Seeing the huge monster, Dan Changsheng farted. Gu sat on the ground. What monster is that? Why is it so huge?

"It's good to scare people occasionally!" Lin Feng said with a smile, put away the flag, and the huge monster disappeared.

"Ha ha!" The people below were chuckling. Dan Changsheng sat on the cloud with his mouth closed. How did he feel that Lin Feng was laughing at him? Moreover, I must have been laughed a lot by this boy along the way!

"Brother, shall we go in now?" Xiaobai followed Lin Feng and said with a smile, "I can't wait now. You say, if I go out from this ancient relic, will I become a star of the whole school!"

"The hat on your head is not enough for you?" Lin Feng raised his head and took a look. On Xiaobai's head, the white hat looked at Lin Feng and smiled friendly at Lin Feng.

"That's different. This is a death relic that can't even be solved by the martial arts academy!" Xiaobai snorted and said.

"Don't worry, there are many relics we will go to in the future. This is just one of them. Let's go, let's go, go on, we're going to enter the relics!" Lin Feng waved his hand and stood in front of the ruins.

Standing in front of Lin Feng is a building that looks similar to the Gothic architecture in Europe. The sharp roof falls into Lin Feng's eyes and is very beautiful.

"This... Is a relic that emits moonlight. The moonlight outside is radiated by it!" Zhao Qingluo stood in front of Lin Feng and said softly.

"Well, this should be a relic established by some special races, which has never been developed. That's why it's like this. Let's be careful and go slowly." Lin Feng nodded and looked more solemn in his eyes.

The relics not created by traditional practitioners look the same as those outside, but if you look carefully at the past, they are still somewhat different. Of course, these relics are mainly safe, but the danger inside may be something he has never seen before.

The most important thing is that there are so many students behind him. Lin Feng can't play with the lives of these students!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Feng is particularly solemn now.

"Keep up, everybody be careful!" Lin Feng said solemnly and stepped into the ruins.

As soon as he stepped into the ruins, Lin Feng felt that the surrounding environment began to change rapidly. The surrounding scenery fell into Lin Feng's eyes. The scenery unfolded in front of Lin Feng's eyes. It was very beautiful.

"How beautiful!" Ji Zhao couldn't help sighing and said, "the silver moon is full of brightness outside, but inside it is sunny and flowers are in full bloom."

"The scenery here is really good!" Zhao Shuping also nodded. The girls directly opened their arms and closed their eyes. The expression on their faces was full of enjoyment.

"Don't you feel that although the scenery here is very beautiful, there is no aura?" Lin Feng looked at the crowd and said softly, "just like a planet without aura, there is no life fluctuation, as if everything is false."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone immediately returned to their senses and felt it carefully. The surrounding scenery was quiet, but there was really no aura. Everything around was so quiet that everyone was terrible!

Here... It's all fake!

"Let's go!" Lin Feng shook his head and stepped on the ground. There was a slight creak below.

"It's a corpse!" Someone drank and looked down, then he saw that the ground was full of white bones, and the whole garden was made of white bones!

On the white bones, the flowers are very beautiful!


The people's bodies could not help shaking.

"Just walk over, fearless. Walk over here, it's just a scenery!" Lin Feng's voice was very low. When they heard Lin Feng's words, they nodded and followed Lin Feng all the way forward.

As long as you are fearless, here is just a scenery!

All the people looked at the front with their mouths closed, and their eyes were serious and serious.

Lin Feng walked in front, holding the Fengtong sword in his hand. His mind wrapped all the students, and his ideas spread towards all the students with himself as the center.

There seemed to be laughter in the distance, and countless girls danced below, just like startling, one by one, as if they were living in a very happy transition.

"Childe, stay here. The scenery here is so beautiful. In the future, we will accompany you, singing and dancing every day. Don't take care of the killing and killing outside. Don't take care of the cruelty outside. Stay and let us live a happy life forever, okay?"

The girl's voice was very charming. She rushed towards a group of people from all directions, almost everywhere.

"Stability!" Lin Feng gave a low roar, and the bodies of several students suddenly trembled. They trembled and woke up from their sleep one by one.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng continued to move forward. Suddenly, a white snake ran out from one side and rushed towards Lin Feng at the second level.

"NIMA, are you going to collect the five poisons?" Seeing the sudden white snake, Lin Feng gave a low roar, waved his hand and attacked directly.

White was cut off by his waist, and his head still rushed towards Lin Feng.

"These white snakes are not poisonous!" Zhao Qingluo said softly, "but this body is so strong!"

"Kill all the skinned and cramped teeth. These teeth are very strong!" Lin Feng said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, several furnishings were directly surrounded by Lin Feng, and the blood gushed out directly. The snake gall, snake skin and snake teeth appeared in Lin Feng's hands.

"Hey, this is cool, brother Lin. why don't we cook a pot of snake soup here!" Xiaobai said loudly.

"These white snakes grow up eating human flesh and hide in white bones. Are you sure you want to eat them?" Lin Feng turned to look at Xiaobai and asked with a smile“ Also, don't underestimate these little things. Their toxins are concentrated in their snake gall, so their snake gall can't be eaten. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several disciples who put the snake gall in the palm of their hand silently put it away.

"Then... What's the use of this snake gall?" A student asked in a low voice.

"You're stupid. Go back and study the toxins. Next time someone competes with us, we'll make fun of them. One person will give them one to let them know what skeptical life is!" Lin Feng turned his eyes and said with a smile.

Everyone is absolutely down.

This tutor... Is a little too wonderful. Other tutors teach students good things. Their tutors are good and teach them how to trick others!

Seeing a group of people looking suspicious, Lin Feng sighed and said, "why can't I make sense with you?"

People bow their heads. It's not that we don't understand you, it's the mentor. Your idea is so stupid!

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