Lin Feng's Adam's Apple moved and put Alice down.

"There's something else. I'll tell you when it's handled. How about it?" Lin Feng looked down at Alice, his fingers trembled, directly clasped Alice's neck and left his mark on her neck.

"Annoying!" Alice rolled her eyes, but still nestled in Lin Feng's arms.

Lin Feng smiled, put on his clothes and closed the array. The spotted giant cow outside immediately looked at Lin Feng.

"Let's keep going." Lin Feng jumps onto the spotted giant cow headed by Lin Feng. Alice snuggles up to Lin Feng. The spotted giant cow runs again.

They are used to running like this. They often run from one place to another and return to another place.

On the other side, Zhao Qingluo is running to the East.

This is the address grandpa told her.

Grandpa said that as long as she walked to the East, she could see Lin Feng. No matter what she saw, as long as she saw Lin Feng, she would get more secrets.

Zhao Qingluo believed in Grandpa.

All the way East, Zhao Qingluo's mind always pays attention to her surroundings. She is looking for Xiaobai.

The wind passed by Zhao Qingluo. Zhao Qingluo felt the sound of huge footsteps in the distance. Stop. Zhao Qingluo looked over there, and a group of spotted giant cattle were driving here.

In front of the spotted bull sat a pair of people.

Lin Feng?

Zhao Qing fell on Lin Feng's face, frowned and fell on Alice's face.

Alice's facial features are so characteristic that when she saw Alice, Zhao Qingluo's heart pounded. Isn't this woman from Tianhuang academy? There is only Qin Shuangshuang in Tianhuang Academy. How can there be an Alice?

"Here comes our friend!" Lin Feng smiled, waved his hand, and a spirit training fell directly in front of Zhao Qingluo.

The spotted bull agitated.

"Don't worry, this girl is my partner. We're together." Lin Feng said with a smile. Zhao Qingluo fell on one of them along Lin Feng's spiritual strength, and looked up at Lin Feng.

"Who is she?" Zhao Qingluo's eyes fell on Alice.

"This is my wife Alice, Alice. This is Xiao Bai's little lover Zhao Qingluo." Lin Feng introduced the two people with a smile. Zhao Qingluo's eyes suddenly stared round.

"Is she really your wife?" Zhao Qingluo's eyes were unbelievable, "why did you put your wife outside?"

"She likes it. I have no right to interfere in their affairs." Lin Feng shrugged and said helplessly.

Zhao Qingluo looked at Lin Feng like a madman. There were so many secrets about this guy. He didn't expect that there would be so many people around Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is really a madman.

"Hello, my name is Alice. I heard Lin Feng talk about you. You look much more beautiful than Lin Feng said." Alice held out her hand to Zhao Qingluo. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too." Zhao Qingluo paused and said softly, "my name is Zhao Qingluo. I'm Xiaobai's wife."

Promoted so soon?

Lin Feng put his eyes on Zhao Qingluo and looked up and down at Zhao Qingluo. Zhao Qingluo's face was slightly ruddy.

"Have you done what I told you earlier?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

"We all did as you said, but all the recent students went to various points according to what my grandfather said. Those places were marked by our students in earlier years."

Zhao Qingluo nodded and said softly, "we will find and contain Qin Shuangshuang in the fastest time."

Lin Feng nodded and smiled, completely harmless to humans and animals.

Zhao Qingluo's eyes rested on Alice.

"Don't look at me. I'll do whatever Lin Feng does. I won't do anything else!" Alice said with a smile, "that woman is like that. I have no mind."

Alice's words were dismissive.

Obviously, Qin Shuangshuang has offended Alice a lot. Alice's character is upright and can offend Alice like this. That woman is also a troublemaker.

"Where shall we go now?" Zhao Qingluo looked at Lin Feng.

"Follow these spotted giant cattle. Do you and Xiaobai have an appointment? If so, let's pick up Xiaobai now. " Lin Feng turned and looked at Zhao Qingluo.

"Xiaobai and I agreed to go all the way East. Even if we can't meet halfway, we will meet in the East." Zhao Qingluo bit his lips slightly and said softly. He looked at Alice lying in Lin Feng's arms for several times.

Thinking of Xiaobai's dull appearance, Zhao Qingluo only felt that his heart was seriously obstructed.

"Yun Luoying's woman also came in, but this time, the woman went with Qin Shuangshuang. It seems that the two women are allied." Zhao Qingluo suddenly whispered, "I remember yunluoying and brother Lin have a feud. You should pay attention!"

"That woman is not enough to keep me in mind." Lin Feng waved his hand and looked ahead. The spotted giant cow at his feet accelerated and rushed to the front.

Lin Feng's heart trembled!

It's the feeling of dragon blood!

There is dragon blood here!

Lin Feng couldn't help standing up straight. His eyes looked forward to looking ahead. No one could take away his dragon blood!

"What's the matter?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Alice turned to look at Lin Feng with worry in her eyes and asked softly.

"That's it. I've felt it." Lin Feng said softly, with a smile on his face. The whole person was relieved. Every Dragon blood was hard won.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Alice also breathed a sigh of relief. She held Lin Feng's hand tightly and looked ahead with beautiful eyes.

"Now, we are finally looking forward to the end." Alice turned to look at Lin Feng and said softly.

"Well, it's not easy to walk over." Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the front with some expectation in his eyes. He had been cheated by the Dean before. Perhaps everyone expected that there was not a map of the Dragon tomb in Qingshan academy, but a dragon tomb in it!

Dean... It's really a good job of confidentiality!

Lin Feng looked at the front, rubbing his hands constantly, and his face was a little eager to try.

At this time, a white figure in the sky ran directly towards this side.

"Is Xiaobai a pig?" Lin Feng turned to look at Zhao Qingluo and asked.

Zhao Qingluo's mouth twitched for a moment. He looked at the front and didn't speak, but the long sword was across his chest. In front, behind Xiaobai, a huge Titan was following him. The Titan directly chased Xiaobai.

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