"Go, go hunting!" I don't know who shouted. The villagers immediately climbed up the river bank, went home one by one, and soon gathered in the square with weapons. Lin Feng still followed.

In the next few days, Lin Feng was there. The villagers' harvest was very rich. Every family could take home at least one monster a day.

In the past, the villagers dared not think of it,

Monsters are not so easy to hunt!

"Brother, you are really the blessing of our Datou village!" Tie Zhu and Lin Feng carry the monster home together.

When they came out of the mountain, they fought a few more, especially Lin Feng. They almost didn't miss it. Tiezhu's home was full of monster meat.

"Brother, there are many people in our family. It's different!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "you see, we both eat big mouthfuls, and my sister-in-law. I'm saying that my sister-in-law is still pregnant. Next year, some children will eat together!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the smile on Tiezhu's face became better and better.

"I expect my children to get out of the mountains, go to big places to practice and cultivate immortals. I'm satisfied with my son and his mother!" Tie Zhu said foolishly, "the village head's son went out. Although his cultivation is not high, he just works as a fairy army guarding the gate in the city, but it's beautiful every time he comes back. As long as he hunts and kills monsters once, the village head's family doesn't need to go out hunting for a year. Give it back to our villagers!"

Tie Zhu said to Lin Feng with a smile.

Hearing the words of the iron pillar, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Brother, are you from the city outside? You are still young. When we go out of the mountain in winter, you will go out with us. Maybe you can participate in the immortal's experience at that time!"

Tiezhu said with a smile.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"When my brother becomes an immortal, we will follow him!"

The magnificence of iron pillars is pride.

Obviously, it was just a chance encounter, but the simplicity of these villagers completely moved Lin Feng's heart.

They are just ordinary people, but they are different ordinary people.

"Don't worry, brother Tiezhu, the child in your sister-in-law's belly must be a good guy. You can certainly give birth to a immortal who can prosper in the future!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Tie Zhu nodded foolishly and stood beside Lin Feng. His mood became better and better.

After dinner that night, Lin Feng didn't settle down again. Instead, he stood by the window and looked at the outside. The outside scenery was very good. Lin Feng could see that the outside scenery was changing a little.

Suddenly, a fishy wind blew.

"Master, come!" Qianlong whispered, "although the monsters are not high, there are a lot of them, and they continue to come here. This time, the demon world has completely released their monsters!"

Qianlong's words were a little restless.

These monsters rushed here, and there are still a lot of them.

Lin Feng knows that it must be a trouble to solve these guys.

"I see. You protect the villagers here. I'll go in and have a look." Lin Feng's body fell directly on the roof. The population of the village was small, about one or two hundred. Every family had closed the door and was quiet at this time.

In the center of the village, the room where the village head is located, there is a little light fluorescent light on the roof.

It's this thing that protects here. Unfortunately, this time, it can't protect here.

Lin Feng sighed. He flew directly into the air and looked into the distance. Lin Feng could see that countless monsters were running towards this side. Behind the monsters, countless practitioners were constantly chasing and killing these monsters.


Lin Feng's mind settled down, holding Feng Tong's sword in his hand, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

An invisible barrier protected the whole village. Lin Feng flew over directly, fell among the monsters and killed them.

They are all low-level monsters, which can't pose too much danger to Lin Feng. Standing there, Lin Feng can be said to be one man in charge of the pass and ten thousand people can't leave.

"Who's coming!" There was a loud cry in the sky, "we are the fairy army of the nearby city, chasing these monsters!"

"The mentor of Castle Peak academy!"

Lin Feng gave a faint reply.

Castle Peak academy is very famous in the whole fairyland.

The mentors there are not comparable to these ordinary fairy armies!

The immortal soldiers only felt relieved that the mentor of Qingshan Academy had arrived, which showed that Suzhou City and other cities had begun to divide manpower to deal with these monsters!

They didn't think that the wave of animals that was about to disperse suddenly became barbaric. Countless demon animals ran out of the demon world and called the people here.

The practitioners around joined the practitioners who solved the animal tide one after another, but these monsters still didn't mean to stop.

Three days, three whole days, they have lived in such deep water, fire and heat for these three days.

"Don't worry, big guy. I've arranged a lot of arrays in the mountains and forests. Now you lead all the monsters to kill the array according to the guidance of my spiritual silk thread. These monsters must be unbearable!"

Lin Feng opened his mouth again and waved his hand. Countless spiritual silk lines in the sky began to outline. These spiritual silk lines started from one point and went in all directions!

The eyes of the practitioners immediately lit up and directed the monsters towards the other side one by one.

Suddenly, the Jiaolong who was originally on Gushe mountain opened his eyes, and his eyes fell directly on the position of Lin Feng. The silent ripples went out, and the monsters became more and more restless and came towards Lin Feng one after another.

Find the smell of this boy!

The old Jiaolong sneered and spread out her hand. There were cracks in the palm of her hand. These cracks were left by her in order to absorb the dragon's blood over the years. She controlled the oil baby, but she couldn't absorb them for so many years.

How can that boy take the baby away!

That's clearly a boy who can't even be immortal!

Thinking of this, the old Jiaolong looked ferocious. She would never allow her things to fall into the hands of others!

This is just a simple and ordinary little thing!

Lin Feng has no mind to care what the old Jiaolong thinks. At this time, he is fighting with monsters.

At dawn, the villagers all got up. Naturally, they saw the tragedy outside the village. One array protected the whole small mountain village. Outside the mountain village, Lin Feng's God should fly in the sky. The field of sword and potential energy position were unfolded at his feet. Lin Feng didn't know how long he had killed. The monster was still continuing. He didn't mean to stop!

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