"Students, do you want the wind elixir or this elixir!" Lin Feng turned his head with a smile and asked.

"Wind elixir!" All the people almost spoke with one voice.

Zhao Qi's mouth twitched and looked back at the students on his side. He only saw his students standing there, with a pale face, as if some could not stand.

"This Dan stove is good." Lin Feng said with a smile, "however, if the Dante furnace is changed, if it is changed a little, so that the Dante furnace can neutralize the flame very quickly and use the smallest soul power to dominate the alchemist's control of the Dante furnace, it is definitely a good baby for the alchemist."

Lin Feng returned the Dan stove to the student, "I hope you can refuel well."

"Lin Dasheng, you don't need to be a hypocritical man!" Zhao Qi stood up again, pointed to Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Mentor Zhao, I think mentor Lin Dasheng is right!" The student held the Dan furnace, looked up at Zhao Qi and said, "this is a place I didn't consider. Mentor Lin Dasheng, thank you. I admit defeat. When I go back, I will transform the Dan furnace and send it to the Dan hospital."

With that, the student turned and went straight away.

Zhao Qi sat there with a decadent face.

Lin Feng squinted at Zhao Qi and waved to Dong Jun.

"My pill is a little worse than Ji Zhao, but not much." Dong Jun took out the pill and whispered.

"It's not bad. When you were refining pills, several techniques were not mature enough, so you were a little worse when you became a pill. Go back and practice more."

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

"Mine." Zhao Shuping also took it.

"It's best for you to make peace with Ji Zhaozhong. Ji Zhaozhong is too anxious. You are hesitant." Lin Feng said softly.

"Lin Dasheng, where are our weapons? You showed us!" The students of the Institute also came together and hung Zhao Qi completely aside. Lin Feng nodded, took the weapon handle, played a game, and then gave a serious evaluation.

After the review, the day passed again. Lin Feng relaxed his breath, looked at Zhao Qi sitting on one side and said, "mentor Zhao Qi, it seems that our Dan hospital is slightly better this time!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Qi turned his head, looked at Lin Feng weakly and said, "Lin Dasheng, I want to compete with you!"

"You didn't give me the afternoon. Besides, I can pile it up in the sky now. You line up!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a disdain on his face, "man, since you have come to the afternoon, you have to afford to lose and win. However, thank you for your 3000 top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. Tut Tut, you are very confident. The bet is 3000. I knew I would follow you."

Lin Feng stood up and was a little shaky

"There is no way to raise two classes of students, poor!"

Zhao Qi sat there and the whole person couldn't breathe. Lin Feng, this guy, this is obviously intentional and intentional!

This guy is making him ugly!

It happened that he had to pretend that he didn't know the same. Zhao Qi's fists were tightly clenched together.

It's all this damn boy!

Zhao Qi's eyes were red and looked at Lin Feng. Suddenly, Zhao Qi moved and grabbed Lin Feng directly. The speed was very fast.

Feeling Zhao Qi's hand, Lin Feng snorted coldly, his mind moved, and an invisible force grabbed Zhao Qi.

"Zhao Qi, since it's a competition, it's natural to lose and win. Don't lose it in front of our institute." An old man sounded with a somewhat serious voice. Zhao Qi's anger disappeared in an instant, and the whole withered.

"Yes, Dean." Zhao Qi stood there biting his teeth, looked up at Lin Feng, turned and left directly.

"Come on, let's go back and wait for weapons in a few days!" With that, Lin Feng turned and went back directly. Ji Zhao and other students followed him with a smile.

"Mentor Lin, the competition for sophomores over there is still going on. Shall we go and have a look?" Ji Zhao came up to Lin Feng with a few distractions and asked.

"You go. I'll go back and have a good sleep. It's really tired to watch your seven little rabbits these two days. Don't greet me in this competition in the future. Go by yourself." With that, Lin Feng turned and walked towards his yard.

After taking a few steps, Zhu Feng blocked Lin Feng's way and looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy face.

"Lin Dasheng, go to the challenge arena with me!"

Zhu Feng's weapon pointed at Lin Feng and his whole body was lifted up.

"I said, classmate, are you really stupid or fake stupid? Are you sure that you, an immortal expert, are going to bully me, a smiling Mahayana expert?" Lin Feng squinted at Zhu Feng and said, "is this interesting?"


Zhu Feng took back his hand and looked at Lin Feng.

Indeed, Lin Feng had only the accomplishments of Mahayana.

Zhu Feng's look is a little uneasy. After all, he is a famous expert on the list of Castle Peak Academy. He can't bully someone whose cultivation is lower than him!

"Then I'll wait for you. When you reach the immortal stage, I'll challenge you again!" Zhu Feng put away his weapon, snorted coldly and said.

"Take your time, Mr. Zhu Feng!" Lin Feng waved and crossed from the other side.

Back in the yard, Lin Feng was just about to have a rest. He grabbed Lin Feng with one hand. Before Lin Feng could wail, he went to Dan Changsheng's office.

"Boy, didn't I ask you to come as soon as it's over?" Dan Changsheng blew his beard, stared at Lin Feng and said, "why did you come so late?"

"Hehe, Dean, didn't I just want to go back and get something? Here we are now. What can I do for you, Dean? " Lin Feng looked around and looked everywhere at the place where he could escape.

"Don't look at it. Come and help me have a look and solve this together." With a wave from Dan Chang, a lot of things appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Dan Changsheng bitterly.

And quench the impurities from the pill?

"I've tried these waste pills for a long time. After extracting impurities, there should still be a lot of impurities in them. Moreover, I'm considering fusing all these waste pills together to form new pills. What do you think, boy?"

"Yes, but I can't do such things. My cultivation is too low, isn't it?" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a disdain on his face that these waste pills were refined by students. There were a lot of miscellaneous things in them. Even if Lin Feng had a heart, he was unable to punish this thing!

Seeing Lin Feng's absent-minded appearance, Dan Changsheng patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said, "boy, you should know that we are not the same as before. Both resources and others begin to decrease. Therefore, we need to improve the utilization of things, don't we?"

Hearing Dan Changsheng's sincere words, Lin Feng hesitated and said, "Dean, you do it, I'll watch."

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