Lin Feng smiled and stood in front of Yun Yun. "Is vice president Yun still lonely late at night and wants to find someone to detoxify his poison?"

Lin Feng smiled very calmly. Looking at Yun Yun, his eyes glittered with pure light.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, yunyun's steps retreated.

After yunyun, Lin Feng walked forward a little, and approached yunyun with a smile on his face.

"Lin Dasheng, what do you want to do!" Yunyun suddenly shouted. Her voice suddenly increased a bit, and she pressed Lin Feng with a bit of dignity.

"No, I should ask you, vice president Yun Yun, what are you doing in my yard if you don't watch your daughter well in the middle of the night? scrounge? murder and burn? Is vice president Yun's heart a little too vicious? "

Lin Feng smiled forward, his words became more and more severe, his eyes were gloomy, and he looked ready to fight at any time.

This is Qingshan Academy. Everyone lives in the field of Hongshan.

Once Lin Feng calls for help, Hongshan can definitely stop yunyun's attack at the fastest speed. Therefore, Lin Feng yanxuan doesn't worry at all. Although this woman is powerful, she is just above him.

Lin Feng stood there with a calm face.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Yun Yun snorted coldly.

"Are you waiting for the dean to save you?" Yun Yun took another step forward. "Do you think the Dean may appear?"

Yunyun's eyes were gloomy. She looked up and down at Lin Feng. "I came to see you. It's expected that the Dean can't appear now. Lin Dasheng, Lin Dasheng, do you think I'll let you go?"

Of course you won't let me go!

Lin Feng groaned.

"Of course, people without eyes like you won't let me go. I Lin Feng didn't want a woman like you to let me go. Hum, come if you want to fight!" Lin Feng waved his hand and held Feng Tong's sword.

Yunyun's eyes fell on Lin Feng's Fengtong sword.

The appearance of Fengtong sword is not good-looking. After arriving at the fairyland, Lin Feng has not completely rebuilt Fengtong sword. Previously, it was because his cultivation was not high. After improving his cultivation, he was busy stabilizing his cultivation, and there was no time at all.

Yunyun's eyes are disdainful.

"Lin Dasheng, you're going to deal with me with this kind of scrap iron. Do you have some foresight?"

"To deal with others, I have to seriously think about what weapons I need to use, but it's enough to deal with you. Come on, I'll tell you what a woman is. It's better to be honest!"

Lin Feng bah, his hand trembled, and Feng Tong's sword greeted Yun Yun directly.

Yun Yun's look was gloomy for a moment. With a wave of her hand, she attacked Lin Feng directly. Feeling Yun Yun's attack, Lin Feng quickly retreated and saw Yun Yun Yun coming again. Lin Feng's hand shook and attacked Yun Yun directly. Yun Yun snorted coldly and was about to change her attack method, Lin Feng has rushed to yunyun.

"Vice President Yun, did you throw yourself into my arms so soon?" Lin Feng's attack fell on a point of yunyun. Yunyun only felt her body trembling. Shaking for a while, a primitive desire. Hope continued to spread in her body.

It's the boy's fault!

Yun Yun's eyes fell directly on Lin Feng, and the trembling radian increased continuously.

To deal with this woman, Lin Feng knows that it is not enough to rely on his own cultivation, but this move is just right!

Seeing yunyun's whole body trembling, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. Of course, he knew the woman's weakness!

Lin Feng stood there and saw the appearance of Yun Yun. A sneer came up at the corners of his mouth.

"Lin Dasheng, you've gone too far!" Yun Yun's silver teeth clenched and said with a cold hum.

"I said, old woman, are you out of your mind? I'm a boy in the middle of immortality. What accomplishments do you old woman have? You say, you're two Dajing Street taller than me. Am I going too far now?"

Lin Feng turned his eyes, shook his hands, and an attack fell on Yun Yun again. "Tut Tut, it's not that I dislike you, but that you are such a woman. You are clearly a bitch. You have to set up a memorial archway. Are you tired?"

Lin Feng said without hesitation. Yunyun's body retreated half a step, and in turn, a bunch of greater spiritual power training rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

Yunyun really wanted Lin Feng's life this time!

This woman!

Lin Feng's body trembled slightly when he felt the killing intention in the attack. A sense of fear slowly rose from the soles of his feet. Lin Feng knew that he was not yunyun's opponent!

So what!

Lin Feng's eyes slowly turned golden. A huge dragon roared in Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng's whole hand suddenly turned into a huge claw and attacked Lin Feng directly towards yunyun.

What kind of attack is this?

Seeing Lin Feng's huge claw, Yun Yun's face changed. Looking at Lin Feng, a flash of doubt flashed in her eyes.

This boy, how can there be a monster's claw?

Lin Feng's momentum is constantly climbing, his eyes are flashing anger, and his eyes are directly pointing to Yun Yun.

Although Lin Feng's cultivation is not very good, but now Lin Feng's appearance makes yunyun think of the wary monster in the mountain. He will give you a fatal blow without hesitation when you do it.

This Lin Dasheng also hides his accomplishments!

What a great boy!

Even Yun Yun couldn't help sighing Lin Feng's power, but that's all.

"Boy, a big realm is a natural moat. Your cultivation is really good, but it's not enough for me. Go back and practice more!" Yun Yun sneered and shook her hand. An attack flew directly towards Lin Feng.

Feeling yunyun's attack, Lin Feng's look changed. His whole body didn't retreat but entered, and he was directly against yunyun's attack.


With a loud noise, the array of the whole courtyard trembled, and a huge energy flew out directly.

Now, the Dean should know!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief silently in his heart. The whole half knelt on the ground and looked at the cloud rhyme in front, as if he were hunting his own food.

Lin Feng's eyes are terrible!

Yun Yun waved her hand and attacked Lin Feng again.

"Yun Yun!" At this time, a majestic voice sounded in the sky. Then, a huge hand directly clasped yunyun's attack, stood with my hands on my back, looked at yunyun and snorted coldly.

Yunyun's attack immediately converged and took a half step back.

Why is the Dean here?

"Dean, didn't you compete with Dean Qin?" Yun Yun's face was pale and trembling.

"Because of this, do you dare to act recklessly in Qingshan academy and break the rules of Qingshan academy?"

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