin Feng shouted, and the field of sword spread out at Lin Feng's feet. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile, his hand shook, and an attack directly rushed towards the great King Kong ape.



Energetically King Kong ape and Yun Luoying spoke at the same time. The two attacks directly opposed Lin Feng's attack. Lin Feng's body was wrapped by the strength of the two attacks and hit the cliff in an arc.

With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, his mind directly wrapped all the static grass. The next moment, the whole piece was brought into the space of chaotic seeds by Lin Feng.

It's done!

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of joy. His whole body accelerated and retreated. After a long time, Lin Feng's body fell to one side, relaxed and felt the quiet grass where the chaotic seed had lived safely. Lin Feng's body quickly retreated. It's really not easy to deal with this guy!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and expressed great satisfaction with his results.

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