"Brother Lin, what is this?" Xiaobai stood in front of Lin Feng, looked at it with Lin Feng, and asked with a curious face.

"Good thing!" Lin Feng smiled and said, "no one can get this thing. It's called nightmare spider. It's extremely toxic, and it can produce a kind of neurotoxin that makes people enter the nightmare and die happily in the nightmare."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "of course, the nightmare spider is full of treasure. The venom can be used to refine an ancient pill called mengdan. Mengdan can help friars enter my state. In ancient times, it is also very famous. Alchemists love the nightmare spider, resulting in the extinction of the nightmare spider. There is one here. It's good!"

Lin Feng said with a smile and walked around the nightmare spider.

A yellow Lingli peak directly attacked Lin Feng, and the body of the nightmare spider began to shake from the distance.

"Nightmare spider is also characterized by powerful toxin, but its attack power is poor, so even ordinary monks can kill it!" With that, Lin Feng waved his hand, and the field and potential energy position of the sword spread out at his feet. Feng Tong's sword pierced through the corner of the mouth of the nightmare spider and ran across the whole head.

Nightmare spider trembled. Trembled a few times, there was no more movement.

"I'll take it first!" Lin Feng waved his hand and directly incorporated the nightmare spider into his body.

One of these things has two. This is a male nightmare spider. There must be a female!

Lin Feng's heart and spirit spread around, but the soul power was taken back after less than half a meter.

This place is shielded from divine knowledge?

"Go on!" Then Lin Feng walked towards the front. Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped, and the students behind him stopped together. They hurried one by one and leaned forward.

A huge sheet of paper swarmed around us.

"Go!" The inflammation of the earth's heart directly wrapped the whole net. The net was constantly burning under the burning of the earth's eye. Lin Feng raised his head and a spider bigger than before rushed directly towards Lin Feng. Inside the spider's stomach, there were all dense little spiders.

It's you!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and the white feather sword flew up from behind and cut directly on the nightmare spider.

The body of the nightmare spider kept moving back, and the toxin kept erupting, coloring the surroundings with a layer of yellow.

"Shall we do it?" Xiaobai looked confused and asked.

"Of course I did!" Zhao Qingluo rushed up with his weapon, and Ji Zhaodong Jun followed.

"I... I'll guard you behind!" Zhao Shuping stepped back and looked up at the huge nightmare spider in the sky with a bit of fear in his eyes.

Lin Feng looked down at Zhao Shuping, opened his mouth and smiled at Zhao Shuping.

Zhao Shuping's look changed. Was he discovered?

Zhao Shuping stepped back again. Looking at Lin Feng's back, he was a little suspicious and shook his head. No, it's impossible. He absolutely didn't find himself!

"This boy has a problem!" Dan Changsheng saw Zhao Shuping and said.

"Well, this little guy came out of the family. Although this nightmare spider is rare, it still exists in some big families. I should have seen it. Lin Dasheng is not simple. He knows all this."

Hong Shan nodded and said softly.

"I said, you two, don't comment on it. I can hear it!" Lin Feng looked at the location of the camera and conveyed the past directly.

The two men shut up immediately.

"Attack from behind!" Lin Feng roared, and he attacked the nightmare spider directly from the front.

"Go!" Countless flames exploded instantly in the sky. Lin Feng waved his hand, and the white feather sword went straight through the belly of the nightmare spider.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the nightmare spider was included in the chaos seed by Lin Feng. In the space opened up by the chaos seed, two nightmare spiders stood together in line, and countless nightmare spiders climbed out and climbed towards the two.

"This guy is so cruel!" When he fell to the ground, Xiaobai sighed with relief, "he put his children below and attacked us."

"The breeding of nightmare spiders is very special. They can continuously breed small nightmare spiders. Those nightmare spiders are no different from ordinary nightmare spiders. However, small nightmare spiders can never be called nightmare spiders, unless they gnaw the mother and father to make them burn their bodies and grow up, Then you can become a nightmare spider. "

Lin Feng said with a faint smile, "that's why the nightmare spider was killed."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, they suddenly realized and nodded.

"Well... Why didn't so many little nightmare spiders kill their parents before? There are more of them! " Xiaobai shook his head and said.

"Because there is no chance, after they climb out of the mother, they are affected by the mother's nightmare, and they can't find the location of the male and female nightmare spider at all. Therefore, throughout their life, they are used by the male and female nightmare spider, killed by monks, or directly eaten as food by the male and female nightmare spider."

Zhao Shuping whispered, with a bit of desolation in his words.

"How do you know?" Ji Zhao turned and looked at Zhao Shuping.

"What I saw in the book is recorded in the books of Castle Peak Academy." Zhao Shuping whispered.

"Well, what book? I'll see it next time!" Ji Zhao said again. Lin Feng found that this guy is not only poisonous, but also funny when he is cooked!

"If you want to, go find it yourself and ask if you can't!" Lin Feng slapped Ji Zhao and said, "let's go on. Now we don't tangle about books. It's good for you to tangle again when things are solved!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Zhao spit out his tongue. He looked back at Zhao Shuping. Zhao Shuping quietly followed him with his head down and a low brow.

"Let's go, let's go on. Don't look like a bitter ha ha one by one. Everyone cheer up. Let me tell you, we are also the people who have passed the first level of the ruins. This is one of the death ruins. If you break through, you can't look like I'm very strong. It's easy to be dragged into the water!"

Lin Feng smiled and stood there like an old fox.

"What an old fox!" Hong Shan shook his head and sighed, "when these little guys come out of the ruins, they will take off the skin at least!"

"These little guys are just too lack of exercise. It's good to take off a layer. Otherwise, they really think the whole world is theirs!" Dan Changsheng grunted and said, "when we were there, we had to pass the pass and kill the generals one by one!"

"Dean!" A wail came from below. Dan Changsheng was very frightened. He looked down and saw that everyone looked up at him.

Behind them, a huge monster is running towards them!

"My mother!"

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