"Go!" With a wave of Hongshan's hand, the gate opened and all the disciples rushed out.

The disciples of all sects stood together in an organized way, and even some disciples combined themselves into an array to deal with monsters.

"This time, I don't know how many students and disciples can go back alive?" Hong Shan sighed, and his whole body slowly went up into the sky. In the clouds, several huge monsters were circling there. When he saw several old men rising, he vomited turbidity directly.

"It's hundreds of thousands of years old. We've been together for so many years. Don't look like such a ghost!" With a wave of Taixu's empty hand, the whole sky suddenly became clear, "your ancestors still didn't come out. This sleep is more than 100000 years. Sleep dead!"

"Didn't the old immortal lying under Gusu city come out?" A thick voice sounded, and a big man with a long horn on his head walked directly in front of several people, "sleep dead?"

"I still come out occasionally." Hong Shan said with a smile.

"Sit down when you come. I said, what are you anxious to fight for? Come on, come on, sit down. When the tide of animals recedes, we'll still meet. We'll have a cup of tea and discuss the Tao Dharma together? "

Hong Shan sat smiling, directly took out a big pot and said, "how long have you old men never wanted to eat? Come here and try this. I promise you'll want to eat every day in the future. "

As he spoke, Hong Shan took out all the prepared monster meat.

"Hongshan, you've gone too far!" A flower snake flew over and stared at Hongshan with scarlet eyes.

"Don't pretend you don't eat the meat of sea animals. You don't still eat your companions. You're very happy to eat it?" Hong Shan rolled his eyes and was not afraid.

For a time, the monster still couldn't react.

"Stupid thing!" Taixukong glanced, said faintly, picked up chopsticks and took the lead in eating.

"Yes!" Hongshan's little secret, Dan Changsheng looked up at several old monsters and said, "no, we have one more this time."

Many are Dan Changsheng.

Several old demons stood there, looking at several old men with a proud face.

"Fight!" I don't know who shouted. The flower snake took the lead and rushed directly here.

"Fuck you!" Under the clouds, Ji Zhao roared. The weapon in his hand penetrated the chest of a monster. When he held it, a transparent crystal appeared in Ji Zhao's hand.

This kind of demon crystal is only available to fairy level monsters.

"Brothers, although it's a fairy grade demon crystal, we've made money!" Ji Zhao put the demon crystal away, licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and said, "let's go and keep up with the tutor. This time, we'll make a full pot like the tutor!"

"I don't know how many demon Crystals I took!" Zhao Shuping shook his head.

"At that time, you will go to the tutor for help. Now the tutor's situation is a little strange. What's the matter?" Dong Jun looked up at Lin Feng and said.

"When the tutor was in the period of getting rid of the world, his accomplishments kept floating at all stages. This time, the tutor obviously rushed to a higher level." A girl paused and said, "that's why she can kill these immortal monsters without fear."

"So powerful!" People's eyes once again focused on Lin Feng.

Compared with themselves, all the people were silent. They worked hard for a long time, but only managed to deal with all the monsters at the first level of xianpin!

This is based on the fact that they themselves have the array assistance taught by Lin Feng!

"NIMA, it's so exciting!" Xiaobai wiped the blood off his head, "brother Lin, this is the possession of the God of war!

Next to Zhao Qingluo, he was thoughtful. On Zhao Qingluo's forehead, a red crocus was constantly rotating. With the rotation of crocus, the momentum around Zhao Qingluo began to increase slowly.

How can there be such a powerful force?

Lin Feng turned back and quickly fell into the middle of the students. After feeling that the students were all right, Lin Feng's eyes focused on Zhao Qingluo.

"Light fall!" Lin Feng's slap directly hit Zhao Qingluo's body. Zhao Qingluo's body trembled. The saffron on his forehead disappeared. Looking back at Lin Feng, he was still a little confused.

"Don't lose your mind!" Lin Feng whispered.

"I see!" Zhao Qingluo nodded, relieved his breath, looked at the front, but his eyes were still a little confused.

She just felt that she seemed to have entered a new world.

She didn't know what was going on in the world, but she obviously felt that her cultivation was increasing.

That's a strange thing.

Zhao Qingluo bit his lips.

"Let's continue to refuel. Soon, don't worry too much." Lin Feng glanced at the crowd and said with a smile, "you are not old enough. One by one, you should believe that you can handle the next things, you know?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, all the people immediately perked up and said hello loudly.

"Array, move on!" Lin Feng said loudly and looked up at the sky.

Dust billows below, smoke bursts, and dark clouds cover above. Aura conflicts constantly above.

This time, it was another war.

"Come on, you!" Several disciples of Taixu palace went over and saw Ji Zhao and his party. Their eyes flashed with light. Unexpectedly, there were disciples from Mahayana to attend? Is this castle peak academy deserted this year?

As soon as the voice of several disciples of Taixu palace fell, Ji Zhao and his party hanged a fairy first-class monster again

"No demon crystal!"

"NIMA, I'm busy for nothing!"

Nine people moved forward and back together, standing together all the time. When they spoke, they were still a little sorry.

"Oh, let's go there. I saw the tutor go there!" Someone shouted, and a group of people followed Lin Feng.

"This......" several disciples of Taixu palace stood there, stunned.

"This is the joint action of the flag of Castle Peak Academy. It's really annoying. It's sold in the grocery store of Castle Peak Academy. It's cheap. It's suitable for team combat and can fight higher and higher!"

A mechanical voice is transmitted in the ears of several people. Look at me and I look at you. The light in your eyes is getting heavier and heavier!

When this one is over, they will buy it!

"This advertisement is really good!" Lin Feng smiled and entered the animal tide again. All the way, Lin Feng gradually began to separate from everyone.

"Dad, I'll go too!" Xuanxuan knew Lin Feng's idea and came together.

"No, the place I'm going to is very important. Xuanxuan, you cover for me. I'm going to find that thing!"

Lin Feng turned his head and said to Xuanxuan seriously.

Xuanxuan, who was still eager to try, nodded immediately.

Of course she knows that place!

Therefore, after hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuanxuan immediately became quiet and didn't mean to follow up.

Xuanxuan knew that what Lin Feng said was really serious.

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