Seeing that Lin Feng was still indifferent, Dan Changsheng sighed.

"You see, this is the research data counted these days." Dan Changsheng put a pile of information in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng took it and looked around. Good guy, it's really detailed!

Lin Feng memorized all the information, and then passed it on to Lin Xiangyang.

"Good, good, Dean, you're great!" Lin Feng smiled and said, "this is really great!"

"I knew your boy would brag!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Dan Changsheng turned his eyes and said, "I tell you, these unwanted impurities are impurities in this pill, but they may not be impurities in other pills. He is a good thing and one of the energy that needs to be used, but my strength is still limited after all!"

"What's the difficulty? Every time we refine pills, we will choose herbs. As long as we extract all similar herbs, and then separate the liquid medicine, can't we?"

Lin Feng said casually.

"The separation of liquid medicine requires the re synthesis of those that need to be synthesized together. Those that do not need to be synthesized together can be discarded. We can make the pill we need. Of course, it can also minimize the loss."

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the herbs of the pill fell directly in front of Lin Feng. The inflammation of the earth's heart was burning in Lin Feng's palm. Lin Feng put the herbs in, the herbs began to melt, and the liquid penetrated out a little and divided into many parts.

Dan Changsheng watched Lin Feng operate.

The so-called "those who are in the game and those who are on the sidelines are clear". Originally, I had nothing to do with this. After seeing Lin Feng's refining, my heart suddenly opened up, and a light directly penetrated Dan Changsheng's sea of knowledge.

Yes, that's it!

Dan Changsheng put ecstasy on his face, and flames appeared on his whole body. Countless herbs appeared in Dan Changsheng's hands. Dan Changsheng slowly closed his eyes, and countless herb colleagues began to burn. Groups of liquid medicine were separated by Dan Changsheng, and all kinds of pills were constantly formed around Dan Changsheng.

good heavens!

Lin Feng opened his eyes, saw Dan Changsheng's appearance, and was startled by Dan Changsheng. However, soon, Lin Feng reacted. Dan Changsheng was inspired by his words. Is he going to be promoted?


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, turned to smile and said, "Dean, you're busy first. I'll take it back and study it. Maybe it's really useful!"

With that, Lin Feng gently closed the door. Yun Yun came over here with something in her hand. Lin Feng made a quiet gesture, then closed the door, pasted the sign of "don't disturb others", turned and left.

Yun Yun's face was instantly cold.

This boy, obviously on purpose!

Yunyun's mind wants to penetrate the wall. An invisible barrier blocks yunyun's temptation. Yunyun's face changes. Is Dan Changsheng going to be promoted?

"Yunyun girl, you are responsible for all the things in the Dan hospital during this time. Don't disturb Changsheng." A lazy voice sounded in the sky. Hong Shan sat on the roof and guarded here himself.

Lin Feng sat beside Hongshan and had a panoramic view of the situation below.

Yun Yun's expression eased down and returned to her room.

"You are also an alchemist. Look, it may be useful. Changsheng itself is a level 10 elixir of immortality. After turning into human form, you began to practice. Later, you lived in castle peak academy and became the dean for you."

Hongshan's voice was very weak. Lin Feng looked down at Dan Changsheng.

No wonder he always thinks Dan Changsheng is strange. It turns out that the old man is a pill!

Lin Feng looked down at Dan Changsheng. There were still countless pills hovering around Dan Changsheng. The pill patterns slowly took shape on the pills. Dan Changsheng's body sent out a faint fragrance, lingering around these pills.

Pill has spirit.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's mind became serious, closed his eyes, and his body automatically sent out a fluctuation of the same level, combined with Dan Changsheng's fluctuation.

Each pill became real under Lin Feng's feeling. Starting from its slow formation, little by little, every action and every formation made Lin Feng deeply feel the hard won of each pill.

Pill has spirit.

This sentence lingered in Lin Feng's mind.

The outside world passed little by little, but Lin Feng was so quiet. The whole world disappeared, leaving only all kinds of pills in the sea. These pills are constantly decomposing, from forming to melting to forming. Everything seems to grow in Lin Feng's heart.

He did it.

Lin Feng's heart was amused. Soon, all Lin Feng's thoughts were taken away by the pill.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt that the vortex in the deep sea began to rotate, and the clean soul power began to linger in Lin Feng's heart and wrap Lin Feng's whole body.

Originally, the soul power beyond the immortal period has increased again this time.

"Hoo ~"

When Lin Feng opened his eyes, he didn't know how long it had passed. Hongshan was like a big mountain, enveloping two people and protecting them.

"Thank you, Dean." Lin Feng's eyes are serious, said.

"Not bad, have a harvest."

Hong Shan grinned and said, "the physical cultivation has kept up. If there is too much difference between the soul power and the physical cultivation, it will lead to unilateral derailment, and the thunder robbery will be much more serious."

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded.

His flesh and body cultivation for four degrees is really slow. It's time to keep up with the cultivation speed of the divine soul.

Hongshan closed his eyes again.

Lin Feng's heart itched, then itched, hesitated, looked at his mouth and said, "Dean, is there really a map of the Dragon tomb in Qingshan academy?"

"Yes, yes, and it's still a whole one. As long as you get the fragments of the Dragon tomb, you can enter the Dragon tomb." Hong Shan didn't open his eyes, but he nodded and said seriously, "do you want it too?"

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded. The purpose of his coming to Qingshan academy is naturally to map the Dragon tomb!

"That's a little difficult."

Hong Shan sighed and said, "this map of the Dragon tomb is too old in Qingshan Academy. I can't remember where I put it. You can look for it more and maybe you can find it."


Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng took a smoke from the corners of his mouth and looked at Hongshan. How did he feel that Hongshan was cheating him?

The map of dragon tomb is such an important thing that Hongshan will put it casually?

Hongshan opened his eyes and took a look at Lin Feng.

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