Lin Feng and Taixu dome immediately got together.

"I said, boy, you can't!" Looking at the panting Taixu dome, Lin Feng said with a smile, "this wave of animal tide is at least three or five days. Now I'm panting. How can I fix it?"

Taixu dome turned to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there smiling.

Suddenly, there was a soft drink in the sky, and Xuanxuan fell into the monster group. A pink light broke through the sky. The female overlord went straight to the battle and began the road of killing monsters.

"Our girl, look!" Lin Feng went in the direction of Xuanxuan while strangling the monster. Taixu dome was probably stimulated and the speed of strangling the monster was much faster.

Is this a game?

Lin Feng looked at Taixu dome and smiled in a low voice, but the speed at hand was faster and faster.

"Hello, is younger martial sister Xuanxuan really your daughter?" Taixu dome looked at Lin Feng and said, "I never knew there was such a young father and daughter!"

"Your father is too old to be a son. In fact, your situation is the least!" Lin Feng shook his head, sighed and said, "hurry up. Let's solve these troubles earlier and don't bring them up. I didn't talk about your ability. It's really bad."

Hearing Lin Feng's complaint again, Taixu dome turned to look at Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng's Fengtong sword directly penetrated the fatal point of a monster and included the whole monster in the storage ring.

"How did you know?" Seeing that Lin Feng shot so quickly, Taixu dome still couldn't help asking.

"Want to know?" Lin Feng turned his head, looked at Taixu dome with a smile and said, "come to Qingshan academy and call me a mentor. I'll teach you. How about it? I think your boy is also a seedling. It's good! "

Taixu dome paused!

He is on the main star young talent list!

"Don't lose yourself for those empty titles. Look, Xuanxuan in our family hasn't entered any young talent list. Her talent is not so excellent?" Lin Feng smiled very obscene.

There is a possibility in Taixu dome that the old man may rape a good family woman.

"Don't look at me with such chilly eyes. Look at yourself. You're as feminine as a woman!"

Lin Feng sighed.

"I'm just a Kung Fu problem!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Taixu dome's face became more and more feminine!

"Ah!" Lin Feng turned his head and looked, "you Lin Feng are really kind to you. Let you practice this Yin and softness skill."

The corners of Taixu dome's mouth twitched.

The old man, if he didn't ask the old man now, he didn't want to talk to the old man. He just... Couldn't talk!

Lin Feng is still smiling.

"Girl, come here!" When it was approaching, Lin Feng shouted.

"Coming!" Xuanxuan shouted and fell on Lin Feng's side.

"I said, old man, you got a good genius this time. This time, your Taixu palace will rise." Hongshan stood in front of the void, smashed the corner of his mouth and said.

"This little girl is somewhat similar to a talented disciple who is being promoted behind closed doors outside my door." Too empty but smiling, while talking, he didn't forget to add some points to himself.

Everyone knows that Taixu palace has won a precious talented and beautiful disciple Xiao nishang who is most suitable for their sect. It will also be one of the pillars of Taixu palace in the future!

"This girl, I know, is the child of our tutor of Castle Peak Academy." Hong Shan said with a smile, "if it weren't for this relationship, I wouldn't want to give you my baby!"

Three people are leisurely on the city tower.

"How many disciples have gone down?" Too empty, turn around and look at Hongshan and Dan Changsheng.

"It's a hundred. These disciples are good. They can come out with so many talents." After hearing the statistics, Hongshan's eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

"The seven fools of our Danyuan followed and chased the bastard Lin Dasheng!" Dan Changsheng blew his beard and stared. Sure enough, there were seven tails behind Lin Feng. No, nine!

Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo also followed!

"Too much!" Hong Shan suddenly stood up. Zhao Qingluo was his niece. He was such a niece!

"Boy, you are followed by your students. I tell you, if they have any problems, I'll beat you to death!" Hong Shan roared.

"I said, old man, can't you be quiet? Why didn't you worry about me when you kicked me out? Now you know you're worried. Just look at it with peace of mind. Your baby niece will follow here today and make you nervous all day! "

Lin Feng laughed very loudly.

Hongshan stood there with his whole face red.

"Children always have their own world. Let them go. You see, I've thrown out such a son. On the contrary, it's your granddaughter. We old men haven't seen each other. Old man, you protect them very well."

Too empty, not salty.

"She's just a child!" Hong Shan said faintly, but his body lightened. He stood there and heard Lin Feng say so. He knew that although Qingluo would be injured, there would certainly be nothing.

He blocked the cultivation and memory of Qingluo.

"It's not small. After so many years, what should be borne is always to be borne. You can't ban it for a lifetime, old man." Too empty, said faintly.

Zhao Qingluo was once a famous flower on the list of young talents.

It's just, not now, it was before.

"Growing up again may not be a good thing. At least, it will fade after a long time." Dan Changsheng opened his eyes, looked at Zhao Qingluo's position and said with a smile, "the girl is still young after all."

Hong Shan nodded.

"You two old men are like this!" Tai Xu Kong sneered, but his eyes were still staring at Tai Xu dome.

"The boy of your castle peak academy is good. After the war of the five academies, send him to my Taixu palace. Although the boy's skills are mostly water-based, I'm too empty. I always pay attention to the coordination of yin and Yang. The meaning of this boy's action is a bit of Yin and Yang."

Taixukong said to Hongshan.

"If you take it away, you take it away." Hong Shan said stuffy.

What kind of Boy Lin Feng is, he knows very clearly. It's better to go too empty and make trouble. The old sect always thinks he's great!

You know. The boy only entered the Castle Peak Academy for a few months. The whole castle peak academy was dug out by the boy!

This boy is a money fan!

"Come on, the animal tide is coming!" At this time, Gu Yiming fell on the city, "ladies and gentlemen, it's hard for you!"

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