"Our institute is ready." When Lin Feng and Xiao Bai were having fun, Zhao Qi's voice came over

"Come in and have something to eat!" Lin Feng waved his hand, opened the array and said with a smile.

"Are you still in the mood to eat at this time?" Zhao Qi's face became gloomy.

"Of course, otherwise? Watch them? I asked you if you could have a dream. These little guys are so big one by one. We don't need to guard them anymore. What about us? We eat safely and wait for the past! "

Lin Feng said casually and walked in. Sure enough, he saw Lin Feng and Xiaobai eating hot pot, and there was still some brilliance in the hot pot.

What is this?

Zhao Qi was stunned and looked down at Lin Feng.

"Come and have some food together. The teacher should take the lead. If we can't eat more, we can't do anything, can we? If this shot will hurt, it will hit the students. "

Zhao Qi smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Why can't you spit out an ivory from this guy's mouth!

"Well... Zhao Qi is. Do you need pills? I have many pills here. The prices are very good, and many pills are used to improve people's sensitivity. With these pills, I believe you certainly don't worry so much when facing the array. Do you need them? "

Xiaobai smiled at Zhao Qi and said.

"No need." Zhao Qi shook his head, "we bought enough pills in Danpu." Zhao Qi said very definitely.

"Don't be so sure, Xiaobai. Go to the square and show the students of the institute the ammunition this time. I'll tell you, Zhao Qi, you're too arbitrary. That's not what the pill says. The more, the better, isn't it?"

"No fairy stone!" Zhao Qi felt his shriveled pocket.

Fairy Spirit stone is not a cat or dog on the side of the road. It can be found anywhere!

"Look how poor you are!" Lin Feng shook his head again.

Zhao Qi is angry. When he is with this guy, he can always be half killed by him. But this guy still looks indifferent. It's not your fault that there is no fairy stone?

If you hadn't occupied my shop, could I have no fairy stone?

Zhao Qi bowed his head and breathed hot air all over his body. He accelerated the speed and ate hard. Anyway, what he ate was this guy's. It's best to eat more without money!

Seeing Zhao Qi's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

It was not until the sun rose that Lin Feng asked Xiaobai to deal with the bottom of the pot. He stood up and walked outside.

Zhao Qi was in a good mood to eat. His aura was constantly shaking. He was in a good mood.

"Mentor!" Ji Zhao and others all stood there.

"Let's go. I've seen the ruins this time. It's not very difficult. You've studied for so long. Everyone should choose a treasure I left for you!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "these are the things I prepared for you to break the battle. Whether you can come back depends on your own ability."

Lin Feng pointed to the seven storage bags in his hand and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, tutor. We will do it according to your requirements." Ji Zhao nodded and took the storage bag. Everyone took one. There were some simple xianpin array plates and some things for monitoring prepared by Lin Feng.

"I noticed them one by one. Tell me if there's anything wrong."

Seven people nodded, put away their things and stood there looking at the students of the Institute.

The students of the Institute have complained a lot. Especially when they see Lin Feng and his party laughing, the students of the Institute are even more depressed. These guys didn't come until the sun hung up. As a result, they chattered and laughed there as soon as they came, as if they didn't care about things at all.

They are going to relic adventure, which is life-threatening. Why do these guys look like going to spring?

They knew that although the alchemy technology of the Dan Academy had risen, the so-called crack relics must be because there were other ways!

"Mentor, this group of guys invited talents to crack the previous ruins. Let's not take them!"

"Yes, yes, mentor, you see, these guys are completely indifferent. They certainly don't take this matter to heart. We'd better leave them alone and go straight."

"Yes, sir, we're not going on an outing. What are we doing with this group of sick seedlings?"

"Classmate, you have a deep misunderstanding of us!" Lin Feng walked over with a smile, "otherwise, before we set out, let's let you have a good feeling. What is the rising Danyuan?"

Lin Feng walked up to the students of the Institute and said with a smile, "are you still not convinced that you lost to us last time? I didn't mention it. If you were in my hand, you would have to lose at least two layers of skin. It's too inconvenient to worry about each one! "

Lin Feng shook his head with a sad face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people trembled. They looked at Lin Feng with some strange eyes!

The students of their institute are born with boundless strength. Their pure meat and body strength can be compared with most of the strong people in the golden elixir period. In addition to their cultivation, although they are not much worse than those geniuses, there are definitely above the medium level!

This guy, are you kidding? The force value of Dan academy is always at the bottom of Castle Peak academy!

Who let them have a dean who doesn't like fighting at all?

"I said no, you look like this one by one. What's the matter?" Lin Feng turned his head and saw his students bow their heads and said loudly, "you have passed the previous and so dangerous. Are you afraid of a few provocative words?"

"No, tutor, we bought Xiaobai's pills and are studying the price of pills!"

Zhao Shuping said with a smile.

Lin Feng was stunned. How did he feel that these little guys were upset and kind.

Sure enough, he is his student. He has won the essence of his teaching. If he goes out in the future, he will certainly not suffer a loss!

"Yes, yes, one by one... I said you are all alchemists. You still buy other people's refined pills. Do you think you deserve yourself?" Seeing Zhao Qi coming, Lin Feng immediately changed his voice, looked at the following students with a sad face, sighed and said, "I tell you, if you can't come back to me this time, you should take care of your skin!"

All the students held back their smiles and nodded wildly.

Zhao Qi turned his eyes. Of course, he knew that Lin Feng's group of students were as glib as Lin Feng, but when he saw Lin Feng's face, he could only quietly restrain his depression.

This guy, this is intentional!

But he still couldn't say anything!

Think about it, Zhao Qi's heart is painful.

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