"He's a good boy. He can escape from the death of the old Jiaolong." Dan Changsheng sat there, rolled up his sleeve and said softly.

"Yes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. We old men will retire sooner or later, but this boy is very evil. We'd better ask if we have time. This boy has the smell of congenital treasure. If I guess correctly, it should be the demon smelting pot in the ancient congenital treasure!"

Hong Shan's eyes suddenly became serious.

"It's impossible. The demon smelting pot has long been broken. Even if it can't be repaired well, it can't be completely improved. After all, the demon smelting pot is refined from the sky mending stone at the beginning of the formation of heaven and earth. The sky mending stone has long been gone."

Dan Changsheng sighed, shook his head and said.

"Just ask when the boy comes back." Hongshan's voice dropped abruptly.

"Yes." Dan Changsheng nodded. They sat on the wall with a sad face.

"What do you say if the boy doesn't come back? We two old men finally found a good successor. " Hong Shan opened his mouth, sighed and said.

"A good man doesn't live long and has been a disaster for 6000 years. How can this disaster not live long? It's just a space turbulence. It won't kill him. At most, it's delamination!"

A space turbulence really didn't kill Lin Feng, and Lin Feng really just took off a layer of skin.

Lin Feng was sent to a small village and carried home by a villager.

"The head of the family, what did you carry back?" In a daze, Lin Feng saw a middle-aged woman come out, put her hand in front and wipe it. When she saw Lin Feng on the man's shoulder, she frowned and asked.

"I found this guy in the mountain. I think he was bitten by a monster. Please scrub this guy to stop his blood."

The big man directly threw Lin Feng on the bed.

The hard bed made Lin Feng's body almost fall apart. At that time, Lin Feng made a creaking sound completely, and Lin Feng gave a bitter smile.

"Oh, look at this poor look!" The middle-aged woman glanced at Lin Feng and hurried out to be busy. She felt the kindness of the family. Lin Feng fainted directly and came out of the turbulent flow of space. Half of Lin Feng's life was long gone and she could survive. Lin Feng felt lucky.

It's just this place... Lack of aura, coupled with the mischief during the escape period, Lin Feng felt that his cultivation fell in an instant.

Lin Feng didn't know how long he had been in bed.

When he woke up, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse outside the window. There was no spiritual power in the dry Dantian, and his head was in severe pain. Lin Feng couldn't help but moan.

These days, she doesn't know when it will come to an end.

"Little brother, are you awake?" A rough voice sounded, a lady's head came up, looked at Lin Feng with joy on her face, and put her hands on the patched clothes, which seemed to be at a loss.

"Where... Is this?" Lin Feng glanced around.

"Here, this is Datou village. The little brother was bitten by a monster while playing in the mountains. Our leader brought you back. Don't you remember, little brother?" Aunt looked at Lin Feng, "little brother, wake up. Come on, drink this medicine. You'll get better soon!"

The great God sent a bowl of dark things with bad smell to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's whole body still couldn't move.

"Ah, I forgot you were too hurt to move. Wait." Then the great God directly brought a spoon and fed Lin Feng one mouthful at a time.

Lin Feng naturally could not refuse his aunt's kindness.

Seeing that Lin Feng drank it all, the smile on her aunt's face became more and more excited.

What is this and what!

Lin Feng's face was helpless. These drugs were just used to treat the injury loss. It had nothing to do with his condition.

Lin Feng wants to mobilize his mind, but his mind is also quiet. It is empty and has nothing. He doesn't even have the power to contact Qianlong.

Lin Feng can feel that his heart is still jumping, and a dragon's blood is burning in Lin Feng's heart.

Got it!

Although there were many dangers, Lin Feng couldn't help smiling. I finally got it. I don't know if the old man saw him at last!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng frowned.

The old man is the master mentioned by the dean. If the old man knows his existence

Then it's dangerous to go back.

Lin Feng is lying in bed. The top priority now is to take care of his body!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mind is better at last.

Without spiritual power and divine consciousness, Lin Feng could not mobilize the power in his body, and his body recovered very slowly.

For three days, Lin Fengfang could barely move his body. In the dead of night, he insisted on entering a state of calm.

The soul power and spiritual power were instilled into Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and his heart began to calm down slowly.

He has all the strength he needs now.

Feeling this, Lin Feng's mood soared.

Half a month later, Lin Feng went underground.

Houtu and Qianlong Boqi fell into a deep sleep. Their soul power was so weak that Lin Feng could hardly feel it!

"Damn it, it's still too weak!" Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

His mind now, let alone kill monsters, can barely protect it!

"Little brother!" A big man came from outside. The big man came back carrying a huge monster.

"Hey, hey, you see, little brother, I brought this big guy back. This time, we went out to hunt together in the village and caught a lot of monsters. The monsters are healthy with gold and guns. Everyone gave them to me and said to give them to you. How about you, little brother?"

The big man, named Tiezhu, is one of the young people in Datou village.

"Thank you, brother Tiezhu!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tiezhu waved his hand and said, "it's all right, little brother. When you are well, I'll teach you how to fight monsters. Then there will be another tough boy in our village!"

Iron pillar is in a good mood.

Hearing the words of the iron pillar, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Fight monsters?

It's just like the 100000 mountains where he is. His aura is very thin. Although it still belongs to the main star, it's also a very remote area.

In this generation, there is some distance from the demon world and from the main star. In the middle of the two, there are monsters on one side and Xiuxian world on the other. In addition to planting some LingMi and lingcai, the main source of life for the villagers here is hunting monsters.

The hunted monster meat entered the villagers' bodies, making the villagers' bodies particularly strong. With a strong body, the teenagers in the village naturally have the ability to fight against monsters.

"Master?" A faint voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind.

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