"Let's go!" Zhao Qi said coldly.

"Let's go!" With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng and his party flew directly into the sky, turned and walked directly towards the inside. Seven people followed Ji Zhao and arrived at the place four hours later.

"Go in!" Zhao Qi looked at Lin Feng and said softly.

"You've come to explore. You go first. The array outside can't trap you!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "I broke up with my students."

Zhao Qi didn't doubt him. He nodded and walked directly inside. Lin Feng nodded to Ji Zhao. Ji Zhao and his party nodded and followed Zhao Qi directly behind them.

"Exercise well!" Lin Feng muttered and watched all the students go in. Then he turned and left directly.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to accompany a group of guys to play such relics without many things. Of course, such relics are really suitable for newcomers to experience.

"Qianlong, let's go. Let's go to the wilderness secret place now!"

Lin Feng whispered to Qianlong.

"I see, but master, there are many people controlling the secret wilderness. We must be careful when we go there. The old men of Castle Peak academy are not vegetarian!"

Qianlong tells Lin Feng again.

Since the beginning, Qianlong has told Lin Feng every day to be careful of the old men inside.

"Last time, if Qianlong hadn't been fast enough, he would have been buried in the hands of those old men. Don't look at those old men who seem to have nothing to do all day. In fact, those old men are powerful. They are experts one by one!"

Qianlong has been nagging. Lin Feng sighed. How did he meet such a chatterbox?

"Here we are!" Lin Feng whispered. In front of him was a high mountain. Under the high mountain, a small house was there, and an old man was farming in front of the house.

"The old man is there too!" Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. Hong Shan was also there, smiling and talking to the farming man.

"Boy, I know what you're up to. Come here!" Hongshan raised his head, looked at Lin Feng, smiled and said, "you're a brave boy. You dare to find it here!"

"Ha ha, Dean!" Lin Feng appeared with a smile and stood there, "the original president is here!"

"The idea of making a secret place?" Hongshan raised his head, raised his eyebrows, looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

Lin Feng stood there in silence. Hong Shan shook his head and said, "I think you have a good idea, but the idea of this secret place is not easy to fight. Your boy is not timid."

Lin Feng smiled and gathered in front of Hongshan. Lin Feng was not afraid of Hongshan. After all, although the old man said something on the surface, he was actually a good old man in the bottom of his heart.

As long as it doesn't involve the bottom line, Hongshan is always easy to talk.

"Want to go in and have a look?" Seeing Lin Feng's dog leg, Hong Shan said with a smile.

"Yes, after all, the scenery here is very good. I also want to go in and have a look. Otherwise, the dean will let me in for a walk. Don't worry, I will pay attention to propriety!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"It's not that I won't let you in, boy. You can't go in now." Hong Shan shook his head and said, "although this wilderness secret place is in the hands of my castle peak academy, it can only be opened in March every year. At that time, you can enter it. At other times, even I don't know where it is hidden."

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng pursed his mouth and was not happy.

"Look at the students. The students of Dan college and the students of Qi college have never been at peace. You throw them all to Zhao Qi, and you guarantee that Zhao Qi can take good care of the little guys?" Hongshan looked at Lin Feng, raised his eyebrows and said.

"It's all right. It's still in the periphery. Zhao Qi is angry, but there's nothing big!" Lin Feng waved his hand and his watch projected the situation inside.

Zhao Qi was indeed delivering goods, but when facing a group of students in Danyuan, he could only bear his anger, because they had entered the array!

As the best tool yard with the array yard, they took the array mage with them when they set out this time. However, their array mage hasn't untied the array, so the guys in the Dan yard untied the array!

The array has been untied by the students of Dan academy!

Zhao Qi was very depressed.

"Let's go, mentor Zhao Qi." Ji Zhao looked at Zhao Qi with a smile. How could this mentor Zhao Qi be so timid?

"What about the guy Lin Dasheng?" Zhao Qi asked with a cold face.

"Yes, yes, I'm in the dark. Don't worry. Go at ease!" Lin Feng said with a smile. Zhao Qi heard Lin Feng's voice and looked everywhere, but there was no Lin Feng's voice everywhere. Here are arrays. Where did Lin Feng hide?

When Zhao Qi was about to speak, Ji Zhao stood up, looked at Zhao Qi and said:

"Mentor Zhao Qi, trust our mentor. Although our mentor is a little careless at ordinary times, the mentor will not be vague in our safety. After all, if we have anything, the mentor can't afford it, can't he?"

Hearing Ji Zhao's words, Zhao Qi hesitated and nodded.

Lin Feng turned off his voice.

"OK, you boy, you are an old slick!" Hong Shan shook his head.

Not many people know about Lin Feng's video equipment. Obviously, Lin Feng is pitching Zhao Qi again this time.

"Wait, what are you students doing?" Hongshan looked over and saw that Ji Zhao and others had started selling pills! When the ruins were broken, the pills were sold to outsiders who went to explore the ruins!

These boys!

Hong Shan blows his beard and stares. Did these guys break into the ruins or sell things?

"By the way, earn some fairy stone. You know, these little guys are all students in the yard. Not because there is no way, they will not sell pills in this place. Therefore, don't worry about the yard. They will pay attention. Besides, if the pills are stored in hand, it's far better to replace the fairy stone. Look, the inventory of Qingshan academy now, Is it because these Danyuan students have been eliminated a lot? "

Lin Feng smiled like an old fox.

Hongshan looked at Lin Feng and turned his eyes when he saw Lin Feng's appearance. Lin Feng smiled and gathered in front of Hongshan and said, "that... Yard, otherwise, you let me go to the mountain behind. I promise, I'll go there!"

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Now young men are so capable!" At this time, an old voice came. Lin Feng turned his head and saw that the previous ploughman had put down his hoe, came over and said with a smile.

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed when he felt the man in front of him.

Awesome, definitely a great master!

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