Lin Feng, holding a string of monster meat in his hand, said with a smile, "wait first, you can eat the delicious food I prepared!" With that, Lin Feng took things to one side.

"Hey, hey, my little brother has made the greatest contribution today. Let me toss it around!" The villagers said with a smile, and the women nodded with a smile.

Lin Feng is stringing monster meat on one side.

"Master, there is something wrong with the atmosphere around here. Some stronger forces seem to be converging here." Thick soil climbed out of Lin Feng's hair and whispered.

"I feel it, too." Lin Feng frowned slightly, "my cultivation is slowly recovering. When the time comes, it should be almost recovered. Let's wait. There shouldn't be too much."

Lin Feng's voice was very low.

"Could it be that the animal tide spread this way?" It's Qianlong's voice, "we've organized important things in gusheshan. At this time, it's also very common for animal tide to appear."

Lin Feng frowned deeper.

"Don't worry, I think it will take some time to spread here." Lin Feng frowned slightly, "we take advantage of this time to recover our cultivation. When the time comes, it will naturally be useful."

Lin Feng put the meat kebab aside. "The monster meat has soaked in Lingshui. Although the content is very low, it is enough for the villagers to be reborn and enter the Qi refining period. As long as they enter the state of cultivation, they still have at least a glimmer of vitality."

Lin Feng paused.

He was passed here by the turbulence of space, probably to save these innocent villagers.

The animal tide was about to disperse. Perhaps his action led to the continuous expansion of the animal tide. Such expansion made the villagers living in these mountains in an instant dangerous.

"Qianlong, have you ever observed how many such villages there are around?" Instead, Lin Feng turned to Qianlong.

"Master, it's strange to say that this village is located in this deep mountain. It's at least hundreds of kilometers away from a village outside, and both sides are besieged by monsters, but this village has survived miraculously."

Qianlong frowned, "there must be a secret in this village!"

"We can't think of a secret!" Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "the secret of this village is used to protect this village. If we study or get rid of this secret, the villagers here can't live."

Lin Feng's mind moved. The iron pillar had come with the brazier Lin Feng wanted and put it in front of Lin Feng.

"Master, you use the inflammation of the earth's heart much faster. Why do you still bake?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong muttered.

"What do you know? If these villagers know that the master is a cultivator, they must immediately regard the master as a guest of honor. The master cares about this iron pillar very much. The master wants to live in peace with the iron pillar!"

Poche, who had been silent, said slowly.

"You know!" Chihiro grunted.

"Well, stop arguing. Everyone should hurry up to recover. When our bodies are completely recovered, we won't worry about the next thing." Lin Feng said with a smile, "you should also pay attention to the surrounding environment. No matter what you will face next, you should be careful."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the three immediately straightened their attitude and quietly introduced Lin Feng's hair tip.

Lin Feng began to roast meat slowly.

The smell of barbecue slowly began to spread around.

Fragrant, so fragrant!

The eyes of the people immediately lit up and gathered in front of Lin Feng. They looked at Lin Feng pitifully. Their eyes were excited and said, "Uncle Lin, what are you doing!"

"It's called a kebab!" Lin Feng looked at the children with a smile and said with a smile, "sit down first. When the kebab is ready, I'll greet you!" With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng put a large number of kebabs in the palm of his hand, and the iron column burned on one side. He couldn't help but suck his nose!

"Brother, you make it so delicious that I can't help eating!"

Iron pillar looked up at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"Hey, brother Tiezhu, just wait. This baby is delicious. Don't worry. I'll show you one!" Lin Feng smiled and waved his hand, and the flame suddenly grew. The whole wrapped all the roast meat in it.

Suddenly, the kebabs seemed to have vitality and directly surrounded Lin Fengwei. These kebabs around Lin Feng flew up.

The iron pillar flew with Lin Feng's action.

The fire of the earth's heart jumped into the fire with the fire. It roasted the monster meat. A fire dragon rose and fell again the next moment. It quietly fell to one side, as if it was publicizing the completion of his mission. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand. All the monster meat that had been prepared fell into Lin Feng's hands.



"Brother, this skill is beautiful!"

"Uncle Lin, you're great!"

"We like you so much!"

Everyone's faces were smiling and shouting excitedly. Lin Feng stood aside with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth and distributed the meat kebabs.

"Everybody taste it!" Lin Feng's speed was very fast. A large bunch of meat kebabs were soon taken away by everyone. Lin Feng's mouth was smiling. After seeing everyone take them away, he began to bake again.

"There are a lot of meat kebabs and monster broth. Everyone drinks it together. It's nutritious!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone cheered. One by one, they were in a good mood. They drank soup and ate Lin Feng's roast meat.

"Brother, you are so good. This kebab is delicious!" Iron pillar couldn't help giving Lin Feng a thumbs up.

The people who had let them go with some doubt couldn't help nodding and gave Lin Feng a thumbs up. The food Lin Feng made was so delicious that they now doubt what they ate before!

How could there be such delicious monster meat!

Hearing what they said, Lin Feng just smiled and nodded.

The villagers here may be far away from the hustle and bustle, or they may be used to taking root here. Although they have no accomplishments, they can slowly live in the mountain. They are simple and honest, which is absolutely incomparable with other humans.

Maybe it's because of their pride.

Lin Feng was very happy to sit and watch everyone make noise.

"Brother, come together. Look, all the unmarried girls in our village have come to see you, but they all come to see you, a great hero. Brother, come quickly!" Tie Zhu took Lin Feng and rushed directly towards the crowd, shouting as he passed.

Coming at me?

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