The more you enter, the more powerful the monsters are. Lin Feng finds himself suddenly on the watershed. He has no ability to deal with these monsters anymore!

No wonder the old man wants to go out in three days!

It will take one night to refine the beast pill!

The battle in the sky can't stop for a while. Whether it's human or monster, there are experts fighting continuously.

The old man is helping himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

"Young master, I don't believe it. I can't solve you!"

Unable to solve the crowds of these monsters, Lin Feng singled out those quiet monsters and opened his mouth with a sneer. He was not satisfied with the speed of his hand.

These things are really a trouble!

However, it's just a trouble!

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed.

The field of sword and the position of potential energy bloomed at Lin Feng's feet. The light surrounded the whole person, and the aura was constantly surging around. Lin Feng rushed directly towards the monster.

Countless monsters passed by him, bringing strong winds. Lin Feng pursed his mouth, moved his mind, and the blood of the Dragon gave off a little breath.

"Ouch!" The monster with relatively low level around roared and fell on the ground, shaking.

"Good!" Lin Feng was so happy that Feng Tong's sword directly inserted into it.

"Boy, step back!" Hongshan hurriedly said to Lin Feng.

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng's face changed. The monsters had no time to close, and the whole quickly retreated.

At the foot of Lin Feng, the huge rock Warcraft rushed out.

"NIMA!" Seeing this rock Warcraft, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly widened. His eyes widened and his face was incredible. What are these? Such a big rock Warcraft?

Lin Feng's body kept retreating, and his eyes were full of fear. This... This NIMA was a little too fierce.

Seeing the big guy in front of him, Lin Feng swallowed his mouth.

"Come back, you're crazy. There are experts to deal with those monsters outside. What are you doing? Step back, step back! " Hongshan's voice was impatient in Lin Feng, "I tell you, boy, don't die. You can't deal with these monsters."

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng himself was ashamed.

He didn't expect that these monsters were so powerful.

Some were beyond his expectation.

Lin Feng's body retreated slowly and was in the range he could bear, but this range was still a dangerous range for most monks.

"Master, what are you doing on Gushe mountain? I don't think there's anything beautiful up there. Let's not go there." Qianlong said dryly to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is not hard to hear the anxiety in Qianlong's words. The old boy really misses his old love. Man!

But this time it can't be what the old boy wants.

Lin Feng sighed and said, "since they are all here, let's go up and have a look. There are many dragons on the mountain. It's said that their ancestors are an immortal demon emperor, level 1 or that expert. You say, since there are such powerful experts, I won't go and have a look. Can I be worthy of myself?"

Lin Feng's face wore a smile more cunning than the old fox.

He believed that as long as he said the above, the final result was that Qianlong would definitely do well as required. It would be a waste to put the dragon's blood in gusheshan. Taking it away by himself is the king's way!

"That... Master, such a powerful expert, you'd better not go. I'm worried about your comfort." Qianlong said again, "you see, how can we deal with such a powerful expert? Even me... I can't. I can't run!"

Lin Feng's mouth was smiling, but his heart had already blossomed happily.

Let you old boy pretend!

"Don't persuade me. I must go up and have a look. Don't miss it when I come, or I'm sorry for my hard walk, right?" Lin Feng said with a serious face. Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong was silent.

A faint light passed from the tip of Lin Feng's hair. Seeing Qianlong's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

He didn't see that Qianlong, an old man, is a root love. It can't be said that he is a root love. It should be said that he is a love in the root love. The old man's stubbornness towards feelings is moving and funny.

"What a pity!" Lin Feng sighed in his heart. It's not that he didn't want to give Qianlong's lover a chance, but the dragon's blood is here. He can't give up. Of course, he just took out the dragon's blood.

The dragon's blood cannot be integrated with the dragon, that is to say, it can only exist in the dragon's body. Since it can only exist in the dragon's body, it may not be a good thing over time.

Maybe I'll take it out myself and people will thank him!

Lin Feng continued to fight against monsters.

Qianlong hates sadness and has always been unwilling to talk to Lin Feng.

This animal tide lasted a full day. When it was over, Lin Feng directly returned to his room in the building of the grocery store and locked himself in the room to refine the animal pill.

The so-called beast pill is to enable friars to have the body and breath of monsters for a period of time. As for what kind of breath of monsters they want, they need the blood of these monsters as a guide.

Lin Feng has a lot of monster blood. Of course, he also has his own dragon blood. Originally, it is also monster blood.

"Master, this animal melting pill is a level 4 pill of xianpin. You'd better not try it. You haven't tried it yet!" Qianlong gathered around Lin Feng and continued.

"I said Qianlong, what are you worried about? I don't want to do this or that. Don't worry. Since I have prepared materials, I'm sure I can refine them. Don't disturb me, or I'll stew you tonight."

With that, Lin Feng devoted himself to his great cause of alchemy.

"Master..." seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong shouted dryly. At last, he couldn't say anything. He had to stand there and watch Lin Feng busy.

Master, I just don't want you to go!

Qianlong stood there watching Lin Feng's busy, and his heart was dripping blood.

"This boy has been thinking about his love. Where's the man!" The voice of thick soil and unkind sounded. Lin Feng wanted to laugh, but he couldn't say anything. Finally, he could only sigh.

Either sister Qing or brother Qing, after a long time, there is nothing to firmly love. The dragons in the sky can get together. Qianlong's first love. People can top Qianlong with a green grassland.

"Hey, this guy is stubborn. People have given him a green grassland, and he is still reading stubbornly."

Lin Feng sighed and said.

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