Seeing the appearance of Tianhuang bird, Lin Feng's eyes blinked. Is it too thin?

"Boy, tell me about your deal!" The deformation of Tianhuang bird is not perfect, especially the huge bird's crown on his head makes Lin Feng feel very funny.

It was originally a pointed and thin head, but there was no hair on the head and a red bird's crown.

"I have seven pills here. Would you like to see them?" With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, Tianhuang bird thought Lin Feng took out a pill and hurriedly opened his mouth to pick it up, but only saw a piece of paper falling in front of Tianhuang bird.

This virtue is very much like Qin Yun.

Lin Feng said silently in his heart that he was blind to the majestic voice.

"Boy, where's the pill?" Seeing the paper, Tianhuang bird didn't look at it and asked directly.

"The pill is on me. Lord tianyuniao, you can't wait. What if you don't admit it later?" Lin Feng stood there smiling and said.

When you look at this bird, you don't have much virtue.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tianhuang bird paused.

"You're still worried that you can't pit this boy. What good pill do you have in your hand that I want to pit?" Tianhuang bird looked at Lin Feng with her eyes sideways, with a bit of disdain in her words.

"Lord tianyuniao is the unique ancient tianyuniao of the host star. This is the closest monster of the Phoenix family. Naturally, Lord tianyuniao is sure to say everything and export it. He won't deceive a boy like me."

Lin Feng smiled and wore a high hat directly on the head of Tianhuang bird.

Of course he disdained to praise the old bird.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tian yuniao turned his eyes on Lin Feng, nodded with satisfaction and said, "you know what you know, and you know what to say to me. Come on, boy, what do you want? Tell me, as long as I have something, I'll meet you!"

Tian yuniao said with a smile, "but the old man's ugly words are ahead. Ordinary pills can't get into my old man's eyes!"

"Of course." Lin Feng still stood there smiling, "since I dare to do business with you, it's great ammunition, otherwise I don't dare to come." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You have a little eyesight, boy!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tianhuang bird nodded, looked at Lin Feng and said, "take out the pill!"

"You always look at the paper first. I've listed the pills on the paper."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tianhuang bird raised her eyebrows and looked up and down at Lin Feng. Lin Feng stood there smiling.

"Boy, you have a smell that I especially dislike." The dragon clan and the Phoenix clan will fight each other as soon as they meet!

Lin Feng felt his nose. He smelled like a dragon. As two natural enemies, Tianhuang bird couldn't like his own.

Lin Feng stood there with a smile.

"Lord tianyuniao, the taste is not important. You'd better take a look at the pill first. If you are satisfied, we can trade!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tianhuang bird's eyes swept around Lin Feng and thought that he was such a weak little guy. How could he have the power to make himself weak? At most, this guy looks a little unpleasant to the birds!

After all, there are many people he doesn't like!

As a Tianhuang bird left over from ancient times, Tianhuang knows that she has many enemies and many people who don't like her. However, the boy's cultivation is low, so he naturally doesn't put it in his heart.

Tianyuniao picked up the paper.

There are seven kinds of pills on the paper. Although they are not high-level, they are very difficult to refine.

Break the ban pill.

Seven Star conversion pill.

Huaxing pill.

Hidden pill

These seven pills are what he needs for promotion!

Good boy!

Tianyuniao turned to look at Lin Feng and his eyes lit up immediately. He didn't expect that Lin Feng had brought seven pills he needed!

This time they came to Castle Peak academy, the main purpose was to get pills, but that old thing was really not a thing, let alone one of the pills. The old man didn't even want to take out the herbs.

Thinking of the old guy's rustling appearance, tianyuniao hates his teeth itching.

Dan Changsheng's cultivation way is different from him. The old guy's cultivation is steadily improving. Naturally, he knows a lot of promotion methods. However, the old guy doesn't want to say a single method!

But now, I can easily see these seven pills!

These are all the pills he needs!

"Good boy, come on, what do you want? I'm in a good mood today. I'm satisfied with you!" Seeing these pills, the look on Tianhuang bird's face immediately became happy.

It's done!

Seeing the sky Phoenix bird holding the paper, Lin Feng smiled and took out a porcelain vase.

"Boy, it's not difficult. This is a pill refined by boy. Please have a look at the effect of the finished product now." Lin Feng smiled and sent the porcelain bottle to Tianhuang bird.

Tianyuniao took a look at the pill, and his eyes immediately widened. He looked up at Lin Feng and said, "all the pills are of this quality?"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Yes, and there are ten pills in each pill, and each pill has reached this superior quality. Lord tianyuniao should know that this pill can't be taken out. What do you think, sir?"

Lin Feng sat there smiling.

Of course... OK.

Tian yuniao nodded, took this pill and played with it.

"You humans still have many differences. This skill will kill me!" The sky Phoenix bird said to Lin Feng with a serious face.

Lin Feng just smiled and stood there waiting for Tianhuang bird to speak.

What he wanted was the blood of tianyuniao. It was far better for him to speak than tianyuniao to speak first. Lin Feng stood there and watched tianyuniao playing with the pill in his hand.

For a long time, Tianhuang bird straightened up and looked at Lin Feng and said, "boy, what do you want?"

"Lord tianyuniao, the boy needs some of your blood."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

The sky Phoenix bird paused for a moment, turned to nod and said, "do you want my blood? How much do you want? I'll give you a bucket. You give me the pill first."

The sky Phoenix bird smiled very calmly.

His body is huge, and a bucket of blood is no more than you.

Hearing Tianhuang bird's words, Lin Feng shook his head. Naturally, what he wanted was not this bucket of blood, even if it was all given to the inflammation of the earth

"Boy, don't your old bucket of blood!" Lin Feng shook his head and looked at Tianhuang bird, his eyes shining with pure light.

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