"Finally woke up." It was the sound of thick soil. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you all right, master?" The voice of thick soil was worried, "is the war going on outside?"

"It's all right. We're in a safe place now. Don't worry, but our top priority is to deal with our own affairs now." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "we worked hard and went back to before liberation."

Lin Feng looked at his body and looked helpless.

In the period of escape from the world, his cultivation was not up and down, but now it's good. His cultivation directly fell below several points!

What a pain!

In the face of such a situation, Lin Feng was completely speechless.

"The master's cultivation is limited by the period of detachment." Thick soil soon felt the situation in Lin Feng's body. Not only his cultivation, but also his divine consciousness was limited.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

"Master, feel at ease. Did you send information to Qingshan academy?" Houtu asked again, "Dean Hongshan, no matter what the reason is, I won't expose your master."

Thick soil made Lin Feng stunned.

"President Hongshan, are you the Dragon Emperor?"

"President Hongshan was brought out from the secret place by Lord long Huang. The secret place of the wilderness was created by Lord long Huang. Since Hongshan has always been there, it shows that President Hongshan will not betray."

He paused and said.

Lin Feng nodded.

"But now I don't even have the divine sense to send an immortal message." Lin Feng smiled bitterly. His current strength is completely in the gas refining period!

Fortunately, he's not fighting with people. If he's fighting with people, he looks like a fart!

"I'd better recover first. What I agreed with the dean is three months. It's still early!" Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "there are still two months left!"

The thick soil was silent for a moment.

"Master, do you have any more pills?" Thick soil asked again.

"I have taken out all the herbs to restore the soul power, but although this area is a three no matter area, only ordinary villagers live here, but there are many herbs. Many villagers here don't know those herbs. I have collected a lot in the village these days. I'll configure them for you when I recover a little."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Houtu nodded.

Now not only Lin Feng, they are also very weak. Without the blessing of power, they are just like ordinary people!

Feeling this, the thick soil can only lie down. There are many treasures in the chaotic seeds, but even the chaotic seeds are blocked!

It can be seen that baby should put more storage bags!

"Brother, dinner!" The iron pillar shouted, and Lin Feng's spirit was immediately raised.

"Go, go to dinner first!" Iron pillar directly raised Lin Feng, "eat more monster meat tonight to make up your body. It's a hundred kilograms!"

Hearing the words of the iron pillar, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Yes, you two brothers come and eat. When your brother recovers and goes hunting together, you will become more and more powerful!" Aunt also said with a smile.

"Brother and aunt, don't worry. I'll kill a lot of monsters for you and let you eat a lot of monster meat!" Lin Feng said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Raise your little body first!" Iron pillar shouted.

"Good!" Lin Feng also answered loudly.

The yard was filled with the laughter of two old men. The woman stood aside and looked at it with a gentle smile.

The aura in the monster's flesh helped Lin Feng recover a little, and Lin Feng's body slowly began to improve.

This evening, Lin Feng practiced cross legged, and his accomplishments directly returned to the appearance of the foundation period.

Now, in this big mountain, there is a bit of self-reliance.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's heart gradually brightened up.

"Thick soil, you keep it for me, and I'll refine pills for you!" As soon as he recovered, Lin Feng made alchemy for Houtu Qianlong and Boqi at the first time. All three were completed because of him. He must be responsible.

This night, the fire in the room never went out.

The next day, Qianlong and Boqi woke up one after another.

"Master, this time, we have a big time." Qianlong is still haunted.

They are just spirits. If they are injured, they can sleep and wake up many years later. However, if Lin Feng is injured, he will never come back.

Qianlong looks at Lin Feng carefully.

"It's all right. It's not good now?" Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his lips.

Seeing Lin Feng's free and easy, Qianlong and Boqi have not recovered.

"At least the harvest is good. We have harvested so many things, haven't we?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "there are many things in gusheshan's treasure house. We'll make do with it at that time. There must be a lot. It's a pity that my cultivation has been sealed, and the chaotic seed can't be opened at all. It's a pity. "

Hearing Lin Feng's regret, the three sighed.

With Lin Feng's treasure house, do they still need to stay here and recover a little bit?

"Master, what shall we do? How can we meet the dean?" Qianlong turned around Lin Feng and asked softly.

"Wait, anyway, there's still a little time in three months. Maybe I'll recover my cultivation at that time. Even if I don't recover my cultivation, I can go out from here." Lin Feng looked at the scenery outside the window.

The dragon's blood in his body is slowly flowing and recovering his body. With the energy of the monster meat that brother Tiezhu beat back at night, Lin Feng feels that his body cultivation has improved a lot.

Comfortable, comfortable!

Lin Feng moved his muscles and bones. Although his cultivation is still not high, Lin Feng feels that his whole body is full of strength. Cool, too cool!

"Brother, are you up?" The voice of the iron pillar sounded outside. Lin Feng knew that the iron pillar must go out hunting!

"Coming!" Lin Feng stood directly in front of the iron pillar with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth. When he saw Lin Feng, the iron pillar's eyes lit up immediately.

"I said, brother, you are not an ordinary person. Have you recovered?" The iron pillar Pu fan's hand directly patted Lin Feng, looked up and down at Lin Feng, "tut Tut, our brother is different. It looks good like this!"

Lin Feng blushed when he was praised by the iron pillar.

"Brother Tiezhu, let me go to the mountain with you!" Lin Feng said to the iron pillar with a smile, "after lying in bed for so long, my whole body is rusty."

"Brother, I didn't talk about you. I really don't think you can come back safely when you go to the mountains. Well, when you see the monster, you can watch it from a distance. Don't go forward, can you?"

Iron pillar looked up and down at Lin Feng, but he didn't believe it.

Lin Feng's small body can go up the mountain?

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