This damn guy!

Seeing Lin Feng's coquettish face, Zhao Qi's face became gloomy for a moment. It was clear that this guy was using him as a labor force!

Zhao Qi wants to put down his things and leave, but he feels it doesn't seem good to leave, especially the guy Lin Feng is not here at this time!

"Do a good job, let's have dinner together!" Lin Feng came up from the building with a lazy voice!

Who's going to eat your meal!

Zhao Qi's heart is there, but can he rub rice?

Zhao Qi's mouth aroused a cold smile and continued to be busy.

Lin Feng's layout on the top is similar to the style below, but the top is all immortal level pills, spirit tools, symbols, seal characters and array diagrams.

Lin Feng arranged several arrays on the second floor. Just then, he breathed a sigh of relief and visited all the products. There were not many things on it. Everything was wrapped in storage bags, so Duobao pavilion was used on both sides, but the price was marked below.

From Qingyun City, Yecheng Road, Lin Feng walked all the way to the place to have a look. The price here was basically clear. He set a relatively fair price. After Lin Feng marked it, he went downstairs. The three people had divided all the products, and even the seal characters and array pictures were placed.

"Emma, that's good!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "our place is finished."

"Brother Lin, what's your name?" Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "you see, there are friars outside who are curious to come and have a look."

"There's a plaque, wait!" Lin Feng went out and hung up a plaque of Da Sheng grocery store in his hand. Lin Feng looked at it from below. Well, yes, the word was magnificent and implied artistic conception. The whole shop was shrouded in arrays, especially the faint smell outside made the monks around look at it.

"Here... Seems to have the weapons I need?"

"This is the taste of the pill I need!"

Some friars came to the store. Lin Feng sat in front and looked at the three people with a smile. Zhao Qi's face was cold. Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo didn't expect to have business at this time.

"This..." everyone looked at the scene with an incredible face, "and such operation?"

"Well, well, when we're in business, don't pestle. Help me take care of the business. We'll have dinner when we finish the business and close the door!" Lin Feng smiled and looked like an old fox.

This Lin Dasheng clearly wants to work for him!

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Zhao Qi's look changed again.

"Excuse me, how do you sell this Linghuo mace?" Zhao Qi raised his feet to go, but a teenager had gathered together, looked at Zhao Qi and asked, "can this help me go to the deep mountains to kill a monster in the water god period?"

"It's best to add the learned concentrated seal character and this small moving character. The price is not high." Zhao Qi's voice was gentle and said, "if it's a group, there's a small array that can be used by a group. It's used by five people. The array disk can be used three to four. You've completed the task since you bought it."

"Well, take it all. How much is it?" The guest nodded and looked at the pile of things, covering his storage bag with some flesh pain.

"Five top-grade immortal spirit stones." Zhao Qi packed the things and said softly, "if you kill the monster in the period of transforming God, you can also come here to replace it and accept the remains of the monster, herbs and other items."

Zhao Qi turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"Well, it's better to be a complete monster. We all accept it." Lin Feng nodded with a smile, "if you need to contact the waiter in the future, his name is Zhao Qi."

Zhao Qi's heart stopped.

"Today, only today, I will never help you again!" Zhao Qi said fiercely.

"The aura of the pill hall and all weapons can be sold here. I don't charge you a penny. Of course, you can help me sell other pills, such as Fu Zhuan and array plate."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Zhao Qileng was there. He couldn't refuse this condition at all!

The cost of the Institute is also large enough!

Although there is the support of the college, the things supported by the college need to turn in part of the finished products. They can't be taken for nothing. Although the tutor's income is good, it's too little for a cultivator!

Therefore, most of the tutors choose to find another sideline outside. Many shops in the mountain city are opened by the tutors. Of course, when there are big things and the filial piety of students, the school has always turned a blind eye to this aspect.

"OK." Zhao Qi nodded and answered without hesitation.

Although his accomplishments are higher than those of Lin Feng, he only graduated from Qingshan academy and taught in Qingshan Academy. Therefore, the immortal stone on his body is forged by himself, and the rest is used for cultivation.

But now, he urgently needs a large amount of Fairy Spirit stone to help him through the current difficulties!

Although Lin Feng in front of me is a little annoying, this guy has his own interests on hand!

That's enough!

After some guests left the store, one after another guests followed in. Lin Feng couldn't sit still after sitting for a while. Some guests began to walk upstairs, and their demand was getting higher and higher.

Of course, the first-class things of xianpin are what they need most.

This busyness didn't stop until late at night. Four people sat there. The busyness from afternoon to night was like going out to kill several monsters.

"Come on, let's go eat something to replenish ourselves." Lin Feng waved his hand and took three people to the back. As soon as he got to the back, Zhao Qi's eyes immediately improved. Lingcao is a very good lingcao!

No, that room is a spirit instrument, which can be adjusted by itself!

What are those!

Zhao Qi looked around. He could feel the aura fluctuation of many items. He could even be sure that they were forged with forging materials and array. However, these things are too strange!

What is Lin Dasheng!

Zhao Qi couldn't help but turn around and look at Lin Feng. The changes brought by Lin Feng made Zhao Qi uncomfortable for a while.

The guy in front of him was beyond his expectation!

Especially what this guy has!

"Just eat in the yard. I'll get out the barbecue rack and let's roast some monster meat." Lin Feng took out more than ten kilograms of monster meat from the Dinghai god pearl, and took out the barbecue rack, ingredients and a small amount of spirit water.

Zhao Qi sat and watched quietly. The whole was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. No matter what Lin Feng took out, he would be surprised.

He has never seen these things!

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