Ji Zhao stood there smiling, looked at Zhao Qi and said, "I can explain the situation clearly for mentor Zhao Qi."

"As arrogant as your mentor!" Zhao Qi snorted coldly and turned to look at his students. Lu Xuxu, a student here, had put the refined spirit weapon on the table. Zhao Qi was relieved.

These spirits are specially prepared. With their weapons, they can definitely give full play to the power of weapons to the greatest extent.

I don't believe it. I can't win yet!

Zhao Qi turned and looked at Lin Feng. The corners of his mouth were full of pride in his eyes.

Seeing Zhao Qi's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head, but he was just a child.

Feeling Lin Feng's helpless and clear eyes, Zhao Qi was stunned. When he looked at the past, Lin Feng was lowering his head and talking to Ji Zhao. Both of them had smiles on their faces.


Zhao Qi's look became more and more gloomy.

"Mentor Lin, I've finished it, too."

"Me too!"

Dong Jun and Zhao Shuping put away their Dan stoves and stood in front of Lin Feng with smiles in their eyes, relaxed and refreshed.

"Oh, yes, these four boys are almost the same." Lin Feng took a look, stretched himself and said, "come on, drink tea first. You're tired!"

"OK." Zhao Shuping said and looked at Zhao Qi. Zhao Qi quickly turned his head, but his look became more and more gloomy.

This year, the students of Danyuan have changed like this. Can they refine the wind elixir one by one?

Zhao Qi couldn't help muttering in her heart.

"Mentor Zhao, all seven of us have finished. One immortal level II spirit weapon is a Dan furnace, which can assist in alchemy, neutralize the flame and soul power, and increase the pill rate by about 10%. Two immortal level I spirit weapons are weapons, which can increase the attack power of wind spirit power and fire spirit power by 10%. Although four immortal level 9 weapons have not been successfully infused, But compared with ordinary weapons, they are more and more excellent. "

The student looked at Lin Feng as he spoke.

"This Dan stove is good!" Lin Feng grabbed the pill stove and held it at hand. After playing, he said with a smile, "it's best not to use it for newcomers. It's mainly to neutralize fire and soul power and improve control. If the students of Qingshan academy refine pills, the most basic things can be well mastered."

Lin Feng's voice was not high. The comments made the surrounding students laugh in a low voice.

At this time, the remaining four students also put the refined pill into the porcelain bottle, one by one almost fell down.

"I'll help you!" Ji Zhao's three people brushed four people over and poured tea and water again.

"This student, ah, has a high or low level. Not all students are at the same starting point. Is the teaching method of tutor Lin too extreme?" Seeing the appearance of the four students, Zhao Qi immediately seemed to have caught something, sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"I know. You see, the level is high or low, but I believe them very much, because my students all know that they can give full play to their abilities at the same level." Lin Feng sat there smiling and watched the four students drink spirit tea.

"Thank you, mentor. We are much more comfortable." The four students raised their heads with a smile on their faces, turned to look at Zhao Qi and said:

"Thank you for your concern. We have just been promoted and our strength needs to be stable. Mentor Lin, let's practice more and stabilize our strength earlier."

Zhao Qi choked.

what is it? This is clearly sold by Lin Feng. These guys are still counting money for Lin Feng!

What did Lin Feng instill into this group of guys, so that these boys in the Dan courtyard follow Lin Feng so wholeheartedly. Zhao Qi's look was gloomy and fell on Lin Feng

Lin Feng sat there smiling, with no wind or waves in his eyes, but Zhao Qi felt great pressure. How did this boy do it?

Zhao Qi looked back at his students.

"Well, stop talking. Let's check our homework now!" With that, Lin Feng waved his hand, and seven porcelain vases stood side by side in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng opened them one by one, and a strong light fragrance lingered around everyone in an instant.

"What a rich smell of Dan!"

"So comfortable!"

"That's great!"

All the students immediately lit up at this moment, and all their eyes were on the wind elixir. This is a wind elixir that can help get rid of the world between entering the immortal period!

Although it is only the first-class pill of xianpin, it is unique even outside!

Lin Feng poured out Ji Zhao's elixir. Ten elixirs were slowly rotating in Lin Feng's palm. Lin Feng put them in front of Zhao Qi and said, "mentor Zhao, look, ten elixirs all the way, five with Dan patterns, are perfect elixirs."

Lin Feng said with a smile and put the pill back into the porcelain bottle.

Five perfect level pills!

Even an alchemist with two or three grades can't do this!

"Your boy is too anxious. If you can slow down a little like Zhao Shuping and Dong Jun, you can have at least seven pills!" After reading it for Zhao Qi, Lin Feng turned to Ji Zhao and said with a serious face.

"Yes, tutor, I must pay attention." Ji Zhao stood away with the pill. A group of students outside immediately shrouded Ji Zhao.

"Ji Zhao, how do you sell your wind elixir?"

"Classmate Ji Zhao, I'm a sophomore. I'm about to take off and enter the immortal period. I'll find some classmates. You wind elixir, sell me one. It's easy to say whether you want herbs or immortal stone!"

"Ji Zhao, my father is the president of Yunluo chamber of Commerce. Are you willing to sell me all the Feng Lingdan? As long as you say one word, everything is easy to say! "

"Ji Zhao..."

"Ji Zhao..."

Hearing these voices, Ji Zhao shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, senior students and sisters. The tutor will help us distribute the pills. If you need it, please let's discuss it after the competition, OK?"

Hearing Ji Zhao's words, all the students were quiet. Lin Feng nodded. Ji Zhao has a taste of leadership more and more.

"How about tutor Zhao Qi?" Lin Feng turned to look at Zhao Qi and said with a smile, "can it be compared with your immortal second-class Dan stove?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Qi's face suddenly became gloomy. She suddenly stood up. The next moment, she sat down again, sat there, looked down at Lin Feng, especially when she saw the triumphant smile on Lin Feng's face and Ji Zhao's silver teeth clenched. She wanted to go straight to slap Lin Feng!

This guy is under his authority!

"Well, let others say. We are both mentors. Naturally, we are facing our own students." Zhao Qi said faintly.

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