Hongshan's voice was not high, but yunyun's body trembled when she heard Hongshan's words.

If she wants to break the rules of other places, she can break them, but not the rules of Castle Peak college!

Castle Peak academy is not a place where you can break the rules at will!

Yunyun raised her head and looked at Hongshan. Tears slowly flowed down.

"But Dean, Luoying is like that. If it weren't for this boy, Luoying would never be like that. This boy is the culprit!" Yun Yun's fingers pointed to Lin Feng and bit her teeth. Her eyes were filled with hate.

Lin Feng sat on the ground and rolled his eyes!

Although he was not seriously hurt by yunyun's attack just now, he suffered a lot of flesh injuries. Now Lin Feng feels very uncomfortable. Hearing yunyun's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes silently. This woman is clearly the villain who sued first!

Lin Feng sat there without talking.

"It's very clear in my heart that you and I have seen what things are like. Yun Yun, you can't be too selfish. Don't think it's someone else's fault. If the girl hasn't done such a thing, it won't happen. You're still not suitable for raising children. If you can't, take Luoying back."

Hongshan's voice was not high, but yunluoying's body trembled.

"Dean, you can't drive me. This is my only home. Castle Peak academy is my root. I can't go. Dean, you can't drive me!" Yun Yun, who had a stubborn face, seemed to see something terrible after hearing Hong Shan's words. She stared at Hong Shan and said loudly.

Hate to leave?

Lin Feng sat there watching the play.

Yun Yun's eyes occasionally swept Lin Feng's face, and the resentment in her eyes was not concealed at all.

Outside came the cuckoo's cry.

I can't die. Why did Alice come here at this time?

Lin Feng took a look at yunyun and Hongshan. Hongshan stood there with his hands on his back. He looked at yunyun with a bit of seriousness on his face. He saw the appearance of yunyun pear blossom with rain. Finally, Hongshan sighed.

"Send Luoying back first. During this time, keep Luoying in the family. When the news of the matter has passed, pick it up again. Yunyun, Luoying's talent is above you. It is bound to go farther than you in the future. Don't ruin a good seedling because of your shortsightedness."

Hearing Hongshan's words, yunyun's body trembled again, but this time, the woman bowed her head and responded skillfully.

Yunyun turned and left directly.

Lin Feng sat there and breathed a sigh of relief. The Fengtong sword in his hand fell directly on the ground, and the whole sword body was dim.

This attack, Fengtong sword also suffered a lot of trauma. It is to promote Fengtong sword.

Lin Feng looked at the Feng Tong sword in his hand and whispered silently in his heart.

"Your boy, don't provoke the cloud family's mother and daughter again!" Hongshan looked at Lin Feng and said helplessly. He found out that this boy is a thorough troublemaker. If he doesn't cause any trouble for a day, he's sorry for the boy's name!

"Yes, Dean!" Lin Feng said definitely with a smile on his face and said, "don't worry, Dean, I'll be quietly in my small yard and never cause trouble to anyone."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hongshan's eyes were somewhat ambiguous.

"Boy, this time Qin Yun came to Qingshan academy, he wanted three places in Qingshan academy and let the three golden flowers of Qingshan academy, Qin Shuangshuang, Bai Xia and Zhao Jiao go into the secret land of the wilderness. What do you think?"

Hong Shan walked in and said with a sigh of relief.

"He must be looking for the material inside." Lin Feng said with a positive face, "as we all know, he Tianhuang bird of Tianhuang academy is going to be promoted."

"It's not easy for ancient monsters to be promoted. If they are careless, they may burn themselves. Qin Yun and Tianhuang bird have already signed a blood contract. They have been with each other for hundreds of thousands of years. Where are they willing to give up his baby?"

Hong Shan sighed and said.

"Well... Wouldn't it be OK not to let Tianhuang bird be promoted?" Lin Feng turned his mind and said.

"Tianhuang bird is an ancient monster, which is almost rare in the fairyland now. In addition, Tianhuang bird's cultivation has reached the limit. As a Tianhuang bird with an excellent lineage of Phoenix, it is not willing to step forward."

Hongshan's eyes fell on Lin Feng, who was restless.

"Where's Xiaobai?" Hong Shan asked again.

"Here, inside the capsule!" Lin Feng's finger a little, a space capsule jumped out of the array in Indonesia. Xiaobai is sleeping quietly in it, but his face is ruddy.

"This boy, will you take this opportunity to be promoted?" Hongshan's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. With a wave of his hand, an attack directly hit the space capsule. The space capsule immediately reflected a layer of milk and white light. After Hongshan's attack reached the top, it was like mud into the sea and there was no movement.

"Turn the power of attack into power to support this thing. Your boy's ability is good!" Hongshan once again threw several attacks, and the capsule ate the attack directly.

Lin Feng smiled.

"If your attack is more powerful, it will not be able to eat your attack."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hongshan just nodded faintly without saying anything.

Lin Feng followed behind Hongshan.

"I don't care about you young people, but boy, you'd better not catch fire. By the way, tianyuniao is in the animal circle in the back mountain, where there are a lot of monsters, but it's still too weak compared with tianyuniao. Why does tianyuniao have the blood of the ancient divine animal Phoenix, which is the best source of nourishment for all fires."

With that, Hong Shan's body disappeared into the night.

The blood of the Phoenix?

He'll get it?

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. It was not so easy for Phoenix to let people release its blood that day. Besides, Qin Yun is still in Qingshan academy!

But since Hong Shan said it, there must be accommodation.

Lin Feng's mind quickly began to follow.

Alice rushed in directly and hugged Lin Feng from behind. "Honey, don't you think I have?"

Lin Feng turned his head and hugged Alice. The two rolled directly together. Compared with sister Tongtong and Yan Ran, Alice was more active and generous in some aspects. With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, the array of the whole courtyard was opened again and couldn't wait to roll with Alice.

The night was just right. There was a faint fluorescent light shining on the courtyard. Two white ketones were fighting between you and me in the middle of the courtyard. Alice's charming voice haunted Lin Feng's ears.

The wind and waves covered one floor after another, and the sound was constantly replayed in the courtyard, adding a touch of color to the whole campus.

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