Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. Looking at it, he really saw the girls standing there with shame and timidity. Seeing this, Lin Feng was stunned. I... I don't seem to have such a great charm!

"Brother, look, how are the girls in our village?" The iron pillar pulled Lin Feng around in the crowd. "The one sitting under the eaves is Cui Niang of Uncle Dong's house and the village flower of our village. It looks old and beautiful. Why don't you go after it?"

"Brother Tiezhu!" Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. "At this time, let's talk about it later."

With that, Lin Feng and several young people got together and had a competition. The villagers had few activities, just singing and talking about the past.

"I tell you, I saw an immortal when I was a child. The immortal also said that I have wonderful bones and live a long life!"

A big man shouted.

"Go, the third family, you talk too much about this story, can't you change a new story?"

"Yes, just let me say. The day before yesterday, when I went to the back for inspection, I saw the surrounding monsters running around our village and immediately ran away. I tell you, those monsters must have seen me come out and ran away when they were afraid!"

"Ha ha ha!"

"Hey, hey, I saw it too!"

Lin Feng listened quietly while eating the kebab. His technique suddenly spread to the women in the village. With the women's kebab, he was idle. It seemed good to listen to everyone's ridicule here.

"I have more!"

Villagers, you speak and I speak with excitement on their faces.

It's a good day!

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart that there was no intrigue. Without you, it was just a simple life. The weapons here were made by ourselves. The villagers lived together and worked hard for survival.

"Brother, tell us a story!" The villagers turned to look at Lin Feng.

Tell a story?

Lin Feng was stunned. What story would he tell?

"Then I'll tell you a fairy story!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "this is a story I accidentally saw when I was playing outside. In that story, Xiuxian was carved perfectly. I'll tell you about it!"

Lin Feng paused.

"The origin of the story is in a small mountain village called straw hat village. Two teenagers play well, one is Zhang Xiaofan and the other is Lin Jingyu..."

Lin Feng happily told everyone the story of killing immortals.

The fairyland is very beautiful, but every cultivator is in the process of cultivation and can't extricate himself. Here, the little master is not unblocked, but such a beautiful thing is lost. How bad it is.

Lin Feng muttered while telling stories that it was time to spread these novels in Qingshan Academy. Driven by the students of Qingshan academy, the story will certainly spread to many places at that time!

Lin Feng told the villagers a story. The villagers soon fell into the story and forgot to eat the meat kebab in their hands.

The story continued little by little until the middle of the month, the villagers began to feel sleepy one by one, looking drowsy.

Finally, the last villager fell.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have a good dream. Tomorrow, we will start a new life!" Lin Feng said softly with a gentle smile.

Lin Feng stood up.

"Qianlong, Houtu and Boqi, go and explore around and arrange the array flag!" With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng slowly rose into the sky, and his whole body actually began to climb slowly.

"Master, do you want to absorb the blood of the Dragon now?" Asked the thick soil.

"No, I always feel that something is going to happen. Before that, we have to ensure the safety of these villagers. The villagers are innocent. They have no prediction of the dangers outside. Therefore, we must ensure their safety."

Lin Feng's words are serious.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded immediately.

Sansuo went in three directions. Under the guidance of Lin Feng's mind, he placed the array flag in a safe place.

This is only a fairy grade 3 Protection array, but this is the limit Lin Feng can bear for the time being.

During the escape period, Lin Feng's accomplishments have been ups and downs. Now his accomplishments can only barely stay around the Yuan Ying period. However, Lin Feng has a way to do. His imprisonment in the sea of Qi is being solved little by little.

As long as the imprisonment is solved, your accomplishments can be restored.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, soon!

It was not until the sun rose the next morning that all the villagers recovered their strength. The villagers who recovered their strength looked confused and found themselves asleep in the square.

The story told last night was so good that the villagers forgot the time.

"Oh, my body is so dirty!" A villager said.

"Yes, yes, it stinks!" The villagers stood up in panic one by one. The girls loved beauty and went home one by one, while the big men rushed directly into the river outside one by one.

Lin Feng woke up with the villagers and saw the appearance of the villagers, with a gentle smile on his lips.

"Brother, let's go and take a bath in the river!" Tiezhu said loudly to Lin Feng.

"OK!" Lin Feng touched his nose and headed for the river outside the village. One by one, he jumped directly into the water, stretched his waist and said:

"Cool, great!"

"Yes, there's a sense of rebirth. I feel that if I go into the mountain today, I can definitely hunt a spotted tiger with my bare hands!"

"Hey, hey, me too!"

"Little brother, why don't we go into the mountain and listen to the story today? It's really a good story. You haven't finished yet!"

A big man shouted to Lin Feng.

"Don't worry, don't worry. We'll hunt monsters in the mountains during the day. At night, we'll come to my house and let my brother tell us a story!" Tiezhu said with a smile, "we are lucky this year. We can certainly prepare the monster meat we need before the snow. Then we will sell it in the market and pull some beautiful cloth for the women and children at home!"

"Hey, hey, that's a good idea!"

"Our village is still too far away. The villages outside are protected by immortals. Why don't we invite an immortals?"

"What's good about immortals? We might as well do it ourselves! The patriarch said, "we are a village blessed by immortals. Even if we don't want immortals, our village can be safe!"

The villagers' voices were loud. Lin Feng was in a better mood as everyone soaked in the water and listened to the villagers' words.

These villagers are the most honest villagers.

They have no earthshaking ideas, but they simply think all this is good.

Lin Feng sat there smiling and watching.

The villagers sat there one by one with a gentle smile on their lips, listening to Lin Feng. They were in a better mood.

Lin Feng likes such a life.

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