A month passed quickly.

Zhao Qi really sent the ruins to Lin Feng.

"This is our relic this time. Look, it's the relic left by an array mage. There are many array remnants in it. By the way, there are also some ancient arrays that are said to be used to seal spirits."

"That's it." Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, turned to nod and said, "that's it. I've greeted our students. Let's go now and deal with the matter later."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Qi nodded.

Lin Feng put the map away and said, "well, go back and prepare first. Let's gather in Xinsheng square tomorrow morning and then start."

Lin Feng smiled and waved, turned and went straight back to his small yard.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Zhao Qi's mouth smoked, that's it? Nothing else?

Is this boy so sure he can handle this relic?

Looking at Lin Feng's back, Zhao Qi is messy in the wind. Maybe Lin Feng is too casual, which makes Zhao Qi uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's heart moved.

The dragon's blood, which was quiet in the body, suddenly became restless.

This restlessness made Lin Feng's mind restless.

What is this?

Lin Feng looked up into the sky.

This is the feeling of the Dragon tomb!

"Qianlong, come out quickly. I seem to feel the Dragon tomb!" Lin Feng greeted Qianlong out of his deep sleep. Qianlong, who was still sleepy, immediately raised his head and said, "really? What is it? "

"It's the feeling of the Dragon tomb. I feel it." Lin Feng lowered his head and said, "the dragon's blood is restless. It should sense the existence of another dragon's blood!" Lin Feng's eyes are serious, said.

"Master, where should the Dragon tomb exist? I feel the breath of the secret land." Qianlong whispered, "it seems that the Dragon tomb we are looking for is really in this place. There is a dragon tomb in Qingshan academy!"

"Brother Lin!" While Lin Feng was communicating with Qianlong, Xiaobai broke in and said with a smile, "brother Lin, all the students who entered the wilderness secret place last year came out. Shall we go and have a look?"

"The secret land of the wilderness?" Lin Feng's heart moved, turned to look at Xiaobai and said, "what is the secret land of the wilderness?"

"Oh, anyway, the students come here to go to the wild secret place, but I don't like that place. I feel chilly every time I open it." Xiaobai shrunk his neck and said, "but the students who went to the wilderness secret place are all excellent students of Qingshan Academy. After coming out of it, they can basically enter the immortal period."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng nodded and began to think about it.

Obviously, this so-called wilderness secret place should be a great place, but the place is too low-key, so we don't know.

"Is there such a place?" Lin Feng's heart throbbed a little more.

"Then... How do I get into this secret wilderness?" Lin Feng turned to look at Xiaobai and asked softly.

"At the beginning of spring every year, the wilderness secret place is opened once. Castle Peak academy will arrange a student to enter the wilderness secret place. These students are the top ten on the battle list of Castle Peak Academy."

Xiaobai said casually, "brother Lin, why do you suddenly ask this? Brother Lin, you can't go in! "

"I'm just curious. Ask." Lin Feng nodded and looked at the garden where the president Redwood was accidentally in. This original liquid secret place should be a good secret place. Since there can be a dragon tomb, it's not surprising for these guys to go in for experience. Now the purpose is how to get the president Hong Shan to agree to go in.

Obviously, he had cheated the old man so many times before, and the old man would not speak frankly with himself.

"Brother Lin?" Xiaobai shouted again. Lin Feng came back to his senses, smiled and said, "yes, I'm thinking about how to get in this wilderness secret place. It's a good place to listen to this thing."

"Yes, it's very good, but brother Lin, you can't go in!" Xiaobai said again.

"The yard should agree. If it's a big deal, I'll unload my position as a tutor, and then I'll be admitted to Qingshan college again." Lin Feng said carelessly, and Xiaobai's body trembled.

Brother Lin is really a different kind of person!

"Well, brother Lin, you'd better be happy. Brother Lin, do you have an agreement with the Institute to go to the ruins together? Take me!" Xiaobai said with a smile, "it's been a month. I've been refining pills here. This time, I just went to exercise myself."

"There are not many things in this secret place. Although it is also a death relic, more or less people have been in the relic, so it looks good on the surface. In fact, the relic is still like that."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai gave a cry and immediately lost interest.

"But it's not that you can't earn a pen of immortal stone. There are so many students in the Institute, but there are so many students in our institute. They need a lot of pills to bring in, and they are specific pills. You take out all the pills refined during this period and set up a stall at the gate of the ruins. Your intention must be good."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Although there are a lot of ammunition in the pill shop, if you really want to go to this relic, not all the pills can be used. On the contrary, some pills refined by Xiaobai can be used.

"I see, brother Lin, I'll borrow your Dan stove room. I'll refine a batch of pills. I have a lot on hand. I'll refine two more!" With that, Xiaobai rushed directly into the room.

Seeing Xiaobai's eagerness, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. Why is this guy so short of fairy stone recently? Still volunteering to go to the ruins?

Suddenly, Lin Feng's mind moved. Isn't it that Zhao Qingluo is going to break through?

"What a love!" Lin Feng shook his head and turned to the kitchen to prepare food. Refining pills is also an individual work. I'll eat something and recover quickly.

Soon, there was a fire in the yard, and a faint smell of food lingered around. When Xiaobai came out, Lin Feng had prepared a good food and was eating slowly in the yard alone.

Lin Feng was in a good mood. He sat there and saw Xiaobai. He waved to Xiaobai and said, "come on, eat some together!"

Xiaobai immediately came over with a smile, put in a large pot of meat and said, "brother Lin, you are really my timely rain. I'm starving!"

"Eat, eat, eat more!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "it's going to dawn after eating. This person's life is too painful."

Lin Feng looked at the sky a little depressed. When will his wives come out to tune. Play. Play?

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