The business of Dasheng grocery store is getting better and better. For convenience, Lin Feng took all the students to sell coolies on the grounds of experience. Of course, their goods can also be sold in the store. Lin Feng is more tolerant to them.

Zhao Qi doesn't come every day, but he must be here in the afternoon and evening. This guy enjoys the process of being a teacher. In the evening, he eats some barbecue with Lin Feng without talking. He eats quietly and leaves.

A month passed in a flash. Lin Feng was in class that day. Suddenly, the Qi field of the whole Danyuan began to change.

Dan Changsheng is going out of the customs!

Feeling this, Lin Feng waved his hand and the student who was still refining pills raised his head.

"Don't practice alchemy. You will suffer in alchemy!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, all the students trembled and looked up at it. Sure enough, they felt that the surrounding gas field was constantly changing.

"The Danyuan is under attack?"

"NIMA, who is attacking our castle peak academy?"

Ji Zhao and Dong Jun jumped up directly.

"Attack your head. Someone has been promoted. Dean Dan Changsheng is going to be promoted to Xiandi. Let's go out and have a look!" Lin Feng took the lead to go outside. The whole Danyuan was wrapped on the third floor and the third floor. Everyone looked at the figure in the sky.

To be exact, it is a huge Dan shadow, which is constantly rotating in the sky, and the laws of heaven and earth around him are constantly changing because of his rotation.


Seeing this scene, Lin Feng shook his head and couldn't help sighing, "this is going to be promoted to Immortal Emperor!"

"It's early. The Immortal Emperor can go in if he wants to, but our dean has finally stepped into this circle. Our castle peak academy will have a second Immortal Emperor!"

"Yes, yes, in the future, who dares to make a visit in our castle peak academy?"

The following students and tutors were talkative, with a happy smile on their faces. Lin Feng closed his eyes, and his strength was directly in harmony with Dan Changsheng's strength. Dan Changsheng did not refuse.

"This boy, this is his own death!" Seeing Lin Feng's practice, Yun Yun sneered and said.

"What's the matter, mother?" Yun Luoying looked at Lin Feng.

"He is feeling the way of Dan's longevity, a way that is about to step into the task of the Immortal Emperor. Can he feel it?" Yun Yun sneered and said, "let's wait for this boy to explode and die!"

"What a death!" Hearing yunyun's words, yunluoying's eyes lit up immediately and looked up and down at Lin Feng. She was also worried that Lin Feng would not die. Now Lin Feng himself came to the door.

This boy!

Hongshan's eyes also looked in the direction of Lin Feng. When he saw Lin Feng's appearance, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes. His mind divided and guarded Lin Feng's side. He was ready to take action if Lin Feng had something to do at any time.

Although this boy is unreliable, he is still a good seedling after all. He can send more excellent students to the fairy world in the future.

Lin Feng's world is closed. He can't feel yunyun and yunluoying's schadenfreude. Of course, he can't feel what Hongshan did for him. The whole world he went to is quiet, and only one breath lingers around him.

What is Tao?

A voice rang out in Lin Feng's mind. A faint danxiang lingered around Lin Feng's whole body. It seemed that thousands of roads were unfolding in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng was in a trance and didn't know what choice he should make.

What is Tao?

There is no Tao in this world. When more people go, it becomes a Tao!

My way, naturally, is to explore and go step by step.

Lin Feng pursed his mouth and said to himself again and again.

What is Tao?

The Tao of predecessors can only be used for reference and can only be seen. Only their own Tao is the real Tao!


The aura around Lin Feng changed again. This time, it was for Lin Feng. Countless water spiritual forces gathered towards Lin Feng. The congenital Kui water formula was constantly running in Lin Feng's body, and the breath shrouded Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng felt that his cultivation was constantly rising.

The sixth floor in the late Mahayana

The seventh floor in the late Mahayana

The eighth floor in the late Mahayana

The ninth floor in the late Mahayana

Great fullness at the end of Mahayana

Lin Feng's breath kept rising, and the surrounding spiritual power began to linger towards Lin Feng.

"This is preparing to break through the immortal period in one fell swoop. Ha ha, this boy really killed himself!" Yunluoying stood there, sneered and said.


Yun Yun shakes her head. This boy is compressing his cultivation!

In the later stage of Mahayana, the peak is great and complete

Great perfection on the ninth floor of Mahayana

The ninth floor of Mahayana

Great perfection on the eighth floor of Mahayana

The eighth floor of Mahayana

Then, the surrounding aura gathered towards Lin Feng again, wrapped Lin Feng's whole body in it, and Lin Feng's cultivation rose again.

In this cycle, I don't know how long it took. Finally, Lin Feng's cultivation was stable at the top of Mahayana. The peak was in a great and round state.

The single field has opened his eyes and is sitting cross legged watching Lin Feng. Lin Feng stretched out his hands. His spatial perception ability and law perception ability have long exceeded the realm of Mahayana, so he entered the peak of Mahayana all the way. The peak is perfect, and Lin Feng is just a matter of water to canal.

The next step is to enter the immortal period.

However, it is never easy to become an immortal.

In particular, Lin Feng came from sanxiu jiuzhuan.

Whether it is the fairy world or the lower world, it is biased against the friars who have been practicing all the way. Er Linfeng is bound to fall into the period of detachment before he can enter the immortal period.

"You are such a crazy boy!" Feeling Lin Feng's breath and Lin Feng's unstable state, Hong Shan sighed and said, "this period of escape from the world is not so easy to pass."

Lin Feng nodded. Naturally, he knew that it was not so easy to get rid of fan. However, if he didn't get rid of fan, he would become an immortal. How many people can go to the last supreme position?

What he wants is never a simple longevity!

What he wants is the world!

Lin Feng's eyes are firm!

Of course, Lin Feng also knows that what he has to face next is a very unstable period of escape from the world!

The reason why the escape period is called the escape period, and most monks are unwilling to experience it is because there is a thunder robbery every three months, and you can never guarantee the level of your cultivation at the time of thunder robbery!

Once there was a monk in the period of escaping from the world. When he was about to be robbed by thunder, his accomplishments suddenly fell in the golden elixir period!

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