"What do you want?" Tianyuniao instinctively stepped back. How can he always feel that Lin Feng seems to be asking him for more things. The boy looks very abnormal!

"The boy doesn't want much. Just a little is enough." Lin Feng gestured with his fingernail.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tianhuang bird's careful liver trembled. It was not normal to look at this, especially the cheap smile on Lin Feng's face.

"A drop of blood? It's easy to say! " With that, Tianhuang bird waved his hand and a drop of blood fell in front of Lin Feng.

Tianyuniao's heart was trembling and shaking, but his face was still smiling. He pointed to the blood drop and said, "boy, it's also very good. You are the most considerate old man! I'm optimistic about you. Ha ha, you must be a strong man in the three worlds of people and demons in the future! "

"What I want is a drop of your old blood essence." Lin Feng looked at tianyuniao's eyes and said very seriously, "I believe that tianyuniao's divine bird will not care about a drop of blood essence, will it?"

Lin Feng stood there smiling and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tianhuang bird's body trembled!

Shit, I don't care. It's a drop of blood essence!

A drop of blood essence, that's all baby!

But now from Lin Feng's mouth, it seems that it's not important at all!

It doesn't matter where!

The sky Phoenix hummed and stood there without moving.

"Lord tianyuniao, as long as you like, I'm willing to exchange seven pills with you now. You think, these are seven pills!" Lin Feng looked at Tianhuang bird with a smile and said.

Tianyuniao looked at Lin Feng and felt that the boy was unreliable, but the conditions of the boy were really tempting.

Tianhuang bird looked up and down at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sat there with a smile and let Tianhuang bird look at him.

"I said you boy..." Tianhuang bird paused. "You're not timid. You want to use this pill, which is only xianpin Level 3, in exchange for a drop of my blood essence. Do you think your pill is too important?"

The Phoenix looked at Lin Feng.

"The boy knows what effect the boy's pill has, so he will offer such conditions. Lord tianyuniao, well, isn't he very clear in his heart?" Lin Feng looked at Tianhuang bird with a smile. "We all know whether the boy's pill meets the standard, don't we?" Lin Feng came closer and looked at Tianhuang bird with a smile.

Of course he doesn't believe that Tianhuang bird doesn't move.

Although the level of these seven pills is low, they are definitely superior pills for monsters!

"The boy just needs the blood essence of the fire monster. If Lord tianyuniao doesn't want to, I take these 70 pills into the demon world. I think there must be a lot of people who know that the monster is willing to exchange blood essence with me. What do you say?"

Lin Feng laughs like an old fox!

Tianyuniao stepped back and looked at Lin Feng with her mouth closed.

Nima, this boy came to pit his blood essence. He knew that his left eyelid jumped all day today. It must be nothing good!

However, if it's just like this, he won't be moved by Lin Feng's words. The most important thing is that, as Lin Feng said, although the level of these seven pills is not high, they are all used by monsters. Not all people can prepare these seven pills.

There are seven kinds in this boy's hand!

"Did Dan Changsheng give it to you?" Tianhuang bird looked at Lin Feng and asked.

He thought that only Dan Changsheng, the old immortal, who was half human and half demon, would have such a thing!

"There is a pill called hidden pill, which is an ancient pill formula. Dean Dan is in Qingshan academy all year round. Everyone knows the pill he can refine. Doesn't lord tianhuangniao know it?"

Lin Feng stood there smiling.

Lin Feng's words are very clear, that is, Dan Changsheng can't refine this pill at all!

Since Dan Changsheng cannot be refined, it is Lin Feng's exclusive pill!

"And I also know that these seven pills are more suitable for the promotion of tianyuniao than any other pills, aren't they?" Lin Feng stood there smiling and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Tianhuang bird was silent.

Lin Feng is telling the truth. He has already reached that limit point and should have been promoted long ago. The only reason why he didn't get promoted is that he didn't find a suitable auxiliary baby.

After many years of exploration, tianyuniao can't guarantee that what Lin Feng gives is the best baby for promotion, but as Lin Feng said, this is also the best he can find.

Thinking of this, Tianhuang bird sighed.

He's depressed now!

This boy clearly caught his weakness!

Tianyuniao looked at Lin Feng silently. Lin Feng was sitting there with a gentle smile on his face. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, tianyuniao paused and looked at Lin Feng with a bit of strangeness.

"Boy, how did you know?"

"How do I know? I don't need you to worry about it, but I can tell you for sure that this is the best promotion method I know." Lin Feng smiled like an old fox.

Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, tianyuniao always feels that this boy is not so simple, but the reality is in front of him. The pill he needs most is waving at him!


Isn't it just a drop of blood essence?

As soon as Tianhuang bird bit his teeth and waved his hand, a drop of blood glittering with colorful light slowly flew out of Tianhuang bird's mouth and fell in front of Lin Feng, yi8gu frightening power spinning around.

"Boy, I explained in advance that my blood essence, after so many years, the only successful girl is Shuangshuang girl..."

Before tianyuniao's words were finished, Lin Feng suddenly burst into a faint white light, and the inflammation of the earth swallowed tianyuniao's blood.

This is... Raising a little inflammation of the earth's heart with his blood essence?

Is this too... Too... Extravagant?

Tianyuniao couldn't help swallowing his saliva and looking at Lin Feng. This boy is so rich that he even gave a little tianyuniao his blood essence. This... This is!

The sky Phoenix bird stared round.

"I said, is your boy a little extravagant? Although my blood essence can't compare with the blood essence of the real dragon, Phoenix and rosefinch, it's also one of the best blood essence on the road. Just take it and feed it to a level of inflammation in the center of the earth that can't keep up?"

Tianhuang bird turned to look at Lin Feng with an unbelievable face.

Lin Feng smiled, put away the inflammation in the center of the earth, and respectfully hugged tianyuniao and said:

"My Lord is serious. The inflammation of the earth has been following me. For me, he is more important than any baby!"

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