"No, no, no, no, we have something to discuss. It's easy to discuss, master. Twenty percent. Look, Qianlong, I want to practice, and the resources I need are huge enough." Qianlong smiled and said.

"0.80 percent."

"Ten and a half!"


"OK, master, if I'm wrong, I can't make a success!" A storage bag fell into Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng ordered it, and just ten thousand top-grade immortal spirit stones.

This guy is really rich!

"Master, this is all my wealth. You must make money earlier!" Qianlong is reluctant to give up his precious fairy stone.

"Come on, you can only look at it anyway. Now give it to me and I'll help you use it. It's better than you just look at the robbery every day, isn't it?" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a disdain on his face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong was silent.

"Here you are!" Lin Feng put the storage bag in front of the big man, "you count, 10000 top-grade immortal spirit stones."

"Deal, this is the land deed and the house deed!" The big man swept his mind and directly brushed two pieces of paper to Lin Feng.

"I've collected enough fairy stones. Boss, your shop should sell it to me!" At this time, a familiar voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear.

Hey, is it true that friends don't get together? Zhao Qi, this guy, even came to buy this shop?

Lin Feng turned his head, looked at Zhao Qi with a smile and said, "Yo, isn't this tutor Zhao Qi? It turned out that tutor Zhao Qi also took a fancy to this point. No wonder he wanted to compete with our Danyuan a few days ago. This time, he lost a lot! "

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Qi with a smile, and his words were very rude.

"Lin Dasheng, why are you here!" Seeing Lin Feng, Zhao Qi looked gloomy for a moment. How could this bastard be here!

"I happened to pass by and saw a shop selling here, so I bought it easily." Lin Feng said with a smile, "are you here to buy a shop, too? Sorry, I'll go first. "

Zhao Qi looks at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face was low with a smile, but that smile, no matter how you look, was very badly beaten!

This guy obviously did it on purpose!

Zhao Qi looked at Lin Feng with a cold face. Lin Feng stood there and smiled very well.

"It's just that you sold the students' pills and made a little money. Lin Dasheng, do you really think you're great?" Zhao Qi sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said, "but you won a game. Don't forget, there are still many games in the two hospitals next!"

"No, to be exact, two wins." Lin Feng stretched out his finger and said, "why don't we have a competition another day and bet 10000 top-grade fairy stones?" Lin Feng put his eyes on Zhao Qi's storage bag.

Ten thousand top-grade Fairy Spirit stones are also Fairy Spirit stones. Now what he lacks most is Fairy Spirit stones. Even if it is one, he is not willing to let go.

"Boss, my things have been cleaned up. This shop will be yours in the future. You can do whatever you want!" The big man waved his hand to Zhao Qi, looked at Zhao Qi, and directly turned and left.

Making money is the first purpose. Since you make money, the rest is not a thing.

"Slow down, ha ha!" Lin Feng waved, turned to look at Zhao Qi and said, "mentor Zhao Qi, our store will open tomorrow. Welcome!"

"Tomorrow, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue. Head!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Qi sneered. Looking at Lin Feng, I want to see how you open tomorrow.

Seeing Zhao Qi's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head and waved his hand. All the shelves on the upper and lower floors of the whole store were cleaned by Lin Feng, and all the cabinets and other things were cleaned by Lin Feng.

"Xiaobai, give these to your neighbors. We don't need them." Lin Feng said with a smile and walked into the shop. The shop is not big. The upper and lower floors are about 30 square meters. There is a yard of about 50 square meters behind, plus two small rooms. The yard is not big, but although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of internal organs, which is very good.


Lin Feng is in a good mood, which is much better than the yard bought by Yang Yang.

"Oh, what a nice place!" Xiaobai looked around and said with a smile, "brother Lin, why don't you live here in the future!"

"You two, come and sell things for me if you're free. I really have a lot here." Lin Feng's mind moved. The whole yard began to change under Lin Feng's control. The first was the transformation of the yard. The house in the yard was destroyed by Lin Feng. It looked more than 70 square meters, not very big, but a small duplex apartment was just right. A house fell directly on the ground in front of Xiaobai, and the door faced south, A small garden is filled with all kinds of spiritual herbs and elixirs, which Lin Feng brought all the way from the fairyland.

"Brother Lin, you are carrying a home with you!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xiaobai swallowed his saliva and said carefully.

"Of course, I can't treat myself badly. I set up the shop first. When I came here, I prepared a lot of professional counters for placing goods. Now I can be used."

With that, Lin Feng went directly to the store. With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, Shui Lingli immediately gathered in Lin Feng's hand and cleaned the store up and down. Lin Feng put it on the counter, and then put some shapes and sofas under the counter.

Strong Chinese style color, large and small cabinets on the counter, and pill bottles were placed directly on the counter. Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "here, write this down. You know the price of pills better than me. It's a little lower than that of some shops outside. Anyway, we don't lack pills."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "all the pills above are pills that you all know. Compare them yourself. Put the ones with higher prices on the top and all the ones with lower prices on the bottom, OK?"

"OK!" Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo nodded.

"I said mentor Zhao Qi, you're a little busy sitting outside alone. I have some simple ordinary weapons here. Why don't you come in and write for me?" The cabinet of Bogu Pavilion is used for the pill. In the large cabinet below, the match with the pill is the symbol seal. Of course, it is the symbol seal below the immortal product. Opposite the pill is an empty wall and a small suspension array. The weapons refined by Lin Feng are directly placed on it. The weapons are suspended and emit a faint light.

Zhao Qi went inside and picked up something to price Lin Feng.

After sitting for a while, Zhao Qi suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng's back. His face was gloomy for a moment. What was he doing?

However, Lin Feng had turned and went upstairs.

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